Thursday, July 20, 2017


A series of essays.....

SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes


reigns and messes with our state of being; clashes with the soul. A mixed-up, crazy tangle of this and that, here or there, that deposits within its wake, a state of tumult that can be as deep and cavernous as the mightiest canyon, the deepest ocean, and is as unpredictable as a sinkhole expecting to randomly claim its rights to all things both animate and inanimate. We are left with a confused collection of chaos and clutter from which we find we are constantly living in a world that is unsettled and lacking direction or purpose.

We seek safety in numbers when we must feel our way around a world that lacks coherence or a sense of direction and often find ourselves caught in an even graver tangle of bewilderment; a weak cannon not properly secured that could break loose from the force of recoil. Human nature compels us to believe, while in the state of being confused, that we can be safer doing something if there are others doing it. So much better than confronting it alone, adrift at sea and hoping to find a purpose and place within a world overflowing with diversity. There will come a time to decide if the plan to 'blend in' is a bold opportunity of seeking harmony within diversity or a strategy of furthering division. Even while blinded by uncertainty, it becomes acutely important that we decide on a particular path to follow. The correct path for us may serve to offer the clearness we seek and, ultimately,  suppress the confusion.

Only when we choose to embrace the enormous multiformity and complications of life, can we better adapt to meet changing circumstances that strive to constantly perplex and bewilder us, whether we are within a particular group or alone in this world mightily grasping to fend for ourselves. If we continue to be lost, disoriented, suicidal....we can regain our bearings, our sense of direction and purpose in this life if we remember to reach out to others, friend or stranger, woman or man, and understand that we are never, truly on our own. Sit down, close your eyes and allow the sensation of vertigo to pass. Yes, it will pass. By the time we reopen our eyes and feel encouraged by the calmness, a sense of embarrassment will float away from our bodies, our souls, as though a heavy load has been lifted from them and it appears we are floating inches above the ground. This contentment we are experiencing is the happiness and satisfaction of embracing a simple life; the joy of living in a log cabin deep inside the woods with nature surrounding us in abundance.

Like a blind person feeling the contours of a human face in order to 'see' them within their mind's eye, it is possible to obtain a tangible sense of structure and individuality. We are not all the same. Each one of us is open to interpretation. How people form mental images seems to vary, but the talent for mental imagery is far greater if we practice reining-in negativity, defeating disorientation, and learning to manage the confusion that lingers subconsciously and will only serve to sabotage the future. 

The acceptance of life, good or bad, fragile....disturbed, jumbled and disordered, allowed or inappropriate, only sets the ground rules for what is to be considered our personal 'roller coaster' ride. When we choose to accept the challenges this ride has to offer, as the wind blows back our hair and distorts our facial features, we must accept the responsibilities that go along with our decisions. As our personal story emerges, smooth sailing becomes an abstract concept such as beauty or love. The sooner we realize that it is possible to control our confusion, we are ahead of this game called 'Life.' The growing dependence upon our own imagination and abundance of ideas will help us get through the 'sticky' spots and we will be able to thrive well beyond our perceived capabilities!

Do not strive to completely avoid confusion. That is not our purpose. We will learn so much more if we consciously embrace it as one would a long, lost friend. It is the clear and present state of euphoria we experience each time our heart and mind filters our confusion and promotes the power of the imagination that takes us to the next level along life's numerous plateaus. We all deserve a pat on the back at this juncture because we are officially entitled to bear the label of 'Survivor' pinned ceremoniously across our hearts like a badge of courage and meant to be worn with pride!


Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

All Photos Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved