Thursday, October 9, 2014


 A series of essays.....

The Art of Downtown Waynesville, North Carolina seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Her name is Kaye Matthews, a classically beautiful lady with a kind face, soft eyes and a smile as wide and charming as the State of North Carolina itself!  We had never met before.....until fate brought us together one crisp, sunny morning while walking in downtown Waynesville.....oh, just last Saturday!



Our Land.....Fairytale Setting
Last time, Dear Reader, I wrote about time shifting in the mists, changing shapes like a spirit holding your hand, guiding you along its dreamlike path.  The only other place on earth  we have ever experienced this magical enchantment was in Ireland.  The allure of both Western North Carolina and Ireland can be found in their extreme beauty!  The kind of beauty that clutches at your heart and squeezes it affectionately until it literally begins to take your breath away.  I often compare this feeling with the act of looking at my grandchildren's faces and wishing to breathe their very existence into my soul as though they consisted of sweet vapor created as an elixir guaranteed to enchant me forever!

Do you have children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews?  Ah, then you do know what I am talking about....

Arriving at our motel quite late Friday night inhibited us from doing anything more than sleep.  Judging by the six handsome Harley-Davidson bikes arranged like black swans swimming side-by-side and frozen in time in the parking lot, we assumed we'd be serenaded by their revved-up engines early in the morning.  And, we were not disappointed!  However, with the glorious sun just beginning to peek-out over the mountaintop to the east, we were more then ready to begin the day. 

Most mornings consist of the partaking of a hardy breakfast at Joey's Pancake House established in 1966 by its founders, Joey and Brenda O'Keefe.  It has become the favorite breakfast stop for the locals and visitors of Maggie Valley alike.  Okay, the sweet potato pancakes are awesome and among some of the best I've ever eaten!  When in town, meet at Joey's for breakfast!  We never fail to take a picture of one of us outside at the foot of their famous sign as traffic whizzes by on Soco Road, Highway 19, just a few feet away.  Who said we were slaves to tradition?

Driving from Maggie Valley into Waynesville, a few minutes away, is like coming home for Dan and me.  Navigating Main Street is the equivalent of shrugging off your favorite coat and walking boots knowing that soon you will be bathed in the warmth of a crackling fire, feet up and facing the comfort and solidity of the heart of the home.  Here, the locals always smile and treat you as though you were an old friend.

Dan Inside Mast General Store

Parking the car in front of the Mast General Store, known for their "Quality Goods, Fair Prices & Old-fashioned Friendly Service," since 1883, of course, we went inside!  I had to pick-up some goodies to take up to our grandchildren in a few weeks for Halloween!  While choosing loose candy in the lower level of the store from old oaken barrels and placing them in tiny baskets, eventually purchased by final weight count, we were serenaded by the ancient floorboards high above our heads.  As the customers on the main floor went about their quests for that perfect woolen sweater or gift to bring back for a loved one, their many footsteps constantly marked a frantic rhythm that carried it's melodic echo down to all of us below. 

Another very special treat is walking down into The Classic Wine Seller located on Church Street and just around the corner from the Mast General Store.  Proprietors, Richard and Kay Miller, are more than happy to share their passion for wine, beer, food and live music with their guests.  To our great pleasure, since our last visit, they had opened-up the original 'wine storage' area and transformed it into a brick & oak wine bistro that would delight and challenge the most seasoned gourmand on any given day!  Now, set all of this to live music each Friday and Saturday night have a winner!

Walking back up to street level, Dan and I realized that, essentially, we had been walking down Memory Lane for the past hour or so.  Subconsciously, were we avoiding the inevitable?

Stepping Stones Into Our Future
Scooting across the street and passing the local bakery as swiftly as possible, we found ourselves standing statuesque in front of Re/Max Mountain Realty.  With heads held high and hearts in our throats....we opened the tall, glass door and entered with only minor trepidation.  Strange....  After all of the dreams, hopes and beliefs we had carried around in our hearts like stepping stones into our future, they were about to tumble and fragment into dust after nine years. 

Are you ever truly prepared for such life changing decisions?

Kaye and Dan Discussing Strategy?

"Hello," she said, and introduced herself as Kaye....Kaye Matthews.  She was a classically beautiful lady with a kind face, soft eyes and a smile as wide and charming as the state of North Carolina itself!  We had never met before that moment and, already we knew we were in strong, caring and capable hands. just know.

For the first time that weekend we were able to make the short trip we'd been avoiding up to Cansadie Top Mountain, Lot #26, Glens of Iron Duff.....our personal 'slice of heaven.'  It was beautiful!  Kaye followed us up in her car.  The air was as crisp as the very first bite of a shiny, red apple even though the sun bathed us in its golden light and plied us with its false promises of genuine warmth. 

Bear Vista Trail and Property
I do believe the three of us stayed warm due to the surrounding beauty, as well as the lively conversation, uninhibited laughter and the mutual sharing of thoughts and experiences.  Discovering our commonalities brought on more least until our teeth were doing the very same thing!  We learned later that the overnight temperatures would bring the area's first bona fide frost.  Sitting here now, I can't help but think about how that frost assisted in encouraging the intensity of fall colors the people there must be enjoying today!

Eventually, Kaye proceeded down the mountain and home.  Dan and I lingered for a little while longer as we reflected on so many things.  This spot is where we had dreamt of seeing our grandchildren romp and play among the trees while helping Papa collect firewood; where we would enjoy our morning coffee on the front porch overlooking the valley below; where we would decorate several Christmas trees freshly cut at Boyd's Tree Farm just on the other side of Cansadie Top; where family and friends would gather for amazing meals lovingly prepared and served at our long, wooden table we had acquired several years ago just for this purpose....

Natural Beauty At Its Very Best

And, where we would grow even older together, Dan and I, while enjoying every peaceful moment of each and every day.

I have always contended that this crazy and incredulous life brings with it twists and turns you could only imagine in your wildest dreams.  It takes each and every one of us on a rocking roller coaster ride all the way to the inevitable end.  In the meantime, how you choose to ride that coaster, feeling-out each curve with dignity and grace or, rigidly bracing yourself against everything negative, is what will determine your path in this life.

Brulee Hughes
We did a lot of serious soul searching several weeks ago when our beloved friend and companion of fourteen years passed away.  Brûlée, our sweet Cocker Spaniel, believed and trusted in us for everything.  What he gave back to us was his friendship and unconditional love.  Since saying good-bye, we've decided to trust in our ability to believe in a realistic and solid future with family and friends around us for love and support.  As we cautiously proceed along the next turn, we are keeping a positive attitude and an open-minded approach to anything and everything.

Our journey into the future is far from settled.  However, by listing our land on Cansadie Top this past weekend, we've taken the first wobbly steps, as most children learn to do, before walking steadily on our own. 

Sunny Fern

Maybe it was the cool, crisp air or the anticipation of the riotous reds, oranges and yellows soon to pop madly across the beautiful Western North Carolina mountains but, whatever it was, it's certain that along with change enters a peaceful period of life with the fundamental truth that  new life and fresh starts are to follow.

View From Road At Bottom of Property

Copyright © 2014 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved