Tuesday, January 31, 2017


A series of essays.....

.....as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Have you noticed as you watch conservatives speak on news stations, with the exception of Fox News, how the majority of Republicans and their supporters proceed to talk over the interviewer and other guests to such a degree that comprehending the conversation is nearly impossible? Has extreme repetition of words and not allowing the opinions of others into the conversation become the norm by which we are being convinced to cooperate with this current administration?

Well, after this long 'week of crazy,' the concept of the manipulation of our country's beliefs and her people, by various formats and ideologies, has become increasingly clear to most of us.

The dynamic of the culture in this country has changed dramatically. We can't just disagree with one another any more. If a person disagrees with someone else, he/she must also call them a liar and a phony. We are witnessing people being divided by religion, cultural beliefs, and backgrounds whether they were born here or living here with the hopes of citizenship. And, we are being manipulated into believing that diversity is undesirable as opposed to being, fundamentally, basic in making our country stronger.

To manipulate someone or something means to control them in a skillful manner. I may be giving way too much credit to this new administration by the use of the term skillful. However, their manipulation has reared its ugly head in several predominant political ways over this past 'week of crazy,' and, more than likely, will continue for as long as they can get away with it.

I have contended for quite some time that Trump and his supporters have been doing all that they could to follow through on their initiative of 'The Dumbing-Up of America.' Unfortunately, they have succeeded in far too many ways, already. 

A well educated nation is a strong nation with people who understand, defend, and are capable of transferring their intelligent ideologies along to other countries thus creating a cohesive union of nations. This administration is being led by a politician guided by expediency rather than principle with an inclination towards methods that are advantageous rather than fair or just. He has chosen many of his Cabinet appointees because they hold opposite views from what each position stands for or have no worldly idea of what a particular post is all about in the first place.....proving my point.

One of the most disturbing of these appointees is Betsy DeVos of Michigan. As a political donor and lobbyist who has spent decades working to dismantle public education and privatize public school, DeVos has yet to demonstrate any knowledge of civil rights laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. She appears to lack even basic knowledge of educational practice, which was evidenced in her descriptions of assessment and accountability measures for students and educators. And yet, she was his choice to handle the responsibility of protecting our nation’s most vulnerable students. 

Certain members of this administration know that 'The Dumbing-Up of America' begins with our children and, they are doing the best that they can to influence this president. If this country fails to grant our youth the right to achieve their full potential, regardless of their location or background, we undermine our mission and cause great harm to our public schools thus greatly effecting the bright and prosperous future of the United States through the imagination and education of our youth.

Poignantly stated by the National Memo, "Everything about Donald Trump is about appearances and his fragile ego. Unlike Lincoln, his agenda shows no promise of elevating above anything but a childish need for self-validation and a tyrannical need for the accumulation of power." This is precisely what has concerned many of us for so long now. Like the spoiled child that he is, he can be and is easily manipulated himself. 

To whom do we reasonably contribute the manipulation of this highly vulnerable president? The answer is conflated with the presence of Steve Bannon, and his history of white nationalism and agenda of propaganda and hatred, infused with the documented backing of the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin.

Bannon is viewed as one of the most influential people within the White House and his views have been significant in framing the way that Trump has begun his administration and is believed to have been a co-author of the term 'American Carnage' used in the inaugural speech. Last week, Bannon, who views the media as the opposition party, told the media to shut-up and listen for awhile. With Bannon's recent inclusion into the shaking-up of the National Security Council by downgrading the Joint Chiefs Chairman and inserting Steve Bannon, political advisor, it has been said that the Joint Chiefs attendance at security meetings will now be by invitation only. Government officials have told all of us that in order to hear the truth about anything, we must only listen to Donald Trump because only he speaks the truth. And, think about the fact that we have yet to ascertain the full extent of influence on Trump issued by Putin himself. 

Now, with executive orders flying around the White House as prolifically as paper airplanes decorated with black   squiggles made by a Sharpie pen, never to be seen or read by anyone outside of the Oval Office, the entire world has been accosted by a blanket ban designed to hurt all Muslims everywhere! Done in a 'back of the envelope' way, Republicans are demonstrating their lack of intelligence by initiating their knee-jerk 'reaction policies' that could ultimately place our own military troops stationed in the war zones of the Middle East in jeopardy. 

This Ban is a set-back on the war on terror and is a "self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism," says Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. To add insult to injury, some Republicans are calling the protesters around our nation over the travel ban initiated over the weekend a "Flash Mob" and that the Left is still crying over their loss in the November election. This White House has only displayed tendencies that would harm the welfare of Americans and our troops overseas. 

This travel ban against the Muslims was not about protecting our nation from terrorists. Rather, this ban was about weakening our country from within.

I have believed for quite some time that this entire scenario was designed and utterly contrived to make us feel afraid. And, after this has been accomplished, Trump then rides in on his white horse to protect us from all of the terrible evil out in the world. This is the plan employed by this man to display his power and strength; a perfect example of a manipulated leader attempting to manipulate others. This is how his campaign was run. And now, using lies and deceit, his administration applies the same rules to their attempt at running our great nation. 

Tom Friedman is a New York Times columnist and author of his latest book,"Thank You For Being Late," tells us that the threat today is between the world of order and the world of disorder. "We shouldn't think 'in the box' or 'out of the box' anymore. We need to think 'without a box.' This is global  chaos and everything is connected with everything else. To lead and succeed, you have to be able to understand the world. You have to be educated, you have to read, and you have to know that all things are connected. Nothing is connected in a Trump world."

A prime example of his total disconnect is when Trump lopped-off the non-partisan people who were running our infrastructure in the State Department, pulling our Ambassadors to other countries, and sending their bosses packing. These are the people who, along with their many other duties, ensure the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries. Is it just stupidity, or is there some form of a plan by Steve Bannon and the rest to weaken us? Especially after he has been identified with propaganda and right wing extremists!

Mr. Friedman once wrote of a friend who said that Americans kick around this country like it is a football when in reality, it is a Fabergé Egg. You can drop it. You can break it. There's so much at stake for us. If we grow weak as a country, if we get distracted, and get knocked off our values, our children will grow up in a fundamentally different world.

In Trump-land, the Republicans are showing a complete lack of intelligence. They are blaming the mixed messages they are sending out on a "Hyperventilating Media." They have mocked Senator Chuck Schumer's teary-eyed statement that the travel ban initiated over the weekend was mean spirited and un-American and all part of making us feel afraid. The president said that Senator Schumer's tears were fake and asked who his acting coach was. Belittling others seems to rank high as standard procedure within this administration. 

I, for one, am becoming exhausted by this 'all about Fears and never about Facts, Phobia induced' White House! I want action! For me, if being politically correct means upholding our Constitution, then I am, most definitely, politically correct! 

There are several words in our vocabulary that decidedly encapsulate how many of us are feeling right now and would help to counteract the negative emotions felt towards an administration that is serving to weaken our great nation by sending the world a propaganda message that will serve to make us less safe and more vulnerable every day. #Solidarity, #MutualRespectAndUnderstanding, #RespondToBadWithGood, and the most important of all: #RESIST!!

We must RESIST......

Thank you, Sally Yates, Attorney General of the United States, for your sacrifice for your country.  'We The People" means All of the people and you understood this more than anyone in this new administration ever will.

No one can deny that these last several days will always be labeled 'A Week of Crazy!'

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved