Thursday, January 17, 2019


A series of essays....

   Courtesy, Elle Decor seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Mary, a Facebook friend of mine, reposted the picture below that was originally from The Guardian with, “This is the first thing you see when you get to hell!” as the headline. I don’t know about you, but knowing that this is the first thing I would see in hell.....Heaven and being a good, kind person has gained even greater mass appeal for me! Yes, despite the memories of years of Parochial school teaching and the enormous effort it took to keep my eyes open during eight o’clock mass each school-day morning! And, I would do it all over again, if not become the white-clad Missionary Sister working and spreading love within a third world country, a phase that struck most of us young, Catholic girls around fourth or fifth grade, in order to avoid this horrific sight anywhere and at all costs.


May we take a moment to quickly analyze the ludicrous aspects of this photo, long before it gets committed permanently to my memory? Sorry, too late.

I initially visited the White House in 1989 with my youngest daughter who was a winner in an essay contest sponsored by the California Raisin Advisory Board along with ad promotions by the claymation musical group, The California Raisins, singing “I Heard It Through The Grapevine.” The contest was promoting the health benefits of raisins and why California Raisins were a nutritional powerhouse. The spokesperson appointed by the board to represent them was a sprite and spunky seventeen-year-old by the name of Alyssa Milano.


Besides touring this venerable estate of the people, we spent time in a small, classroom-type setting with Ms. Milano and others as the twelve young essay winners, chosen from across the country, relayed their personal ideas as to the promotion of physical fitness and good eating habits. Their amazing collective ideas, entered into official governmental record, were encouraged to be taken back home to be shared with their school and community, family and peers. It was quite the experience for the kids and all of us parents, alike.


One of the many things we learned on this exciting four-day excursion was the tremendous importance and major responsibility that the people living in this historical home place upon their own shoulders by becoming the President and First Lady of the United States of America. George H. W. Bush presided over our nation at the time of our visit and I, for one, was inspired by a capable and working agenda of a government consisting of and supported by its two political parties. 

The strength, memories, and historical importance of the White House, encouraged by an intellectual powerhouse consisting of respect and collective thoughts, encircled the American people as a whole during the time of our visit. The feeling of hope was tangible in each room we entered and reaffirmed the belief of respect for the Constitution of the United States, as well as the people it helps to guide and protect each day.

Democracy, literally, rule by the people and for the people, is a very beautiful and comforting thing.

When you look at pictures of the State Dining Room you will find George Peter Alexander Healy’s 1869 portrait of Abraham Lincoln. It has occupied a place of honor over the fireplace for many years and depicts Lincoln during the final days of the American Civil War. Tables are set with their finery and used for receptions, luncheons, large formal dinners and state dinners to celebrate and acknowledge visiting chiefs of state on state visits. Mr. Lincoln looks down upon them helping to create a formal elegance that serves to inspire those who have come to participate in the sharing of higher ideals of freedom, the warmth and hospitality of our President, and the willingness to harmoniously work with others around the globe in order to create a better, stronger world at large.

Once again, the current resident of the White House has intentionally decimated the wholesome images created in this formal room that echo the voices of heads of state and heroes at the expense of our most young and talented citizens.

In a gesture of high public esteem for the victory of the Clemson Tigers over Alabama’s Crimson Tide in the National Collegiate Football Championship, the White House has given Honest Abe a whole new dimension of dining to frown down upon within the hallowed walls of the State Dining Room. In a gesture of respect for some of the country’s finest, healthiest young athletes, the current resident in chief has displayed only the finest and healthiest of culinary delights in honor of these young men.

Just kidding...

No amount of twinkling candlelight reflecting off of tall, golden candelabras or masses of silver in the form of elaborate serving trays in every shape and form can camouflage the tackiness and sheer classlessness displayed by a dubious White House leader and carried out by his staff. Cold fast-food burgers, French fries, and soggy pizza greeted our football heroes reflecting a personal bias towards young, successful athletes for whom he aspired to be but failed horribly in his quest.


President Lincoln, looking down from his lofty perch that day, recognized the mindset commensurate with these hard-working, winning young men as they encapsulated his own superior work ethic and ‘mis en place’ status.

In turn, these young men must have, at least, felt the ever-giving strength of Lincoln, the history attributed to this fine, stately room, and the wisdom of our forefathers encompassed within the symbol of one of Democracy’s finest achievements, the White House, and the person who resides there. I pray that all of this given so generously to them via time and history will far outweigh the tiny backslaps accompanied by the rude and ignorant hospitality that was afforded them on their special day of honor at the White House. 

May the future of this country see a kinder, smarter, diplomatic and charismatic, and respectful person presiding over her once again.....soon. We the people deserve it!

                   Courtesy, Pinterest

Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved