Thursday, February 26, 2015


 A series of essays..... seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

In the not too distant past, we would initially learn more about people from the outside-in, evaluating them by physical appearance, verbal communication and moving on (or not) from there.  Today, we often begin relationships from the inside-out instead.  Is it possible to become close to others yet never having set eyes on them first?  Blame it (or not) on the influence of Social Media.....

The funny part is.....I'm not sure this is always a bad thing.

No matter what anyone says to the contrary, we choose our 'friends' when it comes to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so on.....  I am picky and, even though I am in the business of 'selling myself' (Clearly I am referencing here what I write!!), the option of Liking, Adding or Following another human being via social media is our personal choice to make.  And, the handy-dandy 'delete' button is there at our disposal when needed; a built-in fail-safe mechanism.

There will always be those who do not follow a give-and-take procedure when choosing friends on social media and the exception proves the rule in this case.  Being the most popular kid on the block is always a tantalizing goal when it comes to our ego.  I won't even try to deny that.  And, I do put myself out there at times in order to attract readers who might be interested in my writing.  (I have never sold my soul....thought about it a few times, though.  Does this count?) 

I believe that when we click-on to social media we are souls seeking approval, common ground and acceptance of those we call our Friends and Followers.  We want these friends to like and approve the same things we value so much in life.  It helps to make life easier.  Religion, politics, art, family, music, food choices and recipes, dog-lover or cat-lover.....we soak it all up like a sponge and often value their opinions over our own flesh-and-blood acquaintances. 

Why?  I have my own opinions.  See if you agree with some of them as they are introduced throughout my story.

Image source:

Humans seek-out approval, as I mentioned before.  What better way to believe that we are doing something right as when we see that 'notification circle' shaded in red at the top of the page knowing that someone has, at least, acknowledged your existence and, maybe even, agreed with something you said or 'shared.'  Odds are, naturally, that others might be disagreeing with you and commenting on your post to this effect.  Personally, I welcome this.  Perhaps it's because I was on my high school debate team but, I enjoy sparking opposing opinions as long as they are introduced with intelligence, 'good taste' and all words are spelled correctly!!!  Just saying....

Considering 'like minds' and all of that, even with cyber relationships, our loyalties drift towards those who have similar beliefs to our own. We are looking for sounding-boards for our personal thoughts and ideas.  If others fail to listen to what we have to say at school, home or in the office, our cyber friends just might!  Again, this is not always a bad thing.  Having a 'listening ear' all your own is a positive and often comforting scenario, as long as we understand that all we will receive is just that....a listening ear and, if we're lucky, a 'comment' voicing support and well-being.

That's not to say that solid friendships are never found on social media because I know that they are.  This poem I once read on Facebook is an ode to strong bonds and undeniable support offered by those we meet from all over the world via social media:

"The friends I have never met.
                                 My Friends online.                                    
It's strange to have a friend that you have
Never hugged, shook their hand or 
Looked into their eyes.
But, you have been touched by their soul, 
Seen the good in their hearts and felt the 
Warmth in their being.
The friends I have never met are not my
Friends untouched for I have felt them
With me when I needed them.
I have confided in them and they are
Some of the kindest people I have ever known.
My Friends....  Never forget how special you are to me."

Courtesy of

I can hear you now....."Many loving and long-lasting relationships began through the Internet."  I mean there's eHarmony, Christian Mingle and, to name a few.  When did finding a soul-mate and person to love and be loved by become so technical?  Two words: Free Enterprise!  If we can be convinced that we need something badly enough, there will always be somebody out there waiting to sell it to us!  Never forget that money can be powerful and highly manipulative.

By placing our trust in research and spreadsheets, and paying for the privilege, we legitimize their existence and wrap ourselves up in a cozy 'cloak of security' believing that others have more time and resources than we do when it comes to finding our life partner.  We convince ourselves that the organization within these Websites is much safer than hooking-up on the Internet, alone and without a safety net.  Since people will continue to use these sites, I don't see a problem with this line of thinking.

Before this amazing thing entitled the 'Internet,' acquaintances might have become our close friends through time, trial and error as individuals and groups offered testimony to the fact that humans, in general, required interaction with other humans.  Let's say that we were introduced at a party and discovered that we enjoyed similar musical tastes or that we both liked to travel and speak the French language.  This tact is what I refer to as learning about one another from the "outside-in" and allowing our experiences to guide us on into the next phase of the relationship.

In this age of 'instant gratification' and self-imposed lack of time, we scurry from meeting to meeting, room to room, loaded to the gills with our technological devices while creating a cyber world of online dates and friends.  This takes me to the "inside-out" relationships where we are fed information about another person and then asked to meet them face-to-face, and take it from there.  This leaves little to the imagination, similar to a Miley Cyrus music video.  By the time our eyes eventually lock on to one another, we know pretty much everything about them in terms of statistics right down to the reason behind the jagged, little scar running along the left side of their mouth. 

Chemistry.  "Will there be 'chemistry' between us?" you wonder.  The inside has been conquered already and not much has been left to our imagination.

Are we learning to exist in an age of shadow people?  What will  the consequences for future generations be? 

Let's face facts here.  We Love Our Tech Toys!  We have them at our fingertips twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and sometimes they are the first things we make contact with after crawling out of bed in the morning or the last thing we touch (plugging it in to charge for the next day) at night!  We are so hooked!  Smart Phones, iPads, laptops, Nooks and Kindles.......our drug of choice.  It's all legal, proper and almost expected of us to purchase and use them.  As I said before, power and money can be highly manipulative.

Writing requires much research.  Having answers, pictures and explanations at my touch is a godsend.  I recall setting time aside to visit the library with my handwritten sheet of questions and ideas at the ready.  Having so much information available to me within seconds  while I am still in my pajamas at ten in the morning is a godsend, as well.  And, it makes visiting my local library so much more fun rather than strictly work related. 

I am torn.  On one hand, I am pleased where all of this is going and relish the convenience of 'at the ready' knowledge.  On the other hand, I am disappointed in the breakdown between human relationships.  We spend too little time communicating with each other in order to form these relationships and keep them alive and thriving.  Or, we  confer with our 'devices' seeking life changing opinions and personal advice. 

If I had to write a sentence fifty times on a chalkboard at the front of the classroom as a penance for hasty words spoken, it would read:
"I do love my i-Pad!  I do love my i-Pad!  I do love my i-Pad!....."  And then I would plug-in my password for Facebook and take the consequences!

Indeed, certainly 'one' of my drugs of choice!

Travel Is My Drug of Choice......!

Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Friday, February 20, 2015


 A series of essays.....

Picture Taken At The Northeast Tip Of Anna Maria Island, Florida seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Dan and I have always let family and friends know that our home is open to visitors long as we are not out traveling ourselves, of course!  When our offer is acted upon, we are like little kids anticipating an exciting time in Paradise and, neither our visitors nor ourselves have been disappointed in all our years in Florida!

The past several days have been no exception!  It's been what I affectionately call a mini-family reunion with brother-in-law, Chris, driving down from Georgia on Friday evening and Leo and Susie, brother-in-law and his lovely wife, arriving a few hours later on a late flight out of Detroit. 

Susie And Leo Soaking-Up Some Rays!

So, with the 'lipstick pink' azaleas blooming around the perimeter of the house in the front yard and the sweet olives alive with their tiny white flowers and orange essence surrounding the pool area in the back, the adventurous, long weekend begins.  Main objective being that of rejuvenation, relaxation and reconnecting, the three 'R's' that help to 'educate' a happy adult lifestyle.

Three Brothers, Their Cigars And Many Stories Shared!

Now, I believe that there is an art form to enjoying the swimming pool in the middle of the winter....especially in Florida.  Plunk down and absorb the Vitamin D, add a liquid refreshment in any category to the mix and proceed to communicate with one another.  Laughing over uncomplicated stories that have resurfaced from the distant past is a convenient ice breaker and plenty of that had been going on the following morning.  When three brothers get together to reminisce about their past, it always makes for an interesting time. 

Susie And I Soaking In The Vitamin D?

Unfortunately, Chris had to cut his visit short and head back up to Douglas, Georgia early Sunday afternoon.  I loaded him up with a container of my homemade turkey chili, fresh bread and other various goodies to take back home and enjoy a hot, home-cooked meal that evening.  I know it's an old cliché, but making sure everyone is 'fed and happy' makes me feel like I'm doing something positive for all....

The Warmth Of Cocoa Beach And
Sand Between Our Toes

Since 'Fun in the Sun' with sand between our toes was a main attraction for all of us this visit, we donned shorts, sandals and grabbed our sunglasses before heading for the shoreline at Cocoa Beach....a mere thirty-minute drive away.  The gentle waves skimming the Atlantic waters greeted us as the sun kissed the top of our heads with its golden warmth.  Walking towards the popular Cocoa Beach Pier in the distance, we held our sandals and felt the cool sand beneath our feet. 

What a magnificent afternoon......and, five miles later, we tumbled back into our car wearing happy faces and anticipating tomorrow's visit to the Gulf coast via Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key!!

It is said that a picture can be worth a thousand words...... 

Risotto With Leeks And Asparagus
Three Bean Salad With
Turkey Sandwich

Lobster Bisque And
Caprice Salad

Enjoying a very delicious lunch at The Waterfront Restaurant of Anna Maria Island.  Our compliments to the chef!

The 'Rod And Reel Pier' Of Anna Maria Island

Ready To Walk The Beach
At Longboat Key

Dan And Leo On Longboat Key

The Beauty Of A Gulf Sunset

Bracing Imbibing Pleasures
At St. Armands Circle, Sarasota, FL

Our View From The Second Story Bar
At St. Armands Circle And Lido Key

Like everything else......all good things must come to an end.  Fortunately, we will always have our own personal memories to remind us of our 'Fun in the Sun' weekend, as well as the many  photos taken that captured the beauty of the Floridian Paradise we live in and always desire to share with family and friends.  

Until next time........!!!


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is dedicated to the memory of Ed Williams who passed on Valentine's Day.  He and my cousin, Linda, married for over forty years, enjoyed their time together vacationing at Cocoa Beach, Florida, each year.  My heart and love go out to you, Linda, at this very sad time......

Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, February 12, 2015


A series of essays.....


By: Jacqueline E. Hughes
Little insights and stories that have caught my attention over the past week.  Sharing some of them with you during this Valentine's week of celebration.....with Love.




What an amazing name Harper is.  I read once that her first name is Nelle.  Nelle Harper Lee.  Always wondered why she published under her middle name of Harper.  Not really such a surprise given the fact that Nelle is such a feminine, nostalgic and 'girlie' name.  I surmise that to sell this book back in 1960, a book filled with such poignant prejudice and striking inequities, Harper was dealing with some prejudices of her own. 

A female and first time author, Nelle probably did pretty much what she had been told to do by her editor even if it included changing her main character, Scout, from a woman returning home after many years into a young girl coming-of-age in the South. 

Nelle listened, but at what price?  And, I'm not too sure, having read her biography and taken-in some of her references towards naïveté and being an outcast as a child due to an extremely 'Tomboyish' personality, that these factors didn't project her as a hardworking young female pushing the parameters of a 'Man's World.' 

Did it break her?  Had she had enough with the publication of her one book?  No matter how many accolades they bestowed upon her, including a Pulitzer Prize and making her novel into a movie in 1962, soon to become a classic in its own right, did she say the sacrifice really wasn't worth it anymore and moved-on with her life? 

I will be lining-up to buy and read her prequel, as I refer to it instead, Go Set a Watchman, because it had been written before her editor intervened!  Of course, it will be expected and natural even to contrast and compare it with To Kill a Mockingbird.  I hope Nelle is braced and ready for the bumpy ride!




We all do it every single day.  It's certainly a fact of life.  And, even though each of us had no initial input in the matter, we merge into the fast lane of 'Life' the moment we are born!  At this time, the precise second of birth.....we begin the aging process.

Katherine Hepburn once said, "If you survive long enough, you're revered.....rather like an old building." 

And, the most honest quote I have ever heard about aging comes from Bette Davis when she would proclaim in many interviews, "Old age isn't for sissies!"

It's inevitable, people!  But, what if we looked at aging in a positive light and stopped fearing it instead?  Taking fear out of the equation  allows us to free ourselves of uncontrollable burdens and encourages  us to live in an enlightened present.  Instead of dreading aging, this new mindset can help us embrace the opportunity to grow old. 

During our first visit to Europe in 1990, I set my agenda for capturing certain subjects and ideas on film.  They included lace-curtained windows from every country and town we visited.  My lens recorded small children simply living another day with family or playing with friends.  Most importantly was my desire to focus on the aging 'senior citizens' and define their emotions via each well-earned wrinkle, gray hair and stooped shoulder I could find. 

What I realized I had done, while looking over my photos upon  returning home, was capture my aging self in each one of them! Even though I had yet to reach the age of forty, I could imagine my subjects as my future self and applauded their resilience instead.  I was now free to reimagine the elderly and identify them with long life rather than physical deterioration.

Each photo showed me people who remained engaged with life and encapsulated a spirit of enthusiasm rather than resignation.  This process of life called aging is lifelong and as we plant the seeds of our existence early on, we must always be self-conscious of what we will have to harvest in the future. 

Oh, the original stories I could have added to each photo would be absolutely priceless to me today!  I wonder.....there's still time, isn't there?




I don't believe we actually used this terminology 'back in the day,' but I totally had a 'woman crush' on Annie Lennox when I first heard her perform as a member of the Eurythmics.  I loved so many things about Annie then as I do to this very day including her hairstyle, her enthusiasm, the rhythm and depth of her vocal style and her exciting, raw talent.  Talk about a Cheshire Cat smile......Wow!

Seeing Annie perform on the 2015 Grammy Awards this past Sunday alongside Hozier was the highlight of the evening for me!!  When Take Me To Church segued into I Put a Spell On You, and Annie literally belted out the lyrics, I looked at the expression on the face of Hozier standing a few feet away and saw a combination of humility and adoration I hadn't seen on someone's face for a very long time! 

Annie has always declared to be a feminist...."A man-loving feminist," she proclaims load and clear.  When asked by Rolling Stone what being a feminist means to her, Annie states that after traveling the globe and having visited developing countries, "I see women that don't even have the absolute basic rights........fundamental human rights that we have taken for granted.  In the Western world, women have the vote.  We have the possibility to be lawyers and doctors and to have careers that we never would have dreamed of years ago.  Women before us sacrificed so much to help the future generations of women...  What's happened is the word 'feminism' got trashed and completely devalued.  Now the time has come to reconfigure it and take feminism to places where women have no sexual, reproductive, health or educational rights.  It's not about whether you shave your legs or wear high heels.  That's irrelevant."

Annie Lennox the philanthropist has indeed traveled the world and helped raise awareness and funds for the education and health care for those affected by HIV and AIDS.  She has conversed with the influential world leaders, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, in order to help manifest her humanitarian work in Africa and South Africa.  In 2013 she received the Music Industry Trusts Award for her career achievements in music and her charity commitments.

In this same interview with Rolling Stone, Annie explains that after dropping out of the Academy of Music in London because she felt out of place there, she had become exposed to the genius of Joni Mitchell.  "We heard this extraordinary poetry, this extraordinary voice, this extraordinary and beautiful woman, so articulate, just beyond, playing these amazing instruments.  And she was just flawless.  She still is flawless for me.  I don't think there's ever been anybody to match Joni Mitchell."  And, I agree completely.

Moderately successful in the late 1970's in the new wave band The Tourist, this Scottish born "White Soul Singer" and her fellow musician, Dave Stewart, went on to achieve major international success in the 1980's as the Eurythmics.  Annie has compiled a long list of individual hit records and albums that have withstood the test of time and musical diversity and continue to resonate with fans both young and old.

Born Andrew Hozier-Byrne on St. Patrick's Day twenty-three years ago in Ireland, Hozier already has good reason to feel pride in sharing the stage with Annie Lennox.  Take Me To Church is a critique of oppressive institutions and directly addresses gay discrimination in Russia.  To this I say....AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!

Working side-by-side, these two anomalies (as in abnormally talented individuals), Annie Lennox and Hozier have succeeded in Putting A Spell on the Grammys as well as every one of us fortunate enough to have witnessed their epic performance.




If I were to give out Grammy awards for the most important performance of the evening, non-music related, one would go to President Obama for his critical pre-filmed message when he urged all of us to join the campaign against domestic violence.  The second award would be handed to Brooke Axtell, a survivor of domestic violence,  who brilliantly related her personal journey of abuse by the man she loved and married.  It chilled me to the bone.....and, I honor her for helping to open-up our eyes to this horrific charade into a dark world of pain and deceit.   




"I love this room!  It is so amazing!"

"It's really nice.  I'm going to check-out the bathroom.  Oh, a bit small, but it's neat and clean."

"Oh, look, look, look.....  I have to wedge myself up next to the bed, but, there.  Now I can swing open the window.  Funny, it's a step-up onto the window ledge.  I can do this."

"Be careful.  Is there room for two out there?"

"Barely!  You can try it, but it's kind of tight.  Listen to that.  I am so happy to have gotten a room on the street-side rather than the inside courtyard.  Aren't you? Even if the balcony is tiny."

"Made it.  Wow!  Look at that wrought iron grill!  It is nice out here."

"I know.  We can hear the traffic of Paris and listen to the people passing by down below.  The hustle and bustle of life."

"Can't quite see the Eiffel Tower though."

"They said that the École Militaire would just block our view." 

"Say, I have an idea.  How tired are you right now?  I know it's late, but we could find a café and grab a bite to eat and then walk by la Tour Eiffel, cross over the Seine and be at l'Arc de Triomphe in about a thirty minute stroll."

"It's already eleven o'clock at night, Paris time...."

"Well, it was only a th......"

"I didn't say no.  Just analyzing the situation.  I think it sounds perfect!  Should we unpack first or just go?"

"We'll have plenty of time to unpack later.....even in the morning before breakfast.  Personally, I am starving!"

"Me, too.  That was quite the long cab ride from the Charles de Gaulle!"

"The cabby was fun though.  He told some great stories, didn't he?"

"Hope I can remember some of them to jot down tomorrow."

"We have a date with Auguste Rodin bright and early in the morning remember?  The Thinker up close and personal....amazing!"


"And, The Kiss and his studio.....  Let me shut the window.  Oh, it's so beautiful out there!  I want to get up early enough in the morning to stand out on the balcony and take some photos....maybe as the sun is rising.  If I time it just right, it might be shining through that beautiful iron grill."

"Come here first.  There's something I've wanted to do since we got back to Paris.  Rodin had the right idea about that kiss....."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


Copyright © 2015 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, February 5, 2015


A series of essays.....

Photo Credit Naked Authors        A WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE......                               seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Nostalgia, my old friend, why must I always find you lurking in the vast recesses of my mind...waiting, waiting for my vulnerability to emerge?  Wrap me in your rose-tinted vail so that I may see all that I long for once more.  Seduce me with your false promises but drown this present feeling of 'hope lost' so that I may smile and feel whole again, if only for a short while.


John Larkins, author and one of New Zealand's founding fathers, once wrote, "Nostalgia is the intimate refuge of every man and every woman in a world seemingly gone mad."  If this statement holds credence, this may explain why so many of us choose to escape into a recent past that's been softened and gently shaped by our own good intentions.

My love affair with nostalgia has been a lengthy one and often reveals my true nature as a 'Hopeless Romantic' which includes everything from classic novels to ancient architecture and places that sweep you away to another place...another time.  Nostalgia has always encouraged my love for travel, foreign languages and the embracing of history in all of its myriad forms.  It would be impossible to see Paris without a lengthy visit to at least a portion of her many museums.  Housing some of the world's most important and rich collections, these museums are outstanding for their breadth, accessibility to all and historic importance.


Whether we are seeking to enjoy masterpieces in painting, sculpture, drawings, art objects, and the history of a particular area itself, a museum is arguably the first place to visit in order to flood your senses with a healthy dose of beauty and nostalgia all in one!

The word nostalgia is a strange one.  And, when you say it out loud, it begs to be analyzed.  It feels funny as it vibrates through the nose, dribbles into the mouth and is imprisoned between the teeth.  In the end, it is released from between the lips like an exotic caged bird that's been given its freedom.  With exaggerated expression, speaking it can give the lower half of the face a good workout!  Go ahead....try it for yourself.  And that's just the physicality of this word. 

Nostalgia, as defined by the New Oxford American Dictionary, is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past; acute homesickness.  For me, impactive emotions radiate from it like laser light beams strobing the atmosphere during a major rock concert and its affect on human nature can be measured by a thousand different points!

There is no intention on my part to debate the positive and negative aspects of nostalgia here, especially since, as stated above, I have  embraced it for all of my own personal reasons.  David Guterson, an American novelist and author of the book, Snow Falling on Cedars, was quoted as saying, "There's a certain nostalgia and romance in a place you left."  This idea has guided me through the small villages of Provence and the wide, organized boulevards of Paris.  A bit of yourself, your own spirit, remains behind in each new location you visit and that place will remember you if and when you ever decide to return! In the meantime, I capture each space, romanticize about it and write down exactly how it made me feel it makes me feel today.

Many insightful factors play important roles as to how nostalgia can and does touch all of us.  They may include age, gender, geographical location, religious background, education, and so on.  Whether it's a certain circumstance, fact or influence that contributes to a particular result in our lives.....we can sift all of these elements together in a vintage mining pan and the odds are that finding the 'golden nugget' at the bottom will be determined by the measure of our desire and time!


I sift through these elements to help summon all of the great memories I have stored-up in my mind or written down in journals in order to recall the many places I have 'left my spirit' after visiting there.  I reflect upon the beautiful people I've met who have influenced me along the way and graciously shared their spirit, as well as the numerous circumstances revolving around my travels that have generously impacted my life.  From the aged and softened heights of the Twelve Bens, part of the Maumturks Mountains of Connemara in Ireland to the water-smoothed, white speckled rocks found along the Côte d'Azur near Nice in France, and everything in-between.....I draw upon the memories of you each and every day.


In an article written by Kacey Culliney for Datamonitor, "Consumers want that trip down memory lane, too, and evoking memories through packaging and marketing falls under the nostalgia and comfort trend. It is about inducing a positive emotional response as they, an aging population, anchor their emotions to another time and place where things were simpler and happier."  A prime example of this would be the annual sales of Girl Scout cookies.  A lucrative business that utilizes this trend fervently....  After all, it's all about triggering memories!!


The terminology of 'Retro Style' has been around since the 1970's and the concept of nostalgia is linked to retro.  Wikipedia describes retro as forms of 'technological obsolescence' including manual typewriters, cash registers and bulky hand-held cellphones.  It suggests a fundamental shift in the way we relate to the past.  "Retro suggests a half ironic, half longing consideration of the recent past; recalling 'modern' forms that are no longer current."  As ladies, we may refer to this trend as 'vintage' and flock to upgraded second-hand stores in order to find original designer pieces at a lower cost.  Shopping connoisseurs in Paris have taken advantage of this concept for many years and American woman have returned home with vintage clothes, jewelry and shoes that dot their closets like the sparkling gems their original designers always meant for them to be.....

AHH!! PARIS......!

Yes, I freely admit to being a member of the aging population.  Memories are being triggered by so many sources and Facebook has definitely contributed to this 'overwhelming at times' trend.  If we have reconnected with childhood and school friends, and most of us have, we can literally be bombarded by a timeline of products, music, clothing styles, habits, and so much more every time we connect online.  The true advantage of this trend, I believe, is having the opportunity to share with and analyze early friendships that may have contributed to and helped shape our life as it is today.  Generally, this knowledge can be most enlightening!  And, good for the soul!

Think about how many of our waking moments are spent thinking about our children when they were young and how good it felt to be, well....needed.  Even though the pride we take in raising such strong and independent children is evident and we really wouldn't have it any other way, it is human nature to want to be needed and to be able to pass on to those you love all the life experiences and knowledge you've acquired throughout the years.  And, if so blessed, hallelujah, we have been afforded new chances with new opportunities and they are affectionately entitled.....Grandchildren!!

Have you ever wondered if living in the present might be more liberating for us than evoking our 'old friend' nostalgia to seduce us with false promises?  If you meditate as I do, then you have.  If you are indeed a spiritual being who is constantly enlightened by this beautiful world and people that surround you....then you have.  Who wouldn't welcome improved concentration, increased relaxation and a minimizing of the continuous chatter of thoughts about the future, the past or judgments about what is, which distract us from what's going on in the here and now? 

The blending of these two concepts, living in the present while embracing the past, has been working quite well for me even though I realize this could offer-up contradictions of basic beliefs.  However, I find it liberating to be able to clear my mind of unnecessary chatter through meditation in order to write.  But, to be able to write, it is necessary to fill my mind with facts, ideas and experiences that have been collected from my past. 

Sounds crazy, I know.  But it works for me.  So, they teamed up, discovered that they could make sweet music together and, as they say......the rest is history!

Copyright © 2015 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved