Thursday, November 20, 2014
Captured on my iPhone..... seen through my eyes!
By: Jacqueline E. Hughes
Number 1 in a series
Dear Reader,
Every now and then I like to go back through some of the pictures I have taken throughout the year with the idea of understanding why they were taken in the first place. The above picture is a prime example. However, Dear Reader, I request your help with this new endeavor, enterprise, undertaking of mine....and, I'll get to this a bit later on.
Now, I suggest you enlarge the above photo and zoom in as close as possible on these four individuals. That's right.....close. We are looking at a daughter and mother sitting side-by-side and a middle-aged, married couple, allowing a bit more space between one another, sitting and waiting for something to happen and, hopefully, something more exciting than all four of them combined!!
The above scene, taken on June 6, 2014, was captured in the foyer of the chain restaurant TGI Fridays, located at Waterford Lakes on the east side of Orlando, Florida. As we all know, this scene is becoming more typical everywhere you look as technology becomes notably embraced by everyone!
My husband and I had recently started the demolition required in our outdated kitchen and, with life in turmoil, hunger calling, we went out for a burger on a Saturday afternoon. Orlando Saturdays can be jammed and packed with wall-to-wall people. This day was no exception. We needed a respite from rehab and our tummies filled and waiting a short time for this to happen was no problem at all.
Considering that talking with and watching people are two of my favorite hobbies, we utilized this downtime to unwind, exchange stories about 'the kids' up in Michigan and strategize about using our time productively the rest of the weekend. Dan and I had experienced the 'weekend warrior' routine two years before when remodeling our master bathroom and knew how important following a plan would be.
The foyer of the restaurant was comparatively small, just big enough to allow several people to escape a summer shower, if need be. The six of us occupying this enclosed, hollowed space created an unusual feeling of quietness after a few minutes. As we sat comparing notes in whispered tones on our side of the space, it was apparent that silence prevailed on the opposite side.
# Texting a Friend
# Checking Messages
# Checking Game Scores
# Deleting Unnecessary Emails
Absolute quiet. With silent keyboards, there wasn't even the sound of 'clicking' to stir-up the atmosphere. Were we witnessing a complete disregard for the unique enjoyment of interacting with those physically nearby? Exchanging human contact with cyber interfacing instead? With minds compartmentalized by their own devices, literally, mother and daughter, husband and wife, sat silently, deep within their private worlds.....for quite some time.
Slowly lifting my iPhone in order to capture this shot, I was fearful of disturbing one of them or, embarrassing myself by being so blatant and obvious about taking their picture. I was only kidding myself because my precautionary intent towards their privacy was totally lost on all four of them! Not an eye was blinked nor an eyebrow raised in the making of this photo!
Then I began picking-up on the specific body language among my subjects. All four faces were without expression with lips straight, eyes downcast and seemingly closed. The old adage of if you cross your arms over your torso it's as though you are silently protecting yourself from negative vibes or words tossed at you by others definitely applied here. Something was 'crossed' on each one of them....with mother and daughter sporting the more painful 'leg-over-leg' position and my 'Billy Joel lookalike' and avid sports enthusiast and his wife a bit less cautious with their ankles only modestly crossed.
Suddenly, sharp, little red lights began to pierce the moment sending silent waves of color up the back of the cool, black Naugahyde bench. Billy Joel and his quiet better-half were being summoned...not by a human voice, but by a small, square device equipped with red running lights, no sounds attached. Like robots preprogrammed to respond (Pavlov would have enjoyed this conditioned reflex), the couple silently entered the restaurant to be seated, slipping side-by-side between the oversized, double glass doors. I could only hope that their Internet reception proved even better once inside or, with any luck, an actual conversation would engage between them while eating lunch!!
Not surprisingly, my mother/daughter team failed to even look up when 'married couple' exited the foyer. I don't know what happened next with them because Dan and I were being summoned to be seated by the flashing red lights right on the heels of 'married couple.'
Progress is always a good thing as its definition suggests....moving forward; development or growth. When progress impedes the eye-to-eye, personal relationship and communication between human beings then, at least in my opinion, it's moving us in the wrong direction.....backwards!
This is where you come in, Dear Reader.....
*I need you to help me caption my photo above. The caption does not have to reflect my opinions from this story. It's all about YOU! Please leave your captions in the comments below on this Facebook post. The caption with the most "Likes" will caption my photo!
**My Google+ and Twitter Followers are urged to participate, as well, at each of these sites.....!
*Do you believe that people are losing the ability to speak comfortably face-to-face?
*Physicians are finding a new syndrome characterized by our constant use of technological devices that can harm our spinal chords and cause chronic pain. Do you agree or disagree with this finding? Please state your reasons why or why not.
*Would you consider giving-up all of your 'tech devices' for a 24 hour period? (This includes ALL video game consoles, my friend!)
Thank you for all your help and feedback because I really do appreciate it!
Copyright © 2014 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved