Thursday, August 28, 2014




A series of short stories..... seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

This past week has been a whirlwind of activity.  Ali, Brenna and Gavin have just left on their flight back to Michigan (which they almost missed due to a police blockade on the Lake Jessup Bridge) and, Dan just called to tell me he nearly met head-on with a deer on the 417 heading into work.  I'm sitting back at home missing everybody.....

Pretty Happy Looking for a 6:30 AM Flight

It's difficult to feel so complete for a random amount of time only to experience such loneliness in a matter of a few minutes.  Ali sent a picture of the three of them all snug in their seats before take-off and I took a selfie of Papa and myself and sent it to them at the same time!! 

Three Pairs of Shoes.....Missing!

Now I sit here sipping my much needed cup of coffee thinking about all of the fun activities we all enjoyed this past week while, in turn,  anticipating our next visit to Michigan in six weeks when our niece, Caitlin, is getting married.  I can wait a mere six weeks to see all of my children......can't I?

Thank You, Jack and Linda.  Dinner was fun!!

There is something quite surreal about sharing intimate space with loved ones all the while knowing that it will abruptly come to an end with a plane ride scheduled just down the road.  You squeeze every last drop of sunshine out of each moment together and savor the memories as though they were sparkling, precious jewels.....which they are.  Golden sequences of opportunity to reflect back on during this time when placing them on that plane tears you apart and the echoes of their laughter and sweet giggles still ring in your ears.

Anticipating the SunRail Train
Gavin enjoyed his first train ride as we traveled on the SunRail line between Lake Mary and Winter Park.  He loves his trains!  Brenna went swimming once, twice and, often, three times a day all week long.  She has been our 'water baby' forever!  Ali met with friends from her 'Old Disney Days' for dinner and a quick catch-up on life's progression since last year.  Papa and I went with the flow, administered a multitude of kisses and hugs and tried not to think about the swift passage of time.

Gavin and Brenna at Winter Park Station

Water Babies at Play......


Loved The Bear in Winter Park!!!

Since time waits for no one....we have thoroughly enjoyed what little of it we've had together, creating those golden memories and now having  to move on.  I understand.  I don't always like it but, I understand.  Brenna begins second grade next Tuesday.  Unimaginable!  I recall every detail of my own girls starting second grade and now, we have granddaughters in second and first grades!  Tomorrow a beautiful friend, Eliane Closset, will celebrate her Birthday at her home in Belgium.  Return safely for your next visit to Florida in October, Eliane.  I am 'impatiently' waiting to see you once again et, Bon Anniversaire!  I will be re-entering the world of social media and resuming my regular writing schedule.....which was seriously abbreviated during the past week. 

Choosing A Movie For The Flight Home

I must creatively smooth-back the edges of my life, transform the 'extra special' back into the norm and elude the whirlwind vortex of actions and emotions for a little while.  Keeping life in perspective is such a beautiful and important thing.

Helping Papa Unload The Car

Right now, I must think about remaking the beds, picking-up the pool toys, washing a load of beach towels and consider what to make for a dinner for two....    

Safe travel, My Loves!  Papa and I will see you soon!

Grandma and Papa

Copyright © 2014 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved