Thursday, June 11, 2015


A series of journeys..... seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Photo: Taken in Western North Carolina, Great Smoky Mountains, near Eastern Cherokee Reservation.


is an underlying treasure hidden deep within each and every one of us. Buried below the surface and lying nearby in the hills and subjacent valleys of our souls, courage sleeps.....resting, waiting, inactive. A dormant bud filled with energy, life and hoping for the opportunity to blossom into its full potential, when needed. Waiting to be plucked from the depths of our inner being as our conscious selves are challenged or become threatened and fearful. Fear of the known; fear of the unknown. Triggers that goad,  stimulate and actuate the circuits tied to our courage and help release the beast from its deep, dark sleep.

Courage enables us to face our adversities head-on as it strengthens our ability to confront, deal with or accept physical pain...inexplicable grief. The Cowardly Lion rises to the occasion and wears his badge of courage proudly for all to see. He is temporarily whisked away to another world as he puffs-out his royal chest, plants both feet firmly on the ground and attempts to control his ability to do something that frightens him more than anything else. With such courage as our motivator, our beribboned badge of solidarity, we challenge the cancers that plague our very existence and threaten the land and people around us.

Daily acts of courage surface in multiple ways and, as we become aware of our own strengths (and/or weaknesses), we make note of them in others. The soldier protecting his/her beliefs for the country they hold dear; flying for the very first time; a young mother fighting stage four breast cancer; speaking in public; meeting a biological parent after thirty years, or attempting to understand the loss of someone we love. Courage will hold our hand like the young lovers walking side by side down the path of life, uncertain as to what might await them around the next corner.  Like the continual stream of energy that radiates from the sun, light and heat from our acts of bravery help to energize, not only ourselves, but everyone around us. We see what is wrong and try to right it.....fighting through the fear, guarding against the unknown and then taking on the challenge to change it for the better. The fear that begins in our heads pulls the courage from deep inside our souls and spreads it throughout our being while offering us, through its unlimited power, the uncanny ability to challenge, conquer and correct. This organ, our brain, is truly a complex and beautiful thing.....

The brave soul learns how to manipulate courage by altering and editing it towards his own advantage, even if it may hold a modicum of sadness along with it. We have witnessed, if not personally experienced, the bravery of those who were strong enough to turn away from what their hearts so deeply desired. Not due to foolishness, but, rather, because of gentle understanding and unconditional love. Having the courage to say no displays the skills and knowledge of Kings who must rule wisely and still protect the subjects who genuinely depend upon their every decision. It takes courage to tell your child no if the conclusion is for the safety and protection of this precious person you love. Turning away from a confrontation when you believe that retaliation would only be more problematic. Choosing not to break the rules even though you believe that they should be broken and taking the proper steps to create change.....takes courage. May God bless those who learn and figure this out.

Listen to your heart as it pings and reports back to you. Be aware of your surroundings and of those you hold dear and envelope yourself within their love. Create an understanding between yourself and the things that frighten you or might place fear in your heart and learn how to differentiate between them. Even fear itself can become your friend and help to strengthen your core values and activities. Remember that your courage comes from deep down inside and will not fail you in times of need if allowed to blossom and encircle you with its dramatic power. We are magnificent creatures, however,  occasionally the simple task of living itself can become an act of courage.

Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

PHOTO © Jacqueline E. Hughes