Wednesday, January 14, 2015

COMPLACENCY: The Eleventh Commandment?

A series of essays.....
MOVING ON.....2015: Pink to Aged Beige seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Elbow deep in Behr Ultra, (PPU7-9) Aged Beige, to be precise, one more pink-walled room is biting the dust......and, I couldn't be happier!!  Cookie-cutter homes are like that.  You're just so darn happy to be purchasing it that the initial choices made at the Design Studio, before the slab is even poured, can be daunting.  It's like decorating an entire house with choices pulled together within a span of an hour or so.  Like I said....daunting!

My goal has always been to eliminate the original 'pale mauve' walls that have dominated every vertical surface of our home since its birth in 1998.  Each time a new wall is released from its 'pink prison,' an angel gets its wings......or, something like that.  At any rate, following this painting extravaganza, which may or may not include the formal living area/library across the foyer, we should have only two 'wingless' angels left awaiting their flight instructions....

Ahh!  Another Angel Is Sighing

Complacency, as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition is a feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble or controversy.  To be complacent, a person (or group) has become satisfied with the current situation and unconcerned with changing it, often to the point of smugness.  No specific political references here she writes, with a shrug and a wink.

Standing in our dining room with 'Aged Beige' dripping down my arm like coffee flavored ice cream in a plain cone succumbing to the heat of a long summer's day, it's becoming clearer to me as to why I've suddenly thrust my whole being into this often tedious domestic project.  To be satisfied, content and unconcerned about everything that is happening around me is just not my style.  If there had been an Eleventh Commandment written down on tablets of stone by Moses who was inspired by God on Mount Sinai it would have to have read: "Thou shalt never, ever dwell in a world of complacency."  Or, something to that effect.

No matter how great our achievements are in this lifetime, there will always be room for bigger and better ideas that will thrust us far beyond our original hopes, dreams and initial accomplishments. 

Comfort breeds complacency!  Great things never came from comfort zones.  Thomas Edison once said, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."  Seek brilliance and never be afraid of getting your hands a little dirty in the process...  Hard work strengthens character, develops the imagination and helps us rise above the ordinary. 

"Be the change you want to see in the World,"  This quote by Mahatma Gandhi resonates with so many of us and has always helped to ease the transition from personal silence to the power our change can make in this world if we choose to utilize it.  Begin a recycling program if you haven't already.  Remember, change begins with the small, doable things and can lead to huge and amazing changes once we have agreed to leave our 'comfort zone.' 

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."  Thank goodness Winston Churchill never had a chance to see my unchanged and imperfect walls of almost sixteen years!  I don't think pink was even close to being his favorite color, anyway.  But, I get it...  How does anyone note improvement within either themselves or others if there are never any changes made to be used along with a basis of comparison? 

Let's all agree that a solid baseline, or imaginary line, the standard of value by which things are measured or compared, is drawn at birth.  That pretty much places all of us on the Starting Line together!  Our initial change is physical, of course, and constant as we begin to evolve into the person our DNA, environment, peer influences, education and adult examples provide for us.  This is not a permanent 'mold' by which our lives must be measured by.  This mold gives us shape, depth and minimal security and is meant to be broken whenever we feel the urge, the need, to spread our wings and fly.

This new flight pattern can be attributed to a particular teacher, mentor or coach who has had an influence on us.  Even a horrific incident that occurred in our lives such as an accident or the passing of a loved-one can ultimately bring change, sometimes in a negative slant, but often in the form of pulling us up from the depths of despair and raising us to heights that were previously unimaginable.  We will always be influenced by so many factors in our life, however, reflecting upon Anne Frank's wise words, "The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands."  We must ultimately take responsibility for our actions.

I mentioned before that this new painting project of mine was born from something far greater than myself and reaches across the ocean depths with such power and force that its affect upon all persons should be one of such profound feelings of disquiet that change is inevitable!  No one should feel satisfied, content, unconcerned or complacent about the recent actions spawned by Hate, under the guise of Religion, that has taken place in Paris recently.  "Je Suis Charlie," a powerful slogan that has risen-up from the dark depths of this heinous crime, represents the solidarity we share with our fellow man; the battle cry of Freedom of Speech, Life and the Future of each and every one of us!  If the Haters are not displaced or eradicated, these Freedoms will be in constant jeopardy!

So read the history books from the dawn of recorded time!

Carefully Calculating Change In Our Lives
Tackling the almost eleven foot high dining room walls and covering them with fresh color and a new look is a difficult job, to be sure.  Not changing them after all this time would be a travesty of life.  If I dislike the pink walls....they should be changed.  Besides, getting down and dirty for the sake of a positive change is a cathartic release.  Penned-up emotions are flowing from my paint brush and hands like ice from Elsa's fingertips and forming a metamorphosis from complacent person to highly motivated individual.

If I dislike the injustices served mankind by the treacherous deeds of others, I must react to them because these 'thieves of freedom' mean to eliminate anyone who does not agree with their own set of ideals.  This frightens the hell out of me!  Life is a glorious gift that should not be discarded lightly for we are fragile, mortal beings who live side-by-side, hand-in-hand as we recently witnessed in Paris as people literally filled the Place de la République to march in Solidarity for all of those brutally murdered in the terror attack several days ago! 

Je Suis Charlie As Far As The Eye Can See In Paris
Cover Of New Edition Of

The pen and pencil with the words 'Not Afraid' emblazoned on them  have become the symbols of Freedom of Speech around the world.  As a writer, the significance of this is monumental for so many powerful reasons.  The latest cover of Charlie Hebdo proves this point as the satirical magazine that just lost twelve members of its staff refuses to roll over and shut its doors.  Drawn by cartoonist Renald Luzier, it depicts a sad Prophet Muhammad saying that all is forgiven, I am Charlie.  Undoubtedly, this cover will keep the fire burning for a very long time.

JE SUIS CHARLIE, I Am Charlie.....We are ALL Charlie when it comes to freedom and integrity and making the choice to live our lives rather than cave to others who hate so desperately, that they are willing to ruin so many precious lives left in the wake of their disturbing swath of destruction.  I don't believe this is exactly what God had in mind when He proclaimed, "Love Thy Neighbor!"

Symbol For Freedom of Speech

With each stroke of my paintbrush, with every swipe of my paint roller, I feverishly cover-up, masque, if you will, the pain and sorrow, death and destruction, and attempts to steal our freedom by all terrorist groups around the world!  The 'pale mauve' is disappearing behind a fresh, new 'face' of paint.  I am becoming stronger, happier and more comfortable in my own skin while I come to terms with what I already knew and already believed.  Long live the power of the pen!!! Je suis Charlie, yesterday, today and tomorrow....

There's absolutely no hope for the pink library walls.  You're.going.down!!!

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Copyright © 2015 By Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved