Thursday, November 2, 2017


A series of essays.....


 By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

There’s really no personal win when we decide to challenge the inevitable. 

Oh, but how hard we try! Especially when it comes to growing older and having to endure consistent physical changes.

Okay, I am thinking about (feeling a bit sorry for) the people whose pictures have been exploited on social media via headlines such as: “Child stars and what they look like today,” and “Botched plastic surgery,” or “Unrecognizable after too many surgeries!” Even if these photos are not genuine but intentionally fabricated by some perverse, dark soul intending to besmirch the reputation of others, we still look at them. We may think how pompous people with fame and money can be, choose to ignore any unmitigated circumstances, and wind up feeling even more superior and portentous than many of them by believing we’d never do that no matter how wealthy we are. 

The more money we have, the greater the possibility of spending more time and effort in finding our preferred Fountain of Youth?

Our love affair with maintaining a youthful appearance always seemed quite superficial to me and yet, I sit here, hypocritically preaching, having had my roots lightened and hair highlighted only yesterday morning! Yes, admittedly, this has been my guilty pleasure since the term naturally blond began to fade (literally!) into the annals of my youth. These recorded check-and-balances every November of my life serve as documented evidence of the passing of time, undeniable aging, and yes....the onslaught of the inevitable.

We can run and we can attempt to hide from this fierce attack, but there is no denying the small wrinkles lacing the soft skin around the eyes and mouth or that wayward facial hair we pluck away only to have several more emerge the very next day. And, my favorite (NOT!) is this crazy skin condition called ‘crepey skin’ or ‘crepe paper arms!’ I ask you, "What is up with that? A perfect example of something much greater than us having a good chuckle at our expense?"

Well, it’s not like it all happens overnight you know! We have ample time to think about it, attempt to thwart and, as a last resort, totally forget about becoming a teeny bit older each day until our humble attempt at baffling the aging process no longer becomes an option for us. That November date rears its crusty head yet again very soon only to remind me that records are being kept and time continues to elapse even as I sit here typing.

If I’ve carried a particular mantra with me since my early twenties it would have to be, “You are only as old as you feel.” Truthfully, it has served me well over the years. 

Feelings are internalized. Feelings are emotional and moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity). If being only as old as you feel holds true, then I made it my personal goal to feel as young as possible throughout the years. Part of this elaborate process of feeling young no matter what your age is the action of interjecting youthful ideas into and taking modern approaches towards life within our everyday routine. 

Make the time to explore your favorite options of internalizing the aging process. It could be as simple as eating healthy and eliminating sugar from your diet, making it a habit to hang-out with the younger crowd whether it be with your children and grandchildren, or by taking a class at your local university or community college. You’d be amazed how immersing yourself in the youthful energy around you can conjure interesting friendships and amazing, in-depth conversations!

Climb to the peak of a particular hill or mountain and sit there looking out upon the vast world and all of its magnificence and realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things. This will place your life in proper perspective. Now breathe in deeply and be in the moment. Our age will have no particular relevance within the vastness of this gratifying point in time and space.

Consciously align with friends who share your own youthful way of thinking because they will help to expand your horizons by riding in tandem with you as you explore life’s many wonders. 

Eventually, It becomes apparent, that we must approach each birthday with an open mind and heart and think of it as another milestone in our eternal quest for knowledge and healing. It’s true. With each new wrinkle, gray strand of hair, and candle on the cake, we become older, wiser, and better prepared for what we have absolutely no control over: the inevitable. How happy we are and how we manage the days and years leading up to this point is strictly within our own personal scope and power.

Therefore, I am eternally grateful for my freedom and flexibility, continued good health, the optimistic influences of creative and talented friends, and the fresh and vigorous antics of my precious grandchildren. Come this fourth of November, I will gladly look into the mirror at a new wrinkle or two, congratulate myself on the hair color choices, and proudly say to myself, “Damn I feel good...and, it shows!”

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved