Thursday, February 8, 2018


A series of essays.....

THREE EARTH ANGELS seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE that very few of us have enough of throughout our lifetime. The aging process is not always kind and our ‘cup that runneth over with patience and tolerance’ may begin to evaporate and its precious contents drop by several finger widths as time goes by. When we love someone and recognize that their patience is running thin due to justified intolerance or the recognition that time is turning into a misty compilation of memories, may we have the understanding to hold them close to our hearts. May we have the emotional resources to be able to soothe their trembling bodies and souls and whisper softly into their ear...I’m gonna love you through it; I’m going to be there with you every step of the way. I can’t help but think how many lives have been saved because someone loved them through the bad times along with the good.

EARTH ANGELS ABOUND and drift softly among the pages of our lives like delicate snowflakes glistening in the winter sunlight, untethered, not connected to or limited by the earthly restraints of fear, hate or deviousness. Never encumbered by perceptible ethereal wings comprised of burnished plumage, they live, love, and laugh beside us day and night and wear labels of honor invisibly pinned to their chests the likes of friend, daughter, co-worker, Mother, stranger, husband, teacher, son, Father, organ donor, wife, or guardian (angel?). We can be earth angels ourselves and not even realize it just by bestowing random acts of kindness onto others; by understanding that even our own invisible wings can wrap around someone in need as we whisper softly that we’re gonna love them through it no matter how long it takes.

“I TRY TO BE CHARITABLE. I think that’s the greatest virtue.” John Mahoney, beloved actor of stage and screen, passed away this week and we remaining, unknowledgeable mortals have, as usual, been learning more about his incredible life only after his death. John, aptly, epitomized the true meaning of the phrase, “I’m gonna love you through it.....” via his powerful words and generous beliefs. “Charity is more important than telling the truth. I think sometimes the virtue is making sure you don’t hurt anybody’s feelings, as opposed to patting yourself on the back saying, ‘Oh, well, I had to tell them the truth,’” he says. “I’m pretty much in a spiritual state most of the time. Yes, you make mistakes. And yes, you do things that you shouldn’t do, but you will be forgiven, and you will be loved, and you won’t be loved less. You will be loved just as much as you were before you made the mistakes.” John Mahoney’s God is a kind God.

                         Courtesy of 

COMMUNICATION, LOVE, FEARLESSNESS, AND CHARITABLENESS: Life skills that help to define the goals that serve to make our life the greatest it can be. I ask you, what do we have to fear or lose when we truly understand that we are only here on this earth for a finite amount of time? The brave act of practicing these virtues is the hardest thing we will ever hope to accomplish during our brief stay here. If and when we succeed in this quest, even if it takes us to our final days here on earth, I genuinely believe we will have brilliantly uncovered the true ‘Meaning of Life’ much to the betterment of ourselves and, hopefully, others. In our time of need, what a wonderful feeling to have someone   hold us and say, "I'm gonna love you through it...." This is a personal mantra and message we could use to aid in our own healing process.

MAKE EACH NEW DAY ONE THAT is infused with that 'service bent' attitude. We may give thanks each morning for the new day that’s been given to us as we swing our legs out from under the warm sheets. We may, also, ask for blessings and protection for those we love (including ourselves) before snuggling back into those same sheets at night. It is when we become consciously aware of any opportunity to spread our wings and say to our fellow man, “I’m gonna love you through this bad boy, my friend,” will we understand that by loving them, we will be, in turn, honoring ourselves. Any goodwill gesture will return to us tenfold and continue to spread its kindness around the world. Each of us is a collection of mistakes, and, often, we do things we shouldn’t do, but we will be forgiven because we must believe that John Mahoney’s God is a kind God....

Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved