Thursday, October 20, 2016


A series of essays.....

DES ANGLAIS seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Hand in hand lovers, for the moment, swirl and sway to the rhythm and beat. An ancient voice sits beside the DJ who spins the sounds of melodies composed in another era in time. The crooner attempts to keep up with the music as his cigarette dangles, precariously, from his weathered lips. The beat changes. The dancers switch partners. Heads shift from one side to another until the women's eyes rest, demurely, on their new partner. The men hold the women with respect as their bodies begin to adjust to the new rhythms of both the music and the new person within their arms.  Life's dance continues to ebb and flow just like the sea that continually swallows the etched, gray stones a few yards away.....then, predictably, recedes into the blackness of the Bay. Their recently shined dancing shoes adapt to the changes and slowly, each new couple transforms into silent lovers, for a few moments in time. Witnesses to this ancient ritual line the shadowed Promenade above the dancers, delighted by the spectacle below. Charged by the music and the constant swell of the sea, their feet tap unconsciously; their bodies miming the motions of the dancers. With slight body movements, they suggest emotions without words. Using only gestures, expression, and movement, they align with the couples down below them; absorbing the rituals of motion and life, heartbeats blend together along the large expanse of the Promenade. Individuals blend seamlessly with those around them as the dance of life repeats itself night after night.....



I have become smitten by this magical place.

Lined with palm trees, as well as its iconic blue beach chairs, perfect for people watching, the Promenade des Anglais sweeps along the coastline, stretching from the Nice Airport Côte d'Azur to the Quai des États-Unis on the east side. Just last year, France submitted the famous pathway for Unesco World Heritage status.

La Prom, as it is affectionately called by the locals, is nearly four and a half miles of 'life' itself. A Mecca for bicyclists, baby strollers, families strolling along together on a Sunday afternoon, this pathway features cabanas perfect for a slow, uncomplicated time along the Mediterranean and the deep reflective thoughts enhanced by the azure water of the Bay of Angels.

By the end of the day, 14 July, 2016, eighty-six innocent souls would be lost forever along the Promenade. Bastille Day. A time of joy and celebration for the people of France. Equivalent to our Fourth of July. A time of Pomp-and-Circumstance. Filled with ceremony, fuss, and fireworks.....

With a heavy heart, my soul sings the 'Weary Blues.'



Have you ever been lost in Arles? 

Not lost in the sense that all is abandoned and there's no hope of surviving. Rather, lost in the folds of history that tend to envelope European spaces so completely, so profoundly, it pulls at your very soul. Emotionally captivated by the simple beauty that surrounds you such as narrow, cobbled streets and the profusion of flowers, potted and sprayed along iron balconies and the ancient stones of buildings and walls like colorful silken skirts protecting the secrets can't help but notice several large elephants in the room. 



The Roman Amphitheater (The Arena) was built at the end of the first century AD and could hold 21,000 spectators who came to witness fights and games. Built a century before the amphitheater, the Roman Theater is its imposing neighbor. Looted for centuries for its building materials, today it is once again being utilized as the magnificent theater it was meant to be. Sitting on the ancient stone slabs that have seated millions of others just like me, emotions in the form of awe and wonderment took over and for a short span of time, it was easy to lose my sense of 'self' and become a small, silent figure lost in space and time.


....Arles is one of the capital cities of Provence of the Bouches-du-Rhône department in the south of France.

The Celebration of Friendships

"To thine own self be true," quote from William Shakespeare's "Hamlet Act 1" that describes the importance of not deceiving yourself or others by ignoring what your heart tells you. When a person is true to himself, it's easier to be true to everyone else.

Traveling to France this past September was a true homecoming of old friendships and deep emotion. We knew that going in and planned most of our trip around this idea.


Nadine Fourré, a renowned French artist/sculptor, utilizes the 'Art of Balance' in all of her many works she proudly displays, not only in her hometown of Eygalieres, France, but galleries and Expos throughout Provence. She believes that everything begins feet under the water and incorporates her precious river finds of stone and driftwood into her manifestations of balance.  

While living in Japan for over twenty years and studying architectural design in Tokyo, she immersed herself in the art of "less is more" and gladly became a student of the stone gardens of Zen temples. Through a mutual friend, I met Nadine on Facebook many years ago and we became fast friends. I've written a lengthy piece about her artwork on my blog, 'Moving On...' and have always hoped to meet her in person one day.



Staying in Eygalieres, tucked in among the Alpilles Mountain chain and close to the banks of the Durance, the first night of our trip afforded me the opportunity to spend time with Nadine and get to know her better.

What joy in my heart! My excitement was beyond palatable like the delightful local organic Rosé we all sipped together and the petite, homegrown organic tomatoes still on the vine we nibbled on before going out to dinner under the stars. Ahh, the more wine we consumed, the more my emotions hung on my sleeve to be seen and felt by all who saw me.


A perfect evening among new friends that will be cherished and, hopefully, repeated as the years go by. Thank you, Nadine, for showing us how beautiful and kind your world is. I promise to keep this feeling within me forever.....


Next stop.....Le Verger, a charming Bed & Breakfast in the Luberon area of Provence that is owned and personally operated by our friends, Daniele and Jean-Philippe Rossi. I have often written about this magical place we were so kindly introduced to seven years ago. These amazing people have become more like family to us than we could have ever imagined upon that first meeting.

Having slipped through the 'surly bonds' of jet lag the night before and survived, we were looking forward to spending two nights at Le Verger seeped in informative and friendly conversation, the surrounding beauty of the Vaucluse, and copious amounts of Daniele's delicious croissants and homemade jams and jellies. We were not disappointed.


Daniele met us, arms wide and welcoming, as soon as we pulled in. With many tears of joy and delight shed by all of us, we felt as though we'd arrived back home.

The first evening there, we were told that we were having a home cooked dinner with yet another couple who had become friends of Daniele and Jean-Philippe around ten years ago when they assisted in helping to pick olives in the orchard at Le Verger. Anne, originally from London, married Jean-Claude, a Frenchman, and lived and raised their children in France. With Anne speaking excellent French, as well as English, Daniele reasoned that we would enjoy hearing English spoken and that Anne would have a chance to use her native language once again.

Our conversation leaned heavily towards American politics as they were, naturally, interested in our personal reactions to one of the most unprecedented Presidential elections in the history of the United States. On the other hand, we learned about French politics, as well, and were intrigued by the frank openness and general diversity of the four French citizens we listened to. At this point, Dan and I knew we had been welcomed into the fold with open arms.


Our two days swiftly flew by when we found ourselves saying good-bye once again. Vowing it would not be another seven years before we meet again and extending our open invitation for them to see us in Orlando, we waved a bientôt to two of the most giving, patient, and loving people we know. 

The roller coaster of emotions within that two day period was, in itself, amazing, exhilarating, and exhausting as time rolled on. I can remember wiping away my tears for many miles down the roads of the French countryside as we made our way to Arles for the night.....


What can I say? We have been friends with David for so long now that the many years in between our last visit together gently slid by all of us. There was so much life, love, and happiness sandwiched neatly between then and now that it seems ridiculously wonderful to know that we didn't lose out or miss something along the way. And, I liberally give kudos to Facebook for helping to make this happen.


Dan and I believed in the beginning that we'd have enough time during this trip to slide down to Barcelona, Spain, explore the exotic wonders of Gaudi architecture including the Sagrada Familia, the intricate Basilica that is one of Gaudi's greatest works, and visit David and Ray for a day or two. Eventually, we realized we just could not stretch our time in order to make this work out.

Fortunately, David came up with a feasible plan and asked if the four of us could meet in the small French resort town of Collioure north of the French and Spanish border and have dinner together. We would be coming down after a three night stay in Pieusse, a small village just south of Carcassonne where we had celebrated our wedding anniversary. 


As time transpired, we found a room for the night in Collioure with the anticipation of driving all the way back to Nice the following day. David surprised us by booking a room at La Bona Casa, as well. Finally, Dan and I were going to get to meet Ray and see David again after all this time. David and Ray were married in Spain and will soon celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary. 


Ray McCall, you wily one. You slipped by us once again due to your work schedule. Now we must wait to see that handsome face of yours in person either in Florida or when we are fortunate to be able to visit Barcelona in the future.

Sipping wine along the beach front in Collioure with David and Dan, I realized the unexpected paths our life can take. Would I have thought that we'd be spending time with Mr. Ackley in France, wine glass in hand, with the beauty of this resort town behind us and the Mediterranean Sea stretched out so richly before us? 

The slight drizzle motivated us to seek out a place for dinner and we found a perfect spot outside and only a block away from our hotel. By then the rain had subsided and we ordered more wine and beer and ample food that turned out to be quite delicious. At one point, we were laughing very boisterously and with good cheer and that night, before going to bed, I realized I'd lost one of my favorite earrings. Even the next day when we retraced our steps and couldn't find the earring, I knew I could not let it bother me after having enjoyed such a wonderful time.


Enjoying our coffee and croissants the next morning was bittersweet for all of us. David would soon be driving back south, picking-up his two adorable dogs and bringing them back to his flat with Ray returning from his trip in a few days time. We had a much longer day in the car as we, reluctantly, packed the rental car and headed to the beautiful city of Nice for our last evening in France.

We miss you, David. We miss the laughter and excellent wine. We miss the political discussions with the three of us knowing how to keep America as great as it always has been. But, most of all, we miss you. Until we are blessed to see you again....much love and peace.



Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved