Thursday, October 30, 2014


A series of essays.....

Fireball Sinking Into The Horizon seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

"Gwandma, Grandma, Gamma......I love you!" floated across the cavernous space of the airport as the sound of small, sneaker-clad feet bounded rhythmically across the cold, cement floor. 

Funny how time has a way of seamlessly slipping away, dispersing its holy 'granules of life' throughout the autumn landscape.

For ten days of my life I mingled with family and long, lost friends in a place that existed long, long ago and far, far away.  My mind recalls teenage dates, walking hand-in-hand in Bronson Park, eating post-movie meals at fast food places along South Westnedge Avenue before heading home to Three Rivers.  Now, my children inhabit this place of my youth and I visit Kalamazoo, Michigan for very different reasons.

Last Glimpse

The precious endearments floating up to my ears at this moment emanate from Brenna and Gavin.  They have accompanied me and their parents to the Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids to see me off on my flight back to Orlando where their Papa will be waiting to drive me home.  It's been an interesting week for me....chock-full of revelations!  But, another time and story for you....a bit later.

"Ma'am, please collect all of your belongings and follow me over to this table, please."  I knew I shouldn't have brought that can of Healthy Valley organic lentil soup back in my carry-on!!  Sure enough, 'the can' was his targeted item.  After shaking it, swabbing it for negative residues, shaking it again and, finally excusing himself to have a petite chat with his supervisor....I was given possession of the soup once more.  Yeah, a lunch for the following week had not been confiscated!

I have often sat at Gate A3 awaiting my Allegiant flight to the Sanford Airport.  And, I am positive there will be many more times for me sitting at this Gate in the future.  We've flown Allegiant, a direct two hour plus flight from Michigan back to Florida, so often that I affectionately call it my 'bus ride' home.  When it is a smooth ride and I have a good book in hand, I can almost blink and the wheels are touching down onto the Sanford tarmac. 

Blue So Bright.....!

Like a small child, I always prefer the scenic luxury of a window seat.  Judging by the clear, blue sky and the promise of beautiful weather, my particular window would be facing an autumn sunset soon to appear across the vast horizon.  I was delighted by this prospect. 

Navigating the corrugated bumps and turns of the jet bridge leading out to our plane, I stopped for just a moment, placed my flattened right hand on the outside of the plane just to the right of the door, silently recited a 'little prayer' to my angels and proceeded to push my meager belongings up into the craft to take my seat. 

"You have your own little ritual when it comes to flying, don't you?" she asked, looking straight into my eyes.  Surrounded by anywhere from four crew members, including the pilot, and boarding passengers ahead of and behind me, I looked-up into her startling green eyes as she stood planted between cockpit and galley.  Looking back over my shoulder at her, the 'moment' resembled a movie scene where the camera pulls back from above the action creating a 'fish bowl' effect and the main character is highlighted by an aura of bright light.

Seldom one to stammer or stumble over my words.....there I was, a bumbling fool attempting a response. 

" me..touch..touch the plane?" 

"Oh, yes," she replied.  "And, I understood immediately what you were doing.  I watch and listen...."

(I kid you not....people, and this all confused me because I began doing this little ritual my very first commercial airline flight as a young teenager! This was the first time ANYONE has ever said anything to me about it!)

" are the only one who has ever...ever seen me do it!" I squeaked with my neck still turned at an odd angle looking at her enlightened face. 

Never missing a beat or taking her gaze away from mine she said, "Not necessarily, however, I might be the only one who has ever mentioned it to you before." 

As the camera lens zoomed back in and her aura dissipated, her smile spread wide across her pretty face.  She raised two fingers of her right hand in an apparent 'peace symbol V' formation and then slowly turned her wrist bringing her fingers in line with her own eyes.  With a quick turn of her wrist, she aimed her fingertips in my direction saying, "I am watching and I see everything....that is what I do.  That is my job....!"

As the momentum of my fellow boarding passengers carried me further down the aisle, I looked back one last time to see the flight attendant happily into her 'meet and greet' with those behind me.

Hoisting my little, purple suitcase above Row 15 and taking my seat by the window, I wasn't sure if I'd just experienced a highly spiritual encounter with supernatural forces affecting my soul.  Or, if this was the work of a tiny prankster who was either getting into her Halloween mode or practicing for future employment with Southwest Airlines!!  What I did realize was that this petite employee of Allegiant Airlines called me out on a private ceremony I'd been performing for years.  She was not malicious or cruel...rather, honest and forthright about it.  Whatever the explanation, this occurrence really blew me away!

Stowing my purse below the seat in front of me and buckling-up for the flight, my seat mate and I greeted each other, acknowledged one another's reading material with a mutual nod as she kindly inquired if I would like my overhead light turned-on, as well.  Nestling back in a feeble attempt to find comfort in an airline seat, I couldn't help but notice the aged gentleman seated in the center seat in front of us, 14E.  Due to our close proximity and the open angled line of view afforded me, I could see that he was old, cantankerous and, after listening to the conversation with his wife/companion seated directly in front of me....I concluded that he might be suffering with dementia. 

"Where are we now?" he wailed like a young child.  Patting his hand, she responded, "Grand Rapids." 

"What??  When will this thing take-off?  I'm tired of sitting here doing nothing!"

With the patience of a saint, the woman continued to pat his hand until she gave it a gentle squeeze while resting it comfortably on top if his.  He calmed down immediately and settled back, eyes closed.

Picture Courtesy of Greg Spurgeon

Within a few minutes our plane was airborne and we were surrounded by a clear blue sky the shade of peace, serenity, infinity and spirituality itself!  This vision of calmness personified soon took on an ethereal quality, as well when the setting sun, ablaze with shades of gold, bright tangerine and red, pierced the horizon and set the world outside of the small, square window on fire!  As the 'fireball' swiftly sank out of sight, the intensity of color deepened affording all of us fortunate enough to be seated on the right side of the plane a panoramic view of brightening stars along with a crescent-shaped moon dangling within a blanket of deep, deep blue...!  The shade of blue that evokes a deep-seeded feeling of trust, dignity and super intelligence.

The entire world around me was changing, ebbing and flowing like a crystal blue river dancing in the moonlight.  It was enchanting and we sat totally mesmerized by God's ultimate light show in the heavens.  Yes, thirty-three thousand feet above everything else near and dear to me, I had been capturing moments of this spectacle with my smart phone, hoping to be able to relive it all again but knowing that this was an event only the naked eye and an open heart could truly retain.

Certainly my green-eyed flight attendant must have been keeping her attentive watch on all of us in that plane....after all, that was her job!  If so, I never thought much about it and subconsciously relied upon her diligence and work ethics the whole flight.  Looking for her later as we debarked from the plane, she was nowhere to be found.  Curious...

An Ethereal Quality

Isn't that what Love is all about?  It's not that we take it for granted or fail to work hard in order to achieve it but, when we finally feel comfortable with it, green eyes watching closely or a blanket of blue studded with sparkling stars and a crescent moon above....we allow the Love to wash over us with little to no resistance.

My friend in 14E had closed his eyes early on and slept as his loving companion continued to shelter him with the touch of her hand on his.  Was this the Love we all hope for and seek out within our lifetime?  Someone to be there and appreciate us no matter what travails we both face along the way?

Beauty Framed By The Plane's Window

My two hour 'bus ride' could not have been more interesting or enlightening.  There was so much to think about, ponder and question as our plane began its decent towards the miniature, man-made, twinkling lights and our final destination.  I had been surrounded by so much Love displayed in so many ways all day long beginning with my grandchildren's hugs and kisses, to the dedicated flight attendant, God's spectacular light show, and the loving couple in Row 14.  I enjoyed the solace in knowing that soon I would be welcomed, after a seven day separation, back into my husband's loving arms!

Mr. 14E had finally awoken from his temporary 'escape' into the world of dreams.  Slowly turning towards his companion, he gently placed his large hand upon hers for a change and, with a calm smile on his face, he asked, "Are we home now?"

Courage and Best of Luck to Everyone in November!!!

Copyright © 2014 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved