Thursday, January 21, 2016


A series of essays.....


By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

"No Way! Absolutely, no way! You did not.....!" The lingering sound of my repeated responses echo in my ears to this day and I make no apologies for being so adamant about uttering them, loud and clear. I was in shock, awe, and total amazement at the time!

It all started to play out when the six of us were relaxing in the family room staring at the colorful screen. Dan had connected my Canon EOS to the television in order to conveniently show pictures from our most recent trip to France.

Our daughter, Ali, and son-in-law, Eric, were sitting on the cushy, beige love seat while our mutual friends, Jim and Florence, opted for the floor in front of the television. We had recently enjoyed a spectacular, (if I do say so myself), French meal I had prepared in order to thank Florence for her many suggestions of places to stay and people to meet while we were in Provence.

Florence was born and raised in Aix-en-Provence, a beautiful metropolitan city located in the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and in the department of Bouches-du-Rhone, just to the north of Marseille. Many French citizens from this area are blessed with a warm, olive complexion with cool, jewel undertones that is derived from their close proximity to Italy. Given her name, Florence, and gorgeous skin tones, it's easy to see that she has been blessed with both French and Italian heritage.


"Merci beaucoup, mon amie, for such a lovely dinner," she chirped while settling down to see my shots of her stunning homeland. "The cream-filled meringue was superb and nearly like my dear Mother's who would make it almost every Sunday for dessert. But, you outdid yourself with the Cassoulet! I am reminded of home with each tender bite."

I recall having so much fun putting the menu together for this 'thank you' meal. Based on many meals Dan and I had recently enjoyed while in Provence, along with my favorite 'go to' cookbook, Flavors of France, I was able to throw myself headfirst into each delicious course.

Still, for me, the most amazing part of the meal was being able to pair the appropriate French wine with each course based upon the reds, whites and sweet 'dessert' selections we had shipped back to us from the vineyards around Chateauneuf-du-Pape village and wine appellation in the southern Rhone. Yes, this village is well entwined with the seductive history of the area and the town of Avignon and the subsequent "Avignon Popes" who helped to promote the wines of this lush Rhone River region.  I am especially partial to the gloriously rich, red wines of this area, redolent of the heat and herbs of the south of France. Each delicious sip sweeps me back to the Department of the Vaucluse where we lived for a week in the hilltop village of Sablet.

It appeared that Florence and I had many things in common as when she commented on a certain brand of French automobile I had photographed because I particularly liked it. "This is one of my favorite cars," she exclaimed. "But, I wish they would export them to the United States." I did, too.

Jim and Florence met when they were both employed by Club Med Resort located on the pristine beaches and warm tropical waters of the sunny Caribbean island of Martinique. "An overseas region of France, Martinique has an eclectic blend of French, Creole and African influences," Florence informed us. Jim added, "This rich heritage of Martinique is evident in everything from the cuisine to the languages spoken by its inhabitants. We really enjoyed working there, seeing all of the happy, relaxed faces and, of course, falling in love there ourselves!"

Since then, they have traveled all over the world, working at many different jobs along the way, until, finally, settling down in the Orlando area. Successfully working at Walt Disney World for many years now, Dan and I were fortunate to have met them while they were looking to build their home in the same subdivision that Ali and Eric were going to build in. Ultimately, they ended up locating across the street from one another and became fast friends, watching each other's cats and picking-up the mail when the other traveled away from home.

Initially, I told Florence of our plans to visit Provence the following year to celebrate our wedding anniversary during September. "I can give you so many ideas of where to go, Jackie! That is where I grew up and I have so many wonderful memories," she informed me, smiling from ear to ear. "You must explore Avignon. I worked as a guide at the Musée du Petit Palais for one year. It is a beautiful art gallery right next to the Palais des Papes and it opened in 1976 and has an exceptional collection of Renaissance paintings. And, of course, the Palais des Papes, (Papal Palace), is a must see as it is one of the largest and most important Medieval Gothic buildings in Europe, has housed the Avignon Popes, and was rival to the Vatican!"

Her passion extended to the city of Orange with its Roman 'Theatre Antique,' as well as the lovely hilltop village of Gordes that overlooks Le Verger Bed & Breakfast, (LE PETIT-DÉJEUNER AT LE VERGER), owned and operated by her friends, Jean-Phillippe and Daniele Rossi.....and, where we must stay. We did and have fallen in love with everything about it. The town of L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue would offer us the best of French antique shopping, cuisine and beauty. It certainly did. And, we must look-up her two friends who owned a small shop along the Grand Rue of Les Baux-de-Provence, after we walk the ancient grounds of the Chateaux des Baux, of course! It was amazing! We couldn't find the small souvenir shop, however, and missed her friends that day.

Sitting close to Dan on the leather couch as he clicked through the final shots of our Provence slideshow and, much to the chagrin of our daughter and son-in-law, I suggested that we put up a few of our pictures from an earlier visit to France. This particular excursion included a stay in the Loire Valley, exploring the Island of St. Michel,  spending a leisurely day taking many photos at Giverny, the home of the great French artist, Claude Monet, and, ultimately, Paris.

"I promise not to show them all, just the highlights," I announced.

"Oh, Mom.....Eric and I would like to get home sometime tonight. Besides, we've seen them before," Ali complained.

"Patience, my dear. I fed you well tonight," my determination fueled by the look on Florence's face that was torn between respecting Ali's wishes and, clearly, wanting to see more pictures. The two couples made the forty-five minute drive over to our home together in one car and Jim's expression shouted, "I don't want to lose my ride back home!"

Ali soon acquiesced in her decision and settled back into the love seat beside Eric to journey through another portion of France.

Moments later I was verbalizing my genuine disbelief by shouting those words, "No Way! Absolutely, no way! You did not....," as a definite French accent was mimicking my uncontrolled expressions. "No! That's impossible! But, I recognize that room, the draperies, the bed alcove, the fireplace.......!" exclaimed a confused Florence. Jim's mouth was open forming a huge letter 'O' as his eyes grew wider and his wife was pulling his arm up and down. Comically, Jim resembled an old fashioned well pump being primed by Florence's exuberance at seeing our pictures of the Chateau de Noizay up on the screen.


Things like this take place in a matter of a few moments. Then, one must sit back, take in a few long, deep breaths, and try to make sense out of everything.

Considering the Loire is the longest river in France and the Loire Valley has been called "The Garden of France" and is studded with over a thousand chateaux, covering a wide range of variations, it soon became evident that something highly unlikely and against all odds had occurred. Coupled with the fact that Dan and I were absolutely unaware of their itinerary regarding their latest visit to France, this incident would be chalked-up to pure coincidence!

It appeared that Florence and I had both booked a room at the same chateau for our personal Loire Valley visits. Also, after studying each photo at length, it appeared that each of us was given the identical bedroom within the chateau for our separate two-night stays!

A brief insight: The 'Chateau de Noizay,' a Relais & Chateau property, sits in the heart of the Loire Valley and the Vouvray vineyards. Each of its nineteen, count them, nineteen bedrooms has its own unique decor featuring authentic period furnishings.

"We stayed in the very same bedroom, slept in the same bed, and enjoyed an identical view offered by the large windows facing the back courtyard of the chateau," I stated. "What are the odds of this happening?"

Calming down a bit herself, Florence remarked, "I don't really know. I mean....I can almost certainly see the same chateau because it is so beautiful. But, the very same room? That is outstanding!"

Dan and Jim chimed in by expressing their amazement, as well. In truth, I secretly believe that they were both highly entertained by the spectacle that had recently played-out before them.

Two grown women who were born an ocean apart yet shared the love of a country so beautiful and unique, filled with historical import, infused with delicious cuisine, and tempered by gentle people who believe in the power of living each day to the fullest......suddenly realized how much their worlds had recently overlapped.

A short while later, Dan and I were waving good-bye to our guests from the front door. I couldn't help but think, as the red taillights trailed left and, eventually, out of our subdivision, how the universe has its own special way and appropriate time of telling each of us that we are interconnected and loved.....

Please check-out Le Verger at this Website:

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved