Thursday, August 21, 2014


A series of stories.....

On the Road to Sedona, Arizona.....With Much Anticipation!! seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Anticipation the hope that spreads throughout our body and sends silent tremors from the brain down our arms and legs to our fingertips and lowly toes until the power that surges through us reaches its pinnacle and climaxes into a brilliant crescendo of sound...colors...and textures!  Like a frosty morn waiting for the warmth of sunrise, we, humans, shiver in the non-light of dawn's chilling embrace while crouching in a near fetal position, naked to the world, exposed to the elements and completely vulnerable...unprotected...and waiting, waiting for the morning sun to penetrate our mortal souls.  With the light, our hope becomes real.  With the bird's song, our hearts sing.  With the morning breeze kissing our lips, we clothe our nakedness in expectations, great or ordinary, looking forward to what this bright, new day has to offer.

Being human...we can, in turn, make our way through the discordant notes of imagined or real foreboding, presentment, until the feeling of discontent looms right above our heads like a menacing, black cartoon cloud surely capable of precluding brighter prospects.  Some days are better than others.  Other days, we are confronted by certain scenarios that may negatively 'set-us-off' allowing our inner demons to take charge of our physical and mental functions until we no longer have a voice...and, our options have diminished.  Sadness.  Despondency.  Yet, a dull ache openly anticipated by many without full comprehension of reason or why.  Can the prospect of personal dysfunction lull the mind into a state of adverse comfort with its cold, inimical voice singing acidic words deep within melodies composed of beating drums leading funeral marches to the grave?  Some of us sit by, uncomfortably, on the sidelines without knowledge or reasoning behind such personal conflict and continue to fail to assist or understand...shame, denial.

Remember the written words of Mr. Alexander Pope in his Essay on Man, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast," and extract from these words what you will...what brings for you "the soul's calm sunshine" and the idea that each one of us can achieve true human happiness while on this earth.  Oh, to remain open minded and receptive of this concept every day of our lives would truly be a goal worth its weight in gold and as priceless as the newborn infant entering naked into a world of the unknown....a clean palette of hope and possibility!  May this child grow strong and healthy, hear and feel the firework's gut-wrenching 'Boom' and witness the majestic spray of glittering and colorful glory high above as new ideas sparkle and swirl slowly down around him.  Humans are adaptable and the blinding rains that cover us in doubt one day turn into rays of sunshine that calm our fears and self-doubts tomorrow.

Carly Simon's second album, Anticipation, released in November of 1971, is an explosive reminder that innocence of mind, purity of heart and the promise of new love can become a 'tour de force,' a breath of fresh air to those of us who might have forgotten that passion is the true ruler of man, not, necessarily, reason...

Author's Note: Anticipation is waiting to hug and kiss your beautiful daughter and two adorable grandchildren at the airport in just a few more hours time.  Wow, I am so excited to have them here....even if for only one week!!!

Copyright © 2014 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved