Thursday, April 13, 2017


A series of essays.....

'PINK MOON RISING' seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes


Having recently returned from the guest bedroom making certain that sheets were stripped from the bed and all towels that had been used were now in my possession to be washed, I sat down holding the envelope in my hands with a smile beaming across my face. Our guests, our good friends, our link with the past, present, and future...had left us a priceless gift, secretly allowing it to nestle among the four pillows that reside on the Queen-sized bed, in the yellow-striped room with purple accents, specifically for us to discover after their departure.

A self proclaimed lover of beautiful gift cards, she decorated the envelope with our names and miniature hearts and I proceeded to slit open the cream colored paper with surgical precision, preserving its integrity as much as possible, as memories of our time together danced in my head. Sliding the card from its temporary confinement, a Parisian flower market began to emerge as French blue pots filled with bright purple blooms were encompassed by similar sized beige pots bursting with thick, green ferns along with an ancient, curlicued iron bench weathered in rust and sporting white paint chips as if it were wearing fish scale accessories in order to impress the potted plants that regally sat upon it.

After successfully releasing the garden, inch by inch, from its captivity, I opened the 'tiny book' anxious to discover the collection of handcrafted words composing the message I was to savour, appreciate, delight in for several moments before extending the joy I felt by rereading the words a second and third time. Personal sentiments addressed from the heart, adorning paper with affirmative expressions, coinciding with our own identical feelings, with the hope of capturing similar moments in the near future...thus proclaimed the dark blue swirls. Until next time, sweet friends, this Parisian flower market will continue to remind us of you and forever connect us with your thoughtfulness, kindness, and love.

Expressly dedicated to Michael and Marsha.

                                       Photo Credit Marilyn A. Roofner 


My hat (beret?) off to those remarkable men of Nineteenth-century France, originators and practitioners of Prose Poetry, with their musical names such as Mallarmé, Bertrand, Rimbaud, and Baudelaire that seem to sing and dance right off of the tongue when said aloud. Not to be confused with short short stories or micro-stories, Prose Poetry, a hybrid genre showing attributes of both prose and poetry, may be indistinguishable from them in the end. Frequently misinterpreted as a modern concept, the style and appeal of Prose Poetry can be as light and mystifying as a full-moon rising over the River Seine at a time when Impressionistic painters, the likes of Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro, walked the streets of Paris in search of backers for their monumental works of art. 

Prose Poems can be tender little morsels of life presented Tapas style, each small, savory bite richly concentrated with unique flavors and spices waiting to burst open in your mouth, providing satisfaction through extreme intensity. Although each poem tells a story in itself....often transitioning one story smoothly into the next allows an author to connect the emotional dots between birth to death, beginning to end, while each curvaceous puzzle piece awaits its turn in assisting to complete the larger picture.

Soul searching. Concentrating on a common theme. Evoking emotions in others by means of example and personal recall. With styles as variable as the ingredients it would take to produce each story, creators of Prose Poetry offer their own interpretations of life based upon experiences and long-term beliefs that served to shape them into the individuals they had become by the time their first thoughts were ever transcribed. Location, interaction with others, religious beliefs, joy and sorrow, and economic status become power sources for those seeking this concentrated form of personal expression. From the works of Charles Baudelaire to Bob Dylan, and all of the many modern day writers who are accomplished in writing Prose Poems, I salute you!



I stepped outside last night to take a picture of the Pink Moon. Our neighbor saw me and called over to say hello and ask how we were doing. It took only a few minutes, but well spent time, for sure. Turning back to my task at hand, I was pleasantly surprised to see how you can say hello to your neighbor, talk for a moment or two and, instantly, the night sky changes colors on you as if the 'filter wheel' has suddenly rotated, red, green, yellow, and blue light....continually illuminating the silver, aluminum tree. In this case, pale pink sky outlined by dusky, gray clouds transitioned into shades of French blue capped-off by a misty crown of pale lavender. The Pink Moon came alive amidst the myriad of colors.


The full moon tonight will reach its peak at 2:08 a.m. The moon will be on the opposite side of the Earth and the sun will be illuminating it, making it extra bright. I can assure you that I won't be experiencing its peak and, neither will our neighbor. I did make it outside for a few more photo ops, however....while the night was still young. The white hot sphere, by this time, had positioned itself between the branches of our live oak tree simulating a large, bright ball that had been recently flung from a giant's slingshot and cast out into the depths of the deep blue sky.


But why is it called the 'Pink Moon' if, in actuality, it is so white and bright? I discovered a reason behind the lovely name.

As with most stories surrounding the titles and reasoning behind the naming of the full moons throughout the year, it has to do with our Native Americans. They named this April moon after an outrageously pink wildflower known as phlox. This wild ground flower blossoms prolifically early-on in the month of April in North America. No pink colored moon tonight. Instead we honor the rights of Spring and all of the beautiful delights it has to offer us. I can certainly handle and celebrate that!


Surprise! I woke up early enough this morning to say goodbye to the 'Pink Moon' in the Western sky while just in time to welcome the rising sun peeking its glorious head out from the treetops to the East as it was slowly rising over the Atlantic coastline. What a wonderful and amazing world this is!

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved