Thursday, September 26, 2019


A series of essays....


By: Jacqueline E Hughes

To deem any given statement as priceless or to analyze the specific structure of a phrase or group of phrases or objects by the process of a detailed examination of its elements and describe them as priceless is saying that the qualitative value of it goes far beyond the mere knowledge that it exists and on into the realm of what we hold personally and/or collectively near and dear. By describing a group or statement as priceless we are acknowledging the inestimable composition of it to be too precious to be evaluated or fully appreciated. 

Who is truly capable of placing a price or measurable value on someone you love, a specific piece of artwork, your freedom, a place that makes you feel calm and peaceful, or any combination of ideas or events that align like the brilliant night stars to make you understand the potency of individual events that have been examined and then compiled to form a consistent train of thought? The subtle contemplation of these elements combine to fulfill the feeling of harmony and strength that each component offers, but when united, takes our emotions to their greatest heights; a probable and genuinely credible feeling of euphoria.

Many of us believe that our lives become enriched and more valuable by the simple thought of having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth. And, if we work hard enough, plan for them with every particle of our being, and make them the main focus and center of attention, their value will rise far above our original expectations, enriching and enlightening us with priceless rewards for all of our time and effort. If feeling happy and content, being loved, loving others, having enough food on the table and a roof over our heads, and helping others to achieve these same, respectable ideals, complete us....the attainment of these specific and extremely honorable goals bring along their own priceless rewards of contentment and self worth.

Inevitably, we have entered a higher plane of consciousness, of civilization, a plane of peace and acceptance.


Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved
Photo Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, September 19, 2019


A series of essays....

LAKE MICHIGAN seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

It continues to amaze me how I can see my father’s nose while looking into the mirror. I’ve always resembled my mother in every way, except in stature, (she stood a mighty    5’ 2” with me towering over her at 5’ 7”). But, dad’s nose is there now....right down to the tiny indentation along the right tip. I only ask that his hyper, elongated ears do not follow me into my near future! If so, I may never be able to wear dangle earrings again!

Age has a way of sneaking up on us; literally changing and drawing us into the history and stories that shaped our lives in the first place. 


Recently, when asked why he chose Country Music as the topic for his current PBS Documentary, Ken Burns replied, “It’s all about the wonderful stories. The words and the songs and the stories of country music will live with all of us, forever.” Storytellers keep the words alive the way all art tells the tale of us coming together by laughing, loving, hating, feeling profoundly sad, hoping, dreaming, and showing kindness towards one another.

This is my latest story...

Driving back to Kalamazoo this past Sunday after enjoying a weekend of wedding anniversary celebration near Petoskey, we decided we were hungry and the town of Hastings loomed on the horizon. Hastings had always been a town we drove through to get to another place and had never stopped to eat or shop there before. Slowly driving through the downtown area, it was a crapshoot as to which restaurant was even open on an early Sunday evening. Walldorff Brewpub & Bistro looked promising.

We had been seated in a booth along the far wall and while waiting for our beverages to arrive, we discussed our weekend of hiking, witnessing spectacular sunsets over Lake Michigan, our drive through the Tunnel of Trees just north of Petoskey, and walking under the canopy of some of the tallest pine trees we’d ever seen at Hartwick Pines State Park. 


Our beautiful French farmhouse in Ellsworth was appropriately named, The House on the Hill, as it overlooked Saint Clair Lake and golden sunrises that seemed to set the shimmering water on fire. The B&B’s close proximity to everything we wanted to experience in that area of Pure Michigan served us well.

After setting our drinks down and placing our dinner order, Heather, our waitress, came back to our booth and looked a bit shy and awkward as she smiled down at us. Finally, she said, “I am not at liberty to tell you who It is, however, your entire meal has been taken care of this evening.” 

Say what? 

“But we don’t know anyone here in Hastings,” Dan said, looking stealthily around the large room. My gut reaction was expressed by asking, “How does anyone here even know that today is our anniversary?”

“It is?” our ponytailed, young waitress queried. “This is exciting and this will be passed on to them, for sure. They will be so happy and amazed.”

Evidently, sworn to secrecy, Heather smiled and left to see if our dinners were ready. My only hope at the time was that our mouths didn’t stand agape with incredulity for too long. Not the most appealing look, for sure. Perhaps this would have been the reaction our unknown benefactor was looking for. Well, he, she, or they were not disappointed then!



Speculation was rampant on our part and we realized that it was an interesting and semi-uncomfortable feeling to be watched by others and not be able to reciprocate the eye-to-eye contact with a corresponding look in their direction. Let alone, not know exactly who to thank for such a kind gesture.

Having built several multi-family projects in the area many years ago, Dan imagined that someone who may have worked for him had recognized him after all this time. He then reasoned that they would want to make contact and say hello if this were the case. I could see Dan’s eyes searching for clues, faces aged by nearly thirty years of living, or someone giving us a fleeting glance of recognition. However, absolutely nothing....

This is when the eyes secretly dance around the room while the head remains perfectly still. The brain (voice of reason) automatically asks the question, why us? And, after several moments, the heart begins to fill with warmth and gratefulness and you speculate that maybe, just maybe, someone does this on a regular basis because, quite simply, they want to. Secretly observing the various reactions of their surprised recipients may give them pleasure and something to look forward to.

Just as our fertile brains began to piece together our unexpected yet totally delightful circumstances and time left us to wonder what the criteria was in making their final selection, we were eating our last few bites of fish & chips and warm chicken sandwich. Suddenly, our waitress glides up with a large piece of cheesecake laced with berry compote and rich caramel and places it on the table between us. We immediately noticed that the letters, HA (Happy Anniversary), were emblazoned in caramel along the inside of the stark, white dish. 


“They were delighted it is your anniversary and would like you to celebrate with dessert.” By now, we felt like we’d become old friends with our entertaining ‘twenty-something’ and her conspiratorial half smile still lingers on my mind.

Like two kids sitting at the local soda fountain, we leaned in, forks at the ready, and savored each blissful bite.

Heather returned to our table to ask if there was anything else we required and wished us a very happy anniversary, once again. If we could not thank our benefactors personally, we asked if she would be kind enough to do so for us, to which she wholeheartedly agreed. 

“They must be regulars here at the restaurant,” I stated. Heather nodded in agreement.

“Yes, they love doing this and when we see them come in, one of us on the staff knows we’ll be passing their gift of kindness to another table during the evening. I don’t know why or how they choose who they do....they haven’t told us that. But, they were delighted that you were celebrating a milestone in your lives and told me this has never happened before. This made them very happy, too!”

“Please let them know that their gift truly made our day extra special,” I said. 

“Yes,” Dan agreed. “And the total surprise of being treated so kindly will never be forgotten.”

Smiling, Heather’s eyes sparkled and we could tell that this whole thing made her and all of the staff as happy about being a part of it as anyone else. Wow, what a win, win, win situation this was.



You can believe Dan and I talked about everything that transpired over and over again on the comparatively short drive back home. The answer to the question of why us?, as well as digesting the myriad of circumstances that led us to that town, down that street, to that restaurant, at that particular time, remain phenomenal and, of course, unanswered. 

But, when all is said and done, Dan and I ask ourselves, “Why not us?” We know we will be eternally blessed by this experience, anxious to do the same for someone else one day, soon, and always willing to open our hearts to the kindness of others. Fortunately, as a storyteller myself, I am able to share our anniversary blessing with all of you. 

Like the continuous stories created through country music that get passed along from generation to generation, the simple stories of storytellers will help to preserve a way of life that may otherwise be forgotten and lost to all of us...forever.



Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights preserved
Photos Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes

Thursday, September 12, 2019


A series of essays....

GO GREEN! seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

“Joyeux anniversaire!” Or, more specifically, “Heureux anniversaire de mariage!” Happy Anniversary and Happy Anniversary of Marriage.

Happy Anniversary alone seems to fit many things happening in our lives this time of year. For example, August 17 marked our first year living back in Michigan after our long hiatus in Orlando, Florida. Although, initially, our Orlando life was never meant to be an interruption in the continuity of our work, or a gap between chapters; Dan and I worked long and hard in order to maintain a good life in paradise and we always planned on calling it ‘home’ for as long as possible. 

Life decisions get tossed around like rinsed greens in a salad spinner and after a little while, when the spinner slows down a bit, you realize it’s time to decipher how the leaves lie and in which direction your life will follow their calling...if you succeed in understanding their visual signals. After all this time, I still don’t know if I’ve been able to remotely accomplished this.

Meanwhile, life continues on. I wake-up early in the gray-layered morning hours to settle in and write down my thoughts, my words, my stories, each long awaited chapter of my novel. I anticipate the deep, dark, and shadowy early morning hours of late autumn and winter when I feel shrouded in their magical darkness with the only light softly streaming in from a side lamp and the screen of my device as I sit pecking away within my own small world.

                                 Courtesy of Ali Siskind

Bon anniversaire! This time of year is celebrated in doubles, Happy Birthday!...Happy Birthday!, as our youngest daughter’s twins celebrate eight years of life; with bright, shiny faces hidden from the caresses and kisses meant just for them. These two aging hearts are bursting with love and wish them all of the Joy and Happiness this world can bring to each on their Special Day of Celebration as well as every other day of the year! Only true love and hope has ever filled this lacuna in our lives.

One year ago, on September 16, four of us boarded our plane in Detroit with visions of Edinburgh, a working sheep farm, Trinity College, the wonders of the Wild Atlantic Way, a small cottage in County Mayo, and everything in between dancing in our heads. With our dear friends by our side, we met amazing people, experienced a Scottish town filled with books, books, and more books, ate haggis, drank well-aged whisky and many pints O’Guinness, marveled at some of the most scenic views ever observed while constantly having Dan stop the car for precious photo ops. 


One of the most magical nights for all four of us came about when Dan and I introduced Michael and Marsha to our good friends in an arranged meeting at Gus O'Connor's Pub located along Fisher Street in Doolin, County Clare, Ireland. 

Dan and I met Adrian and Bev years ago while staying in  Doolin, a noted centre of traditional Irish music. Bev’s career as a nurse has endeared her to everyone she meets. Adrian plays many musical instruments, arranges his own music and sings the lyrics to many traditional Irish songs throughout the local pubs, created his own Trad Music CD, and written many of his own songs. The latest original song, entitled Racism, showcases Adrian’s distinctively Irish voice that implores all of us to make a stand against racism and fight this evil tide together. Words of wisdom to be sent all over the globe.


We were officially brought into the fold as locals when this famous pub locked its doors to tourists and celebrated with song, dance, and drink in tribute to one of their own turning the grand old age of eighty-one! The music and joy danced around us as if mimicking the little people, local fairies and sprites, the magical creatures with human appearance, magical powers, and a penchant for trickery. With full hearts, wicked imaginations, and a Guinness in hand, Dan and I caught-up on lost time with Adrian and Bev and vowed to return to Doolin as soon as possible. Michael, Marsha, Dan and I often talk about this amazing evening together. The magic still lingers in every fiber of our beings.

Heureux anniversaire de mariage! Literally, Happy Anniversary of Marriage. It’s funny how we generally associate weddings with the month of June. In our case, and with many of our good friends, our weddings tended to take place closer to the autumn season with its shorter, sun-filled days and crisp evening breezes happily enjoyed while dancing the night away!

Along with two of my best high school friends with whom I’ve become joyfully reacquainted with in the last several years and both having been a part of my own wedding party, share and celebrate wedding anniversaries in September and October. I think it was because it is a romantic time of the year and certainly not typical as a June wedding would have been. Coming out of the ‘60’s, most of us ladies were a bit rebellious in our own right and, at least with me, if someone said the sky was blue, I would say that it was azure with thin streaks of white cloud trails. So, June was never in the picture for me.


Dan and I have been fortunate enough to associate many of our latest anniversaries with memorable visits to France where we celebrated the day up in a hot air balloon with people from all over the world (the basket held thirteen people including the pilot), sitting on the terrace of a fine, ancient home in the middle of the walled, hilltop village of Sablet near the Luberon along the D23 and sharing food and wine from a local farmer’s market, and ‘splitting peas’ at an upscale restaurant in the heart of the layered vineyards just to the southwest of the walled city of Carcassonne in the south of France. (Please read my essay entitled, Memories of a September Wedding Celebration dated September 10, 2015 to enjoy some of the amazing places and things to do in this beautiful area in the south of France!)


This Anniversary we’ll be soaking-up the beauty of Michigan with a drive up the scenic coast of Lake Michigan with our destination in the Finger Lakes area located to the northeast of Torch Lake. Our stay in a French farmhouse (naturally) overlooking Lake St. Clair gives us direct access to fifty-three acres of walking trails, a short drive to visit Charlevoix and Petoskey, and a long anticipated venture up to the 119 to drive the scenic route of the Tunnel of Trees. 

I will lovingly title this trip Falling In Love Again In Michigan! This time, the play of warmth and light along the beautiful coastline of Western Michigan will call out to us like a lavender scent carried along by a gentle breeze as we enjoy our Anniversary, once again, enveloped in artistic beauty with a stylish French flair!


Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved
Photos Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, September 5, 2019


A series of essays....

                     Courtesy of Harvard Magazine seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Two conversations within the past few weeks have sparked my consciousness and lifted my spirits. I am eternally grateful for not only better understanding how they tie in with one another so seamlessly but for showing me how brilliant life truly is and why I wouldn’t change  our future possibilities for anything in the world!

Like many of us, TED Talks have become a part of our lives. They can range in subject matter anywhere from A to Z and fully encompass that space in between with people from all walks of life with so much to offer to any of us who try to make sense out of this crazy and complicated world. I have had several ‘aha moments’ while listening to a particular Ted Talk over the years and have written about my reactions to share with others in previous blog posts.

TEDxCambridge, an independently organized TED event, introduced me to Rafael Campo who teaches and practices medicine at Harvard Medical School. In addition, he serves as Poetry Section Editor for JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association and has authored nine acclaimed books.

He has received the Nicholas E. Davies Memorial Scholar Award from the American College of Physicians, for outstanding humanism in medicine. The New York Times Book Review says of his work, “Valuable and moving... he is undaunted by the ugliness of the physical deterioration apparent before his eyes, seeking always to capture the beauty of the human soul in struggle with physical reality.” And, I was attracted, not only by all of this brilliant information about this beautiful man, but by the title of his particular TED Talk: How Poetry Heals Us.

Having written poetry throughout the years alongside of my prose endeavors, poetry has been given a new life in my heart and soul since moving back up to Michigan a year ago. My good friend and proclaimed ‘sister,’ Marsha, has introduced the wonderful world of poetry in Kalamazoo to me in such a kind and poignant manner that it is becoming equally as important and comforting to me as any other work I've done over the past years.

Rafael Campo’s fourteen minutes of brilliance caught my attention and provided me with his thought and insight into the lives of people living with illness and feeling increasingly isolated and unheard. As a physician, he claims that doctors suffer from empathy erosion and burnout. He helps us to understand that, “When pain takes our breath away, poetry resuscitates us. Poetry sparks empathy and empathy is essential for our survival.”

Without the extraordinary power of our voices to bring us together, how can we heal? Poetry is enlightenment through ecstatic experience; allowing people to have periods of trancelike joy and the opportunity to experience great rapture and delight. He claims that silence can equal death and that, as many of us already know, music is poetry and can, perhaps, keep us alive by encouraging our memories to envelope us and spark new life through them. 

His stories are moving journeys of AIDS, opioid addiction, and cancer and tell of when he, as a poet, began to focus on the healing and not just the curing as he often did as a physician alone.  One of the first of his patients to strike a nerve while asking him to prescribe opioids for her as she proclaimed, “My soul hurts,” had been living with an abusive partner for years. He realized that nobody had been listening to her pleas for help, thinking only in terms of easing her physical pain. The day he reached out to her mental and soulful outcries was his own moment of awakening.

Stating that poetry will never take the place of penicillin, poetry can keep us alive and offers restorative powers. As a scientist and a poet, he now blends the two and teaches poetry to his medical students. “I am making them better doctors.”

Through the medical humanities, Rafael Campo has brought poetry to medicine and introduced poetry’s presence into the art of healing. When it is our turn to come to an understanding of our own health, “Each one of us can only hope and imagine that even if we are not restored to health then, at least, we are brought to life through humane poetry.”

Our imagination and poetic licenses are taking on a huge part of our everyday lives and proving to be a positive step towards living and dying gracefully...and with dignity.


I have always proclaimed that our grandson, Gavin, is truly what we might call an ‘Old Soul.’ He expresses knowledge beyond his eight-year-old experiences and uses words that are often proclaimed far beyond his age and capacity. This may be due, in fact, to his love of reading and explicit understanding of new words and expressions. In any case, I am, indeed, a huge fan of his and a very proud grandmother.

One afternoon, while we were sitting and talking with one another about his love for the book Charlotte’s Web written by E. B. White that he recently finished reading, he began looking at me with a rather inquisitive expression spreading across his handsome, little face. With Gavin, I  could only imagine all manner of thoughts racing through his curious mind.

“Grandma, if we all came from the same place, then wouldn’t we all be connected to one another? Wouldn’t we all share the same ideas about living even though we speak different languages and our skin is different colors? I think we would.”

I was speechless for a moment as this ‘curious thought’ struck me deeply and personally. This profound expression of understanding about human connectedness expressed by one so young opened my eyes and heart to the positive possibilities of the future of mankind; a feeling I’d pushed aside given the political inadequacies of the current administration. Had this child looked far beyond our adult perception of ‘politics always rules’ and transgressed into the deepest ideas of common sense and human awareness?

Of course I explained to him just how correct he was on all counts as I sat beaming from ear to ear. He gets it! He truly gets it! Why on earth is it so difficult for others to understand connectedness, promoting racial tolerance, and instinctively knowing that our basic differences should not matter considering we all began our lives in the very same place. Right?

Rafael Campo and Gavin may have struck the perfect balance between how things truly are and how much better things can be given the opportunity of utilizing our imaginations and common sense. We still live in a world filled with a plethora of amazing ideas; a world where artistic endeavors shine over old, outdated doctrines and the sweet innocence of youth and the perception of what our world should be shines through young eyes like bright beacons leading us all into port on a stormy night.

I am indebted to Mr. Campo and to my grandson, Gavin, for their enlightenment. May we always remember to listen to the voices of reason that surround us. These are the voices that will motivate and complete us as we travel along this journey of life, love, and fulfillment.

Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved