Thursday, March 31, 2016

AGING WITH GRACE: Praise For Strong, Loving Women

A series of essays.....

SPRINKLED WITH A WRY SENSE OF HUMOR" seen through my eyes! 

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Yes, I continue to age each day and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it! Coming to terms with the fact that aging is inevitable, eases the negativity behind a certain degree.

Of course, it doesn't hurt to love yourself, too! I mean, what's the point of living day-in and day-out with somebody you don't have the utmost respect for....? Yourself. After all, I spend most of 
my time with, well, me....especially as a writer when I find myself traversing the intricate corridors of my brain nearly twenty-four/seven. I figure I had better be there for me, over anyone else I can think of.

The funny part is, especially as I age and learn more about myself, I pray that I will have no regrets. I have been told that my personality can come-off being a bit strong and too boisterous at times thus appearing to intimidate those around me. Growing older (or, as I refer to it, finally growing-up), I know the simple truth is that my passion seeps out in great, hot waves that crash onto the projected rocks having sharp, jagged edges that can harm the sensibilities of those within my circle. My ideas, stories, and intimate connection with the imagination that feeds me on a daily basis, sensationalizes the ordinary, and highlights the mundane, can be stronger than I could ever estimate. It is what defines me as a person.

Peering out from my often lonely, internal existence, I find comfort in a world splashed in vibrant colors, draped in miles of attractive fabrics, and scented with the perfume of a thousand exotic flowers! It is a good place to be. Sipping my steaming mug of green tea with honey and lemon, I quietly slip back into my surreal existence,


I firmly believe that, as we age, we become more aware of those aging gracefully around us: a spouse, friends, immediate family members, and even public figures. And, as with many strong women, we seek-out other strong women with personalities that captivate us with their tenderness and loving attitudes towards life in general. It is an extreme pleasure to be able to acknowledge women around my own age that inspire me every single day. I would like to point a few of them out to you.

Allow me to introduce my adorable, Aunt June. Ninety-two years ago the earth was blessed by her arrival. Being the second born and having three male siblings, my father being her older brother, I can totally identify with many trials and tribulations she may have encountered given this identical birth order myself. Aunt June is the 'purple salad'  greatly anticipated and eagerly consumed every family reunion in August. She is a collection of warm smiles sprinkled with a wry sense of humor that often offsets her petite yet classic and well groomed stature. She is a fireball of energy and excitement who is always 'up' on current events and undeniably opinionated in her own right.

We totally lost touched as I grew older, married, and started a family of my own. Several years ago, not long after the birth of our first grandchild, Brenna, Aunt June and I were reconnected here in Florida when she and Uncle Louis rented a property during the winter months in Winter Haven. It was the best reunion of my life as it was peppered, once again, with her smiles and feisty humor.

Since the passing of Uncle Louis five years ago, she lives in her home located in South Bend, Indiana and we see one another as often as we can. Otherwise, Aunt June and I have become 'phone buddies' and have been known to ignore the passing of time for hours on end. She has become a best friend, surrogate mom, and a human sounding board by whom I channel my good and bad days as they are then deciphered and categorized by their relative importance. I admire this lady with all my being and often tell her that when I grow-up......I want to be just like her! Aging gracefully is her power and she's been blessed with the strength to endure just about any scenario placed before her.

Yes....I'm With Her!! How could I not be? Hillary Clinton, if you haven't noticed by now, is in the news quite a bit lately as she makes her run for President of the United States. I have reason to believe that the battle brewing between her and Bernie Sanders right now can be classified as 'mild' compared to the knock-down, drag-out fight she will soon encounter with the New York real estate mogul.

I do not feel the least bit sorry for him.

Hillary is a strong, brilliant woman who has had to endure one drama after another in her life of both a personal and public (political) nature and survived, if not made stronger and better prepared, as she emerged on the other side. Facing a male dominant world filled with its 'good 'ole boys' status hell-bent (even in 2016) on not accepting all human beings as equals, she consistently handles herself with decorum coupled with expert knowledge regarding ways to continue the progressive movement of this country and its citizens. As a mother, grandmother, and stubborn woman myself, I praise her tenacity and will always believe that she is highly qualified and sensitized towards the direct needs of all men, women, and children, with no exceptions.

No Presidential election should ever be based upon the physical traits of anyone. If that were the case, I wonder how many of our past male presidents would ever be elected today. Hillary Clinton ages gracefully right before us as she displays the charm of a loving woman who understands the value of wrapping her arms around us, helping the pain subside, and then applying a feasible solution in order to make us better and stronger. Hillary Clinton makes me proud to be a woman. Simple as that. She makes me proud to pass her female legacy down to my own daughters and granddaughters. She is setting a precedent for strong, little girls who desire to embrace their future head-on.

I could go on indefinitely mentioning female mentors, leaders, and artists who have changed the world through their powerful influence and talent: Mother Teresa, Oprah Winfrey, Margaret Sanger (opened the first family planning clinic in the United States), Virginia Woolf (author), Marie Curie (scientist), Sheryl Sandberg (author and COO of Facebook), Hillary Clinton, Marie Bracquemond (Impressionist artist), and Gloria Steinem, just to name a few.

Nurturing and being compassionate....that is what we do best as women. That is where we excel. We seem to always get things done. Whether we are mothers, teachers, doctors, or friends that genuinely care about one another, women are strong role models for others. And, as we age, we value more and more the inspiration of other women in our lives and use this strength to move forward into the realm of equalization with our male counterparts.

My personal goal, when it comes to aging with dignity and grace, has always been with regard to how well I have raised my own daughters. I am blessed with two strong, loving, and nurturing ladies who are generously passing these traits down to their own children every day.

Concentrating on the spiritual influences in my life these days, I open my heart and my arms to the power and grace of Love. You may have already noticed this recurring theme throughout my writing and with good reason. Strength, Love, and the Power to Forgive will guide each of us, man or woman, down the right path to aging....with dignity and grace.

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved