Thursday, February 9, 2017


 A series of essays.....

SUNSHINE IN MY SOUL ~ SUNRISE! seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

A hairline fissure runs through the middle of my spirit these days. It is a narrow split, a stressful division, in a manner of speaking, that helps to define the ache that weighs so heavily on my heart. 

My spirit breaks because of you.

If the spirit were made of stone, these fractures might be explained away, offering comfort in knowledge; options for improvement. Technically, some cracks in rock are a mechanism of brittle deformation in response to stress or pressure that exceeds the rock strength, causing the rock to lose cohesion along its weakest plane. Employ the engineer who might grout such cracks and help to strengthen my 'spirit' that has fallen into such disrepair. Oh, if only the solution were that simplistic...

My spirit breaks because of you.

If the spirit were likened to the brick foundation by which we build our hopes and dreams upon, it would be exhibiting these cracks and shifts that serve to weaken its splendor. A home or shelter that has been shifted from its solid foundation by earthly tremors has lost its original stability and now serves to undermine the spirit that once thrived within; lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of nurturing the hopes and dreams it once sheltered.

Oh, my spirit breaks because of you.

If the spirit was brought forth through a particular fairy or sprite, I would solemnly swear that the 'little gnome' might have entered my universe upon our visit to the Emerald Isle back in 2006. My mischievous fairy would be a leprechaun named John, a tiny old man, who lives in the Caha Mountains of Southwestern Ireland under the guise of a sheep farmer. His playful antics and fun-loving spirit infusing my life with his power to affect the course of human events and insert the inevitable joy of my becoming a grandmother. Would I now see John with a single tear trickling down his wise, ancient cheek? Would his own spirit be breaking a bit in unison with mine?

The collection of actions or deeds by others can serve to break down our spirit.

If I allow the emotional, fundamental, and activating principle of my life, my spirit if you will, to be controlled by staunch man-made walls of negativity, I will continue to experience the brokenness. It will come to limit me; my character will suffer and my heart will break into a million pieces and cease to be the sacred vessel that contains the Love and Peace that, ultimately, defines me.

Once bitten, twice shy. An unpleasant experience induces caution every time!

You will never be able to understand this expression until you have lived through it. Living through a heartbreaking experience should serve to improve the outlook we have coming out of it, on the other side. It should.....if we allow it to happen. Every day now I meditate with the idea that I will slow down this fast-spinning world around me. I will better my life through my deep spiritual beliefs. Open my heart to every possibility. Breathe in the Love; and exhale the Peace. Breathe in the Love; and exhale the Peace until the floral carpet at my feet surrounds my spirit with its color palette of beauty. The peace and calm of our spectacular Floridian sunsets, layered with pink, mauve and brilliant blues, wraps me in a cloak of tranquility. Breathe in the Love; and exhale the Peace!

If my true spirit is the force, the principle that is believed to animate me and enlighten the living being that I am, then it must be so much stronger than I ever imagined before! I must step out of the dark and back into the light in order to change. What I perceived as fissures running along the length of my spirit, my vitality, like irregular shaped shadows that lend breath to my craggy landscape, must be transformed into receptacles that capture the joy I feel from the many blessings bestowed upon my humble life. 

My spirit is becoming whole once again because of you.

Strength is my honor. Always telling the truth and honoring this unselfish act in others, is my virtue in this lifetime. I will not be embroiled in petty battles that lack integrity and service the weaknesses that lurk within other souls. I,too, will become emboldened by these truths and only utilize the 'alternative facts' haphazardly spewed out by others as examples to give me the strength to share my beliefs with those who have reached this identical conclusion with me. 

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." Did you live by that rule yourself, Mr. Twain, proving one of our greatest American authors to be witty, wise and honest! 

The mighty pendulum has swung its one hundred and eighty degrees in less than a thousand words and I am not inclined to accept its return anytime soon. By accepting the challenges set before me, I will strive to forgive weakness, encourage truth and honesty, and live my life with a modicum of caution, having been bitten in the past. My rule of thumb will be if you show me respect, I will return that respect a thousand times over to you.

If my spirit has been transformed from solid rock to the brilliance of experiencing 'sunshine in my soul,' I could not be more grateful to all of you who have been there for do know who you are. Let's work together to make this world a better place, help correct the wrongs, and look forward to welcoming the sunshine into our spirit and soul again.

But, never give up the fight! We must never back down from challenging what we see is wrong with new found hope of making it right!

My spirit is now whole, once more.  Because of you, I am ready to join the fight and win!

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved