Wednesday, February 21, 2018


A series of essays.....


By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

As a teenager, it was so simple to tune-out the rest of the world. I would tune-in The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel, and The Animals and then close my bedroom door.

I didn’t understand at the time that what I was creating was my own form of stillness; a personal solution to maintaining sanity and balance in my life. Stillness for me was the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting experiences.....silencing the world around me by interjecting the comforting sounds of my favorite music into the moment like a long-loved security blanket tucked into the arms of a sleeping child.

Technology may have advanced the devices we use to hear our music on today, but the idea behind the action remains the same; discovering and enjoying a balance in our daily lives. Stillness.

New styles and artists are added to my musical repertoire as time progresses, but the comfort derived from the music will always be a part of my life. Just like the music, the search for ‘stillness’ has magnified throughout the years and I realize that to obtain true stillness and peace of mind, I’ve had to discover how to listen. And, by listening, I’ve come to understand a little more about how small we are as individuals within the larger picture of the world around us. 

There will always be wisdom to be found in listening to the bigger world we exist in. Some of the greatest pleasures in life can be derived from having a deep conversation with a friend and truly listening to what it is they have to say. We crave intimacy and kindness and must never forget to make time for it. People need to be seen and heard and know that they matter. One of the main purposes of being here on earth is to listen to and look-out for one another.

Understanding that it’s not the experience that shapes our life, but how we respond to these experiences that really matters. The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, have been actively practicing this ‘life lesson’ since experiencing the mass shooting that eliminated seventeen friends and teachers from their lives last week. 

Their youthful innocence will be forever changed from that moment going forward. 

This tragic experience forced upon them has given rise to a super intelligence and mind-set that is taking over our way of thinking by storm and is transforming archaic values into new, bolder time-appropriate ideas that will help to shape our country for years and years to come! Their response to our tragic lack of gun control, politicians being bought and sold by the National Rifle Association, and the possibility of future mass murders is: “We’re not going to take it anymore!” 

These students may be small as individual entities within the larger picture, however, uniting as one, solid unit, they are being seen and heard and know how important their voices have become in the process of looking out for one another.

This latest shooting here in Florida has clarified the rejection of passivity and catapulted the idea of change for the better deep into the atmosphere and the notion that ‘we sit back and do nothing’ is definitely not part of their public or private persona any longer. This is their way of healing after having to endure the atrocious acts that have taken place within their ‘house of stillness,’ learning, and solace....their own high school environment. 

If you are even close to my age and all of this sounds vaguely familiar to you, may I suggest that their personal war zone is for them what my generation called the Vietnam War and we must continue to learn, as one generation laps over the next generation or two, that the value placed on human life should always remain at its highest. It is eminently sensible to believe that one of the most important reasons for all of us to be here on earth is to take care of one another and we must never ignore the fact that if we do not, our stillness, sanity, and balance may be placed in jeopardy, indefinitely.

When I listen to the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School speak out about change with all the fervor of their youthful energy and commitment, I can’t help but feel encouraged that this time it will be different. This time, hopefully, the adults in the room will listen, understand and, finally, take action! Godspeed!

Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Friday, February 16, 2018


A series of essays.....

                          MY FIVE REASONS FOR SEEKING HAPPINESS!                             
GUN LAW CHANGES IN THIS COUNTY!!! seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

HAPPINESS..., a relative term, co-dependent upon our own current state of mind and/or circumstances. It can be an illusion or state of being that some of us only dream about. It can be the most amazing feeling ever experienced. Happiness can be faked, stepped on, crinkled into a ball and thrown away. It can, also, be fed, encouraged, and built upon until such joy fills our entire being that we might suddenly fear losing even a drop of it and carry our happiness cautiously as we would a glass filled to the brim in which the slightest movement could cause it to spill over......onto others? To know true happiness would be to share our own happiness with as many people as possible and assist in turning negative circumstances into positive ones.

Happiness is the feeling of a deep seated, comfortable ride through the green valleys and along the craggy mountaintops that comprise our everyday lives. While our trusty steed navigates the wild terrain, we may experience rain showers and snow storms one day, only to be perked-up by the warmth of the sun on our faces the next. Our ‘state of happiness’ is not determined by the chilling weather patterns of the tundra or the warmth of a sunny climate. We could feel happy in both environments. Rather, it is a feeling that has saturated our inner being since birth and only diminishes if or when we allow it to.

We are born with happiness overflowing from every pore of our being with our innocence and inquisitiveness sparkling from within like a bright, shining star. As we age, our personal interaction with others, may it be good, bad, or indifferent, sets the pace for retaining or losing measured quantities of inborn happiness as time reveals a truthful account about the world we live in. Good experiences, wholesome relationships, and positive attitudes help to elevate us in ways that excite the senses and motivate the positive emotions that contribute to future happiness. Negative experiences can cause us to feel displeasure and discontentment and will, eventually, diminish the happiness we were originally born with. 

Heading into this world as toddlers and young adults with the understanding that life itself is a challenge can provide a modicum of strength and encouragement along our path to survival and, ultimately, perceived happiness. With the passing of time, understanding happiness can be likened to the anticipation of a great adventure; traveling to a place we have always wanted to experience but, up to this point, only read about. With anticipation comes the expectation of hope and the desire that this particular event becomes a possibility considering we save our money and make the time for it. Instinctively, we float in a state of suspense that carries us along on the whims of our research and planning until the crescendo increases in intensity and our very being tingles with throbbing vibrations as though we were listening to a fiery Irish jig with good friends on a Saturday night....pints raised to the heavens above! Happiness!

We own our own personal answers when it comes to coping with the depths of our private being. But depth, the core of our being, is something we cultivate over time. The renowned Dutch philosopher, Baruch Spinoza, once wrote, “The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.” Our mask of upside-down frowns and narrowed eyes only scratches the surface of what and who we truly are. If we wish to dig deep inside and project accurate images of gut feelings, failed dreams, lost promises to ourselves throughout the years, we may find the projection of these images upon our ‘face-screens’ to be  clever truths depicting worn paths down the long road of ‘trial and error.’ Maybe it is merely a mask we wear for others to see and be comforted by in times of earthly tribulations in the hope that they will return the favor by allowing us to luxuriate for a moment in artificial solace as they share their mask with us? Even if the intentions are good, by shedding false masks and doing whatever it takes to understand what truly makes us happy is worth all of the effort we put into it. 

It is our duty to ourselves as an active member of the human race to dig deep down inside, to the depth of our very soul and understanding, and become a lover of what is....for the sake of happiness.

Author’s Note: This piece was written hours before the latest mass killing here in Florida. Happiness, for myself, would be to be able to protect our youth from suffering through having to fear for their lives by simply attending school. We, as adults, know how to correct this scenario. It’s been done successfully in many other countries. It had been done with great success in our own, at one time. Will we allow greed, money, and power to diminish the happiness of our youth forcing them to grow up too fast?  Or, will we work together to pass laws to stop this senseless

Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved 

Thursday, February 8, 2018


A series of essays.....

THREE EARTH ANGELS seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE that very few of us have enough of throughout our lifetime. The aging process is not always kind and our ‘cup that runneth over with patience and tolerance’ may begin to evaporate and its precious contents drop by several finger widths as time goes by. When we love someone and recognize that their patience is running thin due to justified intolerance or the recognition that time is turning into a misty compilation of memories, may we have the understanding to hold them close to our hearts. May we have the emotional resources to be able to soothe their trembling bodies and souls and whisper softly into their ear...I’m gonna love you through it; I’m going to be there with you every step of the way. I can’t help but think how many lives have been saved because someone loved them through the bad times along with the good.

EARTH ANGELS ABOUND and drift softly among the pages of our lives like delicate snowflakes glistening in the winter sunlight, untethered, not connected to or limited by the earthly restraints of fear, hate or deviousness. Never encumbered by perceptible ethereal wings comprised of burnished plumage, they live, love, and laugh beside us day and night and wear labels of honor invisibly pinned to their chests the likes of friend, daughter, co-worker, Mother, stranger, husband, teacher, son, Father, organ donor, wife, or guardian (angel?). We can be earth angels ourselves and not even realize it just by bestowing random acts of kindness onto others; by understanding that even our own invisible wings can wrap around someone in need as we whisper softly that we’re gonna love them through it no matter how long it takes.

“I TRY TO BE CHARITABLE. I think that’s the greatest virtue.” John Mahoney, beloved actor of stage and screen, passed away this week and we remaining, unknowledgeable mortals have, as usual, been learning more about his incredible life only after his death. John, aptly, epitomized the true meaning of the phrase, “I’m gonna love you through it.....” via his powerful words and generous beliefs. “Charity is more important than telling the truth. I think sometimes the virtue is making sure you don’t hurt anybody’s feelings, as opposed to patting yourself on the back saying, ‘Oh, well, I had to tell them the truth,’” he says. “I’m pretty much in a spiritual state most of the time. Yes, you make mistakes. And yes, you do things that you shouldn’t do, but you will be forgiven, and you will be loved, and you won’t be loved less. You will be loved just as much as you were before you made the mistakes.” John Mahoney’s God is a kind God.

                         Courtesy of 

COMMUNICATION, LOVE, FEARLESSNESS, AND CHARITABLENESS: Life skills that help to define the goals that serve to make our life the greatest it can be. I ask you, what do we have to fear or lose when we truly understand that we are only here on this earth for a finite amount of time? The brave act of practicing these virtues is the hardest thing we will ever hope to accomplish during our brief stay here. If and when we succeed in this quest, even if it takes us to our final days here on earth, I genuinely believe we will have brilliantly uncovered the true ‘Meaning of Life’ much to the betterment of ourselves and, hopefully, others. In our time of need, what a wonderful feeling to have someone   hold us and say, "I'm gonna love you through it...." This is a personal mantra and message we could use to aid in our own healing process.

MAKE EACH NEW DAY ONE THAT is infused with that 'service bent' attitude. We may give thanks each morning for the new day that’s been given to us as we swing our legs out from under the warm sheets. We may, also, ask for blessings and protection for those we love (including ourselves) before snuggling back into those same sheets at night. It is when we become consciously aware of any opportunity to spread our wings and say to our fellow man, “I’m gonna love you through this bad boy, my friend,” will we understand that by loving them, we will be, in turn, honoring ourselves. Any goodwill gesture will return to us tenfold and continue to spread its kindness around the world. Each of us is a collection of mistakes, and, often, we do things we shouldn’t do, but we will be forgiven because we must believe that John Mahoney’s God is a kind God....

Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, February 1, 2018


A series of essays.....

~AMERICAN PROMISE TOUR~ seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

“Let’s try the ramp right across from the Center. It’s still pretty early should be okay.”

“Works for me! The closer the better because it looks like it might rain.”

“No it won’t."

“Look how gray it is. Why would you say that?”

“Because you’re going to carry your umbrella around with you all night long and that, usually, is enough to jinx the rain.”

“Hope you’re right.”

                                        Courtesy: Closer Weekly

“How hungry are you? I mean, we have plenty of time before they even open the outer doors and we could walk anywhere downtown to grab a bite. Personally, I’m not all that hungry.”

“Okay. Here’s Starbucks right in the Grand Bohemian (Hotel) and I’d really like my ‘Dirty Chai’ right now.”

“Well, with a short walk to the Dr. Phillips Center afterward, this is a good idea.’ (Opening the door to the coffee shop)


“These chairs are very comfortable. Please don’t let me fall asleep....I’ll, probably, snore and embarrass us both!”

“If you drink your double shot espresso chai...I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that. Do you?”

“No, you’re right. I really like this stuff. Sorry I’ve turned into a ‘Dirty Chai’ addict, but this is so yummy! Your ‘Smoked Butterscotch’ smells good, too. (He offers her his cup to take a sip.) That’s good. I thought it would be too sweet. It isn’t at all.”

(Both sit in silence for a moment while observing the two college age women studying together at the opposite end of the long, wooden table the four of them are sharing near the front window of the shop.)

“So, let’s talk about Joe. How political do you think he’s going to be? (He asks, breaking the silence.) I believe most of us in the audience will be hoping for a political rally cry, of sorts, from him. Heck, I’d settle for some truths, common sense, and wisdom right about now.”

“(Closing her eyes) His voice. It’s the tone and sound of his voice for me. (Opening her eyes) Joe is the quintessential voice of reason, true. But, the tone and balance of his soft voice, and how comforting it makes me feel, makes him the quintessential Father, Husband, Grandfather, and.....Friend. I know we could all use a bit of comfort these days.”

“Hope. We could all use a bit of that, too. But, I know what you’re saying. Joe offers a feel-good vibe that resonates with people of all age groups and beliefs. Barack knew what he was doing when he asked Joe to be his running-mate.”

“Two wise, intelligent people working together.....  What are the odds of that ever happening again?”

“It will happen. It has to happen, again. One person can’t alienate an entire country! Can he? There will always be Thinkers and Believers out there to counteract and neutralize what’s happening in Washington today. Let’s just make it to November and we’ll see the difference. We’re already feeling the difference every single day.”

“Maybe Joe will help give us more insight and depth on this....that is, if he gets political. This whole thing is about his late son, Beau, and how family means so much to him. About Joe writing this book and the promise Beau made him commit to before he passed away. I think it’s about youth, too. Not just losing Beau at the young age of forty-six, but, also, losing his wife and young daughter years ago. And yet...he still takes the time to comfort others in time of need. He’s a good man.”

“He is a good man. You mentioned youth. (Taking a moment to take the last swig of his coffee) We’re the ‘old farts’ around now, you know, including Joe. It used to be our grandparents and then our parents and’s us. We always knew it would happen. All of this accumulated knowledge we’ve stored ‘upstairs’ throughout the years isn’t anything to push aside or take lightly. It has to mean something to others.”

“I agree. Try explaining that to our children and grandchildren!” 

(He chuckles out loud) “Don’t know what you’ve got until you lose it, as the old saying goes. But, let’s think in terms of people such as Joe Biden. His accomplishments when dealing with the Ukraine, Central America, and Iraq brought with it a sense of triumph even though he was riddled by heart wrenching pain dealing with Beau’s illness; Beau’s death.”

“I haven’t read his book yet. I wish I had going into this tonight just to gather a bit of insight, if nothing else. But, what I see in Joe is a man who knows, not only the value of his own family and friendships but, the value of our youth and what they have to offer, contribute, and accomplish in terms of creating the balance this country has lost in the past year and so desperately needs, once again. I want to see lots and lots of young people listening to Joe tonight! I need to know that his in-depth knowledge and finesse truly means something to them.”

“I do, too.”

“I don’t think I can drink this whole thing. (Holding her coffee cup at eye level) My tummy has been upset all day.”

“You don’t have to finish it, you know. I hope it’s just ‘minimal crud’ and not the flu. (Placing the back of his hand up to her forehead and smiling) Nope! No fever here.”

“I think its just a busy week to look forward to between writing, writing and posting, cleaning the house, and coming-up with some creative meal ideas.......all before our company arrives on Friday.”

“Hey, don’t worry about the house. (Sliding back his chair to get up) It always looks great and, besides, Jan and Fred are coming to see us, to talk, laugh, and, unfortunately, commiserate with us over the last year of a Trump administration. (Helping her gather her things) Don’t forget your umbrella.”

(Both take a moment to nod their good-byes to their temporary table-mates)

“They opened the front doors about ten minutes ago. Glad we’re so close. (Walking outside) It really has turned out to be a warm, beautiful night in Downtown Orlando! Glad my umbrella is still working! Let’s go people watch while we wait in the lobby. I want to see who’s here to show some respect and love for this amazing man.”





(An hour and fifteen minutes later.....)

“Let me snap a picture of you in front of the building. Thanks. (Stashing her newest i-Phone back into the pocket of her purse) You know what, I just thought of something interesting. You and I have been to the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts twice now. Each time it was to see and listen to a man named Joe.”

“Never thought about that. But, you’re absolutely right! Joe Bonamassa for his amazing musical talents and Joe Biden for his soothing words of wisdom.”

“If things come in threes....what ‘Joe’ is closely associated to the production of Hamilton coming next season? Just hoping, I guess. (Wide smile spreading across her face)

“Well, if I remember my history correctly, Alexander Hamilton did not have a middle name....let alone the nickname of Joe. Sorry.”

(Blending in with the crowd heading back to the parking ramp)

“Elizabeth Vargas asked Joe some great questions and, actually, succeeded in making him cry several times.”

“I agree but, Joe was going to break down no matter what she asked him. I really think she was there to hold his hand along the way. May we never have to endure such personal pain. It was so good to see this graceful, intelligent man on stage who is familiar with the ins and outs of the crazy, mixed-up, world of politics, and knows how to handle all of it so well. I’m not denying he would have made a great President.”

“Crazy thing is, he still could be. You never really know what’s going to happen, as we can attest to with the current White House resident, right? I feel we know a little bit better where Joe stands after tonight. Let’s see, he mentioned Booker, Harris, Murphy, Gillibrand, Cuomo, Klobuchar, and Kennedy, to name a few.....! Heck, I’d like to throw in Rachel Maddow myself.”

“Everything would be explained to us in explicit detail with Rachel at the helm, that’s for sure!”


“Even though he mainly focused on what he wrote in Promise Me, Dad, the audience was totally receptive to his implications about running again if need be. Even though his angle was directed towards our young, aspiring politicians, I could almost see the twinkle in his eyes when we enthusiastically clapped over a possible third go at it. I felt he was kind of testing the waters with this book tour.”

“After is called his ‘American Promise Tour!’  Hey, those were pretty great seats I got, right?”

“Good job, Honey.”

(Wrapping her arm around his)

“I was happy to see so many young people here tonight. It makes me feel good to believe that they care enough to get involved and listen to the words of the recent past in order to make a better life for themselves and their families. They must not become complacent about the future....hard work and dedication are critical. Thank you, Sweetheart, for my amazing Christmas gift! I’ll happily remember our coffee and Monday night date with Joe.”

“You’re very welcome. I thought you’d like to listen to him. (Opening the passenger door and taking a bow) Your chariot awaits....”

“Ten minutes drive home and I can kick my shoes off. Hallelujah! A perfect ending to a wonderful evening. And, I get to fall asleep tonight melting into the soft, inspirational words of Joe Biden. A very special night.....”

“And, a dry one. So glad you brought your umbrella!”

                                                   Courtesy: ABC13 Houston

Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved