Thursday, September 3, 2015


A series of essays.....

THE COLORS OF SANIBEL ISLAND seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

In the wake of losing so many 'Beautiful Minds' recently, I reserve a moment to pay tribute to them and thank each for bringing all of us so much joy and laughter, happiness and understanding, talent, and the fresh realization that life really doesn't have to be that complicated.

Oliver Wolf Sacks, "Awakenings" author and famed neurologist;
Emma Didlake, the oldest known WWII veteran;
Julian Bond, a Civil Rights activist and longtime board chairman of  the NAACP;
E. L. Doctorow, American author whose historical novels include
"Ragtime" and "The March";
Nicholas Winton, a humanitarian who almost single-handedly saved more than 650 Jewish children from the Holocaust;
John Nash, famed mathematician;
B.B. King, nicknamed the 'King of the Blues';
Thank you, Dr. Wayne Walter Dyer, for becoming one of the greatest spiritual mentors in my life. The world became a better place because of you. You are a Blessing and I know that many   people, including myself, have lived by your wisdom for years.

These are but a few of the talented individuals who have passed through this world and enriched our lives by us, simply, having known about them. Even though our time here on earth is a virtual brief appearance, if we respect our moment of glory, we will leave here one day knowing that we have left a positive mark on the people we leave behind. 


          *****      You've been provided with a perfect body
                          to house your soul for a few brief moments
                          in eternity. So regardless of its size, shape,
                          color, or any imagined infirmities, you can
                          honor the temple that houses you by eating
                          healthfully, exercising, listening to your
                          body's needs, and treating it with dignity
                          and love.   ....Dr. Wayne Dyer                        *****

I began thinking about some of the brilliant people whom I have crossed paths with recently and have left a lasting impression on me. I reasoned that they could be friends, co-workers, or maybe strong personalities that I fondly recalled after meeting for a mere 'blink-of-an-eye' in real time.

And so the story goes......


The moment we pulled open and passed through the heavy, glass door, once again evading the summer's intense heat, and the 'fairy bells' ceremoniously jingled our arrival into the little shop, the magic began. 

We were surrounded by color! Not just any color. Rather, the intense blues of the Gulf waters and the summer sky, the jungle-rich, deep greens of local grasses and royal palm fronds, and the vividness of a sun-drenched day, a glowing salmon sunset, all blending together in creative shapes, sizes, and textures. Hand painted ceramic tiles sidled next to sleek glass vases that loomed high above jaunty garden gnomes with the crown jewel of this sparkling wonderland being the row upon row of 'pirate's booty' encased in clear glass chests. Each piece one-upping the other while tantalizing the senses with their imaginative configurations and profound beauty.

I heard her husky voice above this rich reveal, "This looks spectacular in your hair! Let me show you another way to pull your hair through it and create a different look for evening." Blinking my eyes, I believed I saw my dear Aunt Helen assisting a customer with a fancy hair clip just a few feet away. No, Helen is in Chicago, I reasoned, and not working at Suncatchers' Dream on Sanibel Island. But, my goodness, this lady could be my aunt's twin that nobody ever knew about!

"You'll take it? Fantastic! You won't be disappointed. I've sold so many of these lately and they're especially practical for longer hair given the summer's heat," she remarked.

The gravelly sound of her voice was, actually, soothing to my ears while her expressive smile displayed genuine approval that contributed to her pleasant and agreeable appearance. And, just as my aunt has worn her thick, dark locks since marrying my uncle so many years ago, her hair was cropped short lending a carefree, pixie-like look that only a handful of women can pull-off successfully.

I admit to being transfixed by this 'larger than life' personality. But, something else lingered on in the back of my mind about her, too. Something I couldn't identify at the time.  "Do you think that Kerrington would like these?" were words that floated across the space between my husband and my immobile self. I was pulled back into reality and whispered my answer across the relatively small room. Maybe fifteen minutes later, Dan and I were taking our cache of birthday goodies, secured from pegs lining the far wall, up to the counter.....with dear, Aunt Helen standing right behind it.

"Hi! Those are so cute. They'll really brighten your day. Are they for you or a gift?," my aunt's twin inquired. "A gift for our granddaughter's birthday, but you can just wrap them in tissue and that will be fine," I replied.

"Oh, your granddaughter! Ah, family. There's so much to be said about one's family, isn't there? Take my family, for example....."

Instantly, Dan and I were the sole audience to this convivial atmosphere fueled by honesty and comedic expression. Sure, there was another clerk standing behind 'Helen' wrapping-up our items and shaking her head up and down as she moved with the rhythm of each rapid-fire word. And, the owner of the shop, by the name of Daniel Moore Thompson, we learned later, was working in his small shop right around the corner from the counter we were standing at. Otherwise, the shop was devoid of additional customers.

"......., I have three siblings whom I love, but they descend in intensity of 'liking' from my oldest brother down to my younger sister. I am the third child and reserve the right to judge! Being stuck somewhere in the middle, what else do I have? Hi! My name is Karen."

Looking over at Dan, his expression implied, "See. This isn't your aunt after all." She still might be her twin named, Karen, I thought to myself. Aunt Helen's sense of humor and personality...... definitely similar.

Courtesy of Zen to Zany

"Would you like to hear a funny story?" Karen asked. "Well, you might not think it's funny considering it's about my dear Mother who passed away several years ago. Despite what I say, we were a very close-knit family and we loved and respected our parents for so many wonderful reasons. Mom was a 'beautiful soul' who worked hard and always did the best she could for us. And, she loved our Father dearly, even though he would often drive her crazy in the process.

We knew our Dad would be lost without Mom. Even my malevolent younger sister tried to be nice to him throughout that long week and displayed as much patience as she could muster by repeating almost everything she said because his hearing had been failing for the past several years. Let's face the truth.....he had taken a healthy bite out of the 'Grumpy Old Man' syndrome and Mom's passing intensified it.

We all noticed the morning of the funeral that Dad was very quiet and appeared to be weeping with his nose running like a leaky spigot. Just saying, she was trying to be helpful when my sister offered to get my Dad a tissue. After several offerings with absolutely no response by Dad at all, he slowly turned his head toward my sister. Looking her straight in the eyes, the conversation went down like this,  'Dad, do you want a tissue? Dad, would you like a tissue?' she repeated. Dad simply asked, 'Cashew! Cashew! Why would I want nuts at a time like this for?' "

We were standing there wiping the tears from our eyes....not from sadness or fits of laughter, at all. But, rather, we had been absolutely mesmerized by the pure passion and exuberance that went into telling the story. Karen's variety of vocal inflections and appropriate pauses rivaled any performance I had ever heard from stand-up comedians anywhere. Her non-stop delivery assured me that she must have kissed the Blarney Stone at some point in her lifetime.

"This sounds like a stand-up comedy act, Karen," my husband expressed. "What time is your next performance because we might just return to catch it!"

"Oh, it's just my 'Evil Twin, Skippy' coming out in me. Skippy hides inside until the appropriate time and then jumps-out given the right prompt." Looking straight into my eyes, she continued, "I think it was when you said to wrap these in tissue that 'Skippy' reared his evil head and I couldn't help but relay this story of my Dad and wicked, younger sister. Every word of it was the truth, I promise! By the way, the next show will begin promptly at two-thirty this afternoon....!" Skippy said, smiling and handing Dan the bright turquoise bag with his receipt tucked neatly inside. 

"My Father has since passed on, as well, and often, especially when I have a cold or sore throat, my inner friend, 'Karl,' pops out to say hello. Karl reminds me of my Father when he was much younger; when cheeky grins adorned his handsome face instead of worry wrinkles and frowns."

Multiple personalities? Maybe. A talented and engaging lady, more than likely. Whatever it was, she had me hooked from the moment I heard her voice and saw her huge eyes and engaging smile. Aunt Helen, Karen, Evil Twin Skippy, and Karl.....entertained us out of the sheer joy of being present in the moment and completely alive. She must have sensed our openness and acceptance of her gift because she was able to raise our spirits to a whole new level and never skip a beat the entire time.

It wasn't until Dan and I were back in the car and I was checking my 'Recently Added' photos for the selfie I had just taken of us in the shop that I discovered the answer to the niggling mystery surrounding Karen. (Also, I recognized how my eyes squint when I smile and the side of my mouth turns up slightly in a weak Elvis impression.) Karen's eyes are wide-open to the world and her smile is as engaging as her personality.


Staring at the picture, I quickly realized that we were wearing the same pair of glasses! The same frame including style, color and size! Did this coincidence tie us together in a Sisterhood, a society of women linked with a common purpose or goal? I wondered about this.

Our shopping excursion for birthday gifts that tropical afternoon on Sanibel Island turned out to be an adventure that we will never forget. And, if you hurry, you might be lucky enough to catch a future 'one-woman' show inside the colorful gift shop, Suncatchers' Dream, located across from Bailey's General Store on Tarpon Bay Road. Just listen for Karen's voice. Believe me, you will not be disappointed!

Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved.