Thursday, January 28, 2016


A series of essays.....

OF THOSE WHO RESIDE THERE seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

It's nearly possible to feel its texture, estimate its weight, and recognize its behavior by simply looking at the written word itself: Character. The sight of it conjures up many different emotions, awakens the imagination and, literally, takes us on the ride of a lifetime.

Character, a single distinct conceptual unit of language, bursting with multitudes of meaning and innuendo, packing a punch and delivering it along the way. Developing, growing, strengthening with each day we exist, our moral strength and integrity is seasoned by the sheer elements that surround us. It can be as illusive as an 'invisible cloak' wrapping us within its deceptive folds, especially in our youth, yet as strong and spiritual as multicolored banners comprised of Tranquility, Peace, and Love blowing softly in the breeze above us.

We are defined by our character. As a young adult, we can be swept up by the competitiveness and influences of modern technology that tug upon our desire to fit in, be popular, and drive us to succeed in this highly aggressive and 'Me' oriented existence. Welcome to the 'Fame Culture' with its theme of 'selfies' and 'reality programming' setting the daily pace.

We have turned the camera on ourselves as we shift the 'selfie stick' back and forth in an attempt to capture that perfect shot with our own face in the, beauty, nature, often lost, in the background. The epitome of a self-centered existence that is charmed by the acknowledgement of others to the point of instant glory due to the over-exposure of our own presence. Warranted?....., most likely, not. A 'Kardashian' influence highlighted by twenty-nine million Instagram views surrounding us in a fleeting aura of false love and envious adoration.

Time. It takes time. It requires maturity. In time, many of us will acquire the maturity to expose our selfishness and throw down the gauntlet to challenge by turning the camera around until we come face-to-face with the many characters that comprise this astonishing world we live in.

We are all characters playing out our specific roles as in books, movies, politics, marriages, parenting, while 'treading the boards' of this vast stage called life! Stage left, stage right, downstage as the spotlight defines our features...our souls, for all to behold during this grand performance with the backdrop neatly painted by our own hands. Dipping the brush into a rainbow of lush colors, our performance is enhanced by each stroke upon the canvas and bright stage lights shine on and reflect the joy we feel. Muted shades of gray reduce the intensity of our contentment; subdue and soften while restraining the sound of color and light.

Strategically, others are allowed into our personal world to share and offer their particular perspective and attitude regarding our character. A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities flow like molten lava creating a miraculous new landscape from which each co-worker, friend, or neighbor's point of view can formulate and reference our character: Kind, hardworking, capable.....dependable. An employer's dream!

Yet, something inside of us seeks out, even reveres, those of dubious character, umbrageous souls who taunt and disrupt us by offering a life we could only hint at or speculate about before their introduction, possibly, from a book, film, or play. These perfect antagonists allow us to be beautiful or rich, wicked or immoral while gleaning vicarious pleasure from a boxing match of competition and conflict, vigorously cheering on the 'bad guy' while living a mundane existence in the real world. We might marry the trustworthy, kind man, but we secretly admire the dangers surrounding the Bad Boy persona.

Character can be determined by the sugar, spice and grit that dusts our life with its fine powder coating whether we live on top of a mountain, within a bustling city, or the more laid-back realm of a rural existence. Life is a journey into oneself. What seasonings we choose to use in order to bring zest or interest into our life is strictly up to us as individuals.

Being a kind, loving person can be a major benefit when it comes to strengthening a strong, benevolent character.

Love can and should be the greatest foundation or starting point when beginning our long journey. Hopefully, it has been shared and passed down to us by those we are close to and who offer us loving examples to live by. As we travel along the road, building character and stretching our imagination, we should ask ourselves if we have our 'loves' in order. Are we spending our time and energy on our highest love, our values and passion, before the journey into oneself reaches its end?

As time passes, we should learn the importance of humility, sympathy, tranquility, peace, respect, compassion, and Love, above all else......! This is a timeless list that's meant to strengthen our character while placing our loves in proper order.

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved