Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 A Personal Tribute To A Special Friend...

Dan's Chalk Drawing of Brulee Dated Early 2001

Was it just yesterday morning when time stopped as we have known it for the past fourteen years?  Yes.....

I am suspended within a transparent bubble filled with my own salty tears and supported by the undissolved particles of loss...grief...despair. 

Outside of this bubble the world resembles a Dali dream scape complete with melting clocks and swarming ants where The Persistence of Memory is beating, beating, beating its chorus into my saddened heart.

A well-intentioned gift from Family designed to fill yet another void, this furry, black and white creature bore into my soul upon first sight.  With 'Baby' nails clicking along pink porcelain tiles and sharp, tiny teeth shredding hems of jeans....he opened the 'heart door' and slammed it firmly shut behind him!

Weekend powwow provided his name when our youngest combined my Francophile tendencies with his stark coloring of black and white.  So, Crème Brûlée, he was christened, Bru, for short; Mr. Brûlée, when I seriously required his immediate attention...

Funny how the smallest details rise to the surface: Holding him tight when they drew his blood at the Vet's; watching him interact for the first time with our grandchildren; chasing him around the family room couch until he would stop, turn and chase us within a hail of laughter and heavy breathing on our part...

Brûlée, our Florida Child, shaking in wonder when discovering ice and snow for the very first time. I don't believe he felt comfortable traversing this crystalline landscape.....ever!  Perhaps he just sympathized with his human parents?

He need not worry!  The tiny lizards he loved to hunt and prey on for hours within the heat of an Orlando afternoon, existed for his pleasure....or, so he believed.  Even with their tiny tails eradicated by their furry hunter, these miniature beasts survived to live another day!

I could go on and on and on.... 

For now, we will jump into our 'well of grief' and slide beneath the leaf-laden surface until body and soul can be purged and cleansed by the saturating and healing waters.  After we have allowed our bodies to sink to its very depth, a world of pebbles and silt, only then can we reverse our course and begin to rise to a brighter surface.

As echoes of his paw steps ring in our ears today and memories of his short, wagging tail brighten tomorrow's horizon, we will arise from the well, dry ourselves off in the Floridian sunshine and concentrate on the future.....

That adorable little face and fourteen years of amazing memories with Brûlée by our side will help us smile again, reflect, aid during this grief and, hopefully, guide us full circle into the healing warmth we need so much to find.

Thank you, Mr. Brûlée!  It was a helluva ride!  ❤    

Dated: Monday, September 22, 2014

Best Gift Ever...!  Best Friend, Always...!

Copyright © 2014 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved