Thursday, March 1, 2018


A series of essays.....


By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Breathless beauty surrounds us as we enjoy the changing of the seasons here in Central Florida. People who’ve never lived here say that’s impossible; seasonal changes only happen for them because they live further north in colder climes. Having lived in Orlando for over twenty years has taught me differently and, the respect for and understanding of our seasons has grown as my time here progresses.

Sitting on a cushioned deck chair on the lanai (that’s a porch or patio to those up north) reading ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ by Madeleine L’Engle, the sweet smell of orange nectar laces the air and I drink it in like a mimosa at Sunday brunch. This can only mean that the Sweet Olive plants living along our back fence are sporting their thick coif of tiny white flowers; a splendid headdress for golden sun goddesses!


The two giant gardenia bushes that grace the north side of our bright, red garden bench have yet to yield their creamy blooms of perfection that will grace and stand-out among the deep green, glossy leaves it displays twelves months of the year. Soon. One day I will walk outside and their flowers will resemble bright, white lights adorning these special plants. You see, as youngsters, these two gardenia plants were a part of our daughter’s wedding day celebration. I’ve always been proud to have given them a good home to grow and thrive in. The gardenia was my own wedding flower, worn with love, so many years ago.

The tiny jasmine tree we planted in the huge, blue pot that was my Mother’s Day gift fifteen years ago stands tall and proud just outside the screen door and to the right of the lanai. The sweetness of its tiny blossoms rides the gentle breezes until it fills the air with its thick perfume and I must rest my book, close my eyes, and dream sweet dreams of love and happiness. 


We have around twenty species of Live Oak trees living here in Florida.  A significantly small number considering the oak tree family is made up of about 400 species of oak trees and shrubs. For the most part, their leaves can display decent fall color given the right weather conditions and, yes, we can be peppered by acorns in the springtime that collect in dark pools on the ground and crunch under your car’s tires in the driveway leaving dark brown splotches in their wake.

For me, the most significant chapter in the life of the three Live Oak trees that live in our yard involves their loss of leaves in February and early March. Due to the warm climate, our trees and shrubs are never naked or leafless as they are up north in the fall and winter months. These trees are demure to a certain degree and stay dressed-up in their spirally arranged leaves until the leaves begin to decay on the tree and are pushed off by the strong, young buds that are living behind them, waiting, like warriors ready for battle, to emerge onto the scene.

During the initial weeks in March, these alert warriors, punching their way out like champs, create an illusion of soft, green fuzz and our Live Oaks dance in this haze as the young leaves stretch and become as strong as their predecessors, now brown and ready to be bagged up, once were. As humans, we sit back and observe the progression of life among the plant kingdom and marvel at its complexity.

Watching the older leaves falling to the ground like bad habits meant to be lost, I can’t help but believe how perfect their timing is as I correlate their struggle with the recent school massacre in Parkland, Florida, our neighbors to the south.

Young sprites, mere children among a vast world of adults with their rules and regulations, closed mindedness, and archaic attitudes.....emerge from the chaos and carnage as beautifully decorated butterflies ready to fly and sting like a bee, when necessary. These young humans have abruptly become students of life and death, survival, and human compassion beyond anything that I have ever had to endure. With such strength and outward composure they have combined intelligence and insight into a world they have only known for fourteen to eighteen years. 

If you care about the world we all live in, if you wonder how this world is going to change for the better and not remain in a stalemate between outdated logic, money and greed, and the lack of desire to have to admire these young adults and everything they are doing to make this change for the better happen. Unfortunately, dire circumstances have ignited the flame in their bellies and unveiled the warriors within.


Generation Z may be their 'label du jour' but they are, also, called by the name of Emma, Kai, Delaney, Zach, Daniel, Kyle, Sam, and Cameron, to name only a few. They're of an age where they are, for the most part, without bills to pay and carry the main responsibility of doing well in school and looking forward to their future. They exit with a clean slate, an absence of restraints or commitments, and their fury over the killing of teachers and friends has sparked the warrior in each one of them; their shields emblazoned with the words, ‘Never Again!’ 

This fight has quickly spread across our nation. Because they have been told it’s not the time to talk about gun control, is precisely why it is the time to talk about gun control, and they are making their feelings be known from Tallahassee to Washington, DC and all across the United States!

This March 24, the students of Stoneman Douglas High School have organized a ‘March For Our Lives’ in Washington, DC where they are bound and determined to have their voices heard in the fight for gun control. They are already being heard....loud and clear. Their energy is contagious. They have a clear message of 'Protect the Kids, Not Guns.' The turnout for this march will be astronomical and, why wouldn’t it? These kids are our future. Their purpose is the future, as well. Their cause is the real revolution being fought through the tears being shed by each one of them.


My hope is that all students will participate in this one common fight and avoid being rendered sacrificial lambs for the grievous misinterpretation of our Second Amendment. May this movement bring all students together as one; Black, White, and everyone in between! These new buds shall push their way forward as one unit, united by grit and determination, hoping to unlock the alarmingly strong grip on all of us by the National Rifle Association and the crusty, old politicians who have financially benefited from the NRA throughout the years. 


The season down here in Florida is changing and all of these changes are beautiful and fresh. The new flowers brighten our lives and their aroma soothes our soul. The crisp, bright new leaves offer us Hope. And, the victims, as well as the survivors, of Parkland, Florida, would not have it any other way.

Copyright © 2018 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved