Tuesday, November 24, 2020



A series of essays....


....as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

When I look back on my many Thanksgiving memories, I recall the hours my Mother spent chopping cup after cup of celery, carrots, and onions. She would peel mounds of potatoes before cutting and boiling them in a large, heavy pot of salted water. Skill, yes, but endurance, mainly. This all began around four o’clock in the morning when the hour was dark and the rest of us were snuggled deep under our bedsheets and blankets dreaming of the feast to follow.

Interestingly, I still use the same potato peeler that Mom did so many years ago. It continues to work better than any peeler I’ve had since then.

My brothers and I had already named the huge bird the day before while trying to recall his name from last season to avoid repetition. But, somehow, I remember him being called Tom more often than not.

Secretly, I know Mom rather enjoyed the time alone, those special hours before the songbird’s initial chirrup beyond the kitchen window and her family sound asleep above her head. She had time to be alone with her thoughts. There were no immediate distractions interrupting her internal rhythm. Mom could do most everything that needed to be done during those wee hours of Thanksgiving morning, alone, in the dark....if need be.

I would like to think that while chopping and dicing, Mom had time to dream about walking on a sandy, sun-dappled, Hawaiian beach with the sound of waves breaking and distant palm fronds flapping as the tropical trees swayed in the salty breezes. She loved the thought of being in Hawaii, but never cared much for having to fly in order to get there. Dreaming about it might have been as good as being there for her. Once, when I asked her about it, she just smiled as if to say that it would, in all likelihood, never happen. Sadly, it never did.

Eventually, the mouthwatering aroma of the baking bird would slither up the staircase calling my name like the aromatic curlicues that the characters from a black and white Saturday morning cartoon delightfully inhaled through their enlarged nostrils before devouring a substantial feast. Entering the kitchen with bare feet, I knew that by her side would be the warmest spot in the house. The uncomplicated act of hugging and kissing her was a simple but marvelous gift for me. While inhaling the freshness of the cut vegetables and the variety of  cooking spices that mingled with the roasting turkey and dressing, I noticed the slight sheen of perspiration glistening above her brow-line even though her skin felt cool to the touch. These scents and images will touch my life forever. Despite being so young, I knew how blessed I was even then.

Mom always cooked way too much food for Thanksgiving. It was her way of giving a large part of herself to everyone she loved so much. Also, I believe it was her way of letting off steam that had accumulated throughout the year.

Women give vent to their frustration in various ways. For many women living in the 1950’s, the silent release of repressed emotions was particularly important for them. They should just have been happy to have a roof over their heads and children to take care of, and a husband who (hopefully) brought home his paycheck each week in order to pay the bills and keep that roof right where it belonged. The lifestyle and social norms of the middle-class during the 1950’s quickly lost any appeal it might have had for me and helped to pave the path for the surge of the women’s liberation movement in the ‘60’s.

Two generations later, after raising two daughters of my own and still fighting for equal pay in the workplace and the right to manage our own body, we are suddenly embroiled in a battle against the unknown: A deadly virus that has already taken the lives of 258,846 innocent souls in the United States alone. We exist in so-called tiny bubbles consisting of immediate family and close friends and know to monitor our comings and goings at all times in order to remain in this precious bubble.

As I wait to begin preparing my Thanksgiving meal on Thursday for our daughter Ali and her family, our own little bubble, I think about all of the families who will be missing one or more loved ones from their own bubble this year. Yet the thankfulness and the feasting will continue because...it must. We thank the scientists who are stepping up to create a vaccine to stop the spread of the coronavirus. We thank the medical staff and first responders for being there for us and risking their own lives everyday. We thank all of the critical retail and trade workers for supplying us with all of our basic essentials in life. Despite many setbacks, we have much to be thankful for this year.

Even though the times may have taken on a different public façade, I will always make time to reflect on the past while promoting the present and future by safely sharing precious time with my family during the holidays.  Now, our daughters have families of their own with five little ones between them. I know they are creating their own traditions every holiday that will be merged with those from both sides of their families that have been handed down throughout the years. The turkey may be deep fried instead of baked and vegetables such as kale substituted for creamed corn, but life goes on and sharing the simple things together as a family will always remain the backbone of our existence.

If I could share, once again, those precious hours alone with my Mother in the dawn of a crisp Thanksgiving morning,  I don't think I would change a single thing. What’s even more important to me is that I don’t think she would either.


Stay safe inside your own little bubble this week so that you and your loved ones will stay healthy and be able to enjoy many more Thanksgivings in the years to come. Wear a mask when out in public. Be kind.


Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Thursday, November 12, 2020



A series of essays....


Courtesy of The New York Times

....as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Late in the morning of November 7, 2020, the world changed...significantly. Beneath facial-masks were cheeky grins layered with fresh dreams made possible by a Biden/Harris winning ticket. If you believed, how could you not feel a bit sassy and pleased? Four years of tension and anxiety had just snowballed down the ‘Mountain of Lost Hope’ and our collective ‘tears of relief’ were creating orange tinted rivers that flowed out into the mighty seas.

Someone I know and respect as a writer, teacher, and good human being recently posted a meme stating: “Trump is turning America into a Banana Republic.” If she were simply initiating a ‘writing prompt’ for her students, I completely understand that. Instantly, people from all over the world began to negatively comment on this meme and they were plentiful, hurtful, and exasperating. Amanda, the crazies have crawled out from beneath their rocks to concur with this statement. Do they wish the USA to experience similar circumstances in order to justify their own losses? I am here to say that we plan to stay focused and fight like hell not to be led down that rabbit hole any longer.

Democracy is only as good as the people who support it and help to make it work. Yes, it is with great sadness that I understand the last four years have been choreographed by 45 and other dictators and despicable politicians. Many people have suffered the hate and humiliation sponsored by them. We the people have fought long and hard to change the specifics of this passé performance by legally electing a strong and loyal team in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They are already working hard on removing the walls, complexities, and hatred that have been collecting for many years. It’s time to believe...

Our deliberate show of emotions, especially after the past four years of being torn down and humiliated in the eyes of the world, deserve the spontaneous celebrations offered by the oppressed citizens of this country. Do not worry. Our minor happy dances in the streets did not expend all of our energy or leave the coffers of Democracy empty and askew. If anything, our celebratory souls have been renewed and re-energized for the fight for freedom that is ahead of us. 


Elizabeth Gilbert, American journalist and author, best known for her 2006 memoir entitled, Eat, Pray, Love, has written all of us a letter specifying how she had battled depression years ago and made the realization that lying alone in bed, not sleeping, not reading, but thinking, was the most dangerous place to be. “Captivated by what I came to call “horizontal thinking”—the worse off I would be. What I cannot do in bed, if I want to survive the treacherous crevasses of my own mind, is think.”

She goes on to say, “I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but here it is: If you are physically able, get up now. Nothing good will ever come to you from horizontal thinking. Don’t let your mind win its most brutal game. You deserve better. Get vertical. Move your mind to a higher altitude where the view is better. You can do this.”

The view has certainly been looking much better, lately. Its vertical heights have empowered us while helping to shake-off the images of anxiety, shame, despair, regret, unworthiness, and past failures in a brilliant  attempt to avoid future catastrophes. For this important awareness alone, we deserve to celebrate. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your words of knowledge and encouragement!

Georgia, Georgia, Georgia—you are definitely on our minds.

We stand close by our President-elect and Vice-President-elect with our spirits uplifted even while acknowledging the fight for logic, freedom, and democracy that’s before us. In great numbers, we will be stronger, better. Rushing in, with Georgia on our minds, it is time to support the Democratic candidates, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, in a double-barreled Senate runoff election to be held on January 5, 2021. The outcome of this race will determine control of the Senate under the Biden administration for its first two years. 

Think again if you believe that Joe Biden alone can change the negative and destructive policies established by the current administration that heavily relied upon the support of Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader of the Senate. Understand how this combination has undermined our freedom and democracy for so long, even during the Obama era. Then, realize how important these two Senatorial runoffs are. With the tenacity, experience, and intense cheerleading offered by a strong, black woman and voting rights activist, Stacey Abrams, we hope to control the Senate as of January 20, 2021, and begin the healing this country so deserves.

We may have had our glorious few moments of dancing tall and joyously in the streets of this great country, but we must now embrace the monumental tasks ahead with grace and dignity. We have been rejuvenated by the examples set by Joe and Kamala along with their brilliant victory we celebrated on November 7th. But, we cannot stop there. 

There is no time for “horizontal thinking!” It’s time to stay sharp, think on our feet, and elevate ourselves from the sinking depths of the past four years. By believing in our right to shake-off false images of hopelessness and despair, together we can and will make this happen.                                                                     

For the love of our country and everyone living here, please where a mask while in public and donate your time, money, and effort into the two Senatorial races in Georgia. With these victories under our belt, the real celebrating can begin!

Congratulations going out to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and everyone who still believes in fighting for our people, politics, and freedom.

May we begin to experience a smooth and peaceful transfer of power.

Thinking of all of our uniformed soldiers and thanking them for protecting our freedom. May we earn their respect for all of the sacrifices they’ve made to protect and defend our great nation.


Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


A series of essays....


....as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Today is the day—the moment of truth. A day that will go down in infamy, filled with scandal and dishonor, or—it will be one to be proud of knowing that Americans believe in the freedom and happiness that stems from a good life with equal opportunity for everyone! Today is a day marked with historical connotations that will either cradle these times within the gentle hands of democracy and truth, or beat up already weakened minds and bodies with fists of rage, continued oppression.

Today is the day—the moment of truth!

The idea of being or becoming complacent should have, at least, been one of the Ten Commandments. Not knowing which of the original Ten Commandments it should have replaced, it may have become the Eleventh Commandment instead: “Thou shall not become complacent.”

Remembering my Catholic upbringing and teachings, I recall that the Church doesn’t see the Ten Commandments as arbitrary rules and regulations from the person upstairs, but as commandments for our own protection. “Obey them and eternal happiness is yours. Disobey them and suffer the consequences.” When explained in this manner, my young, six or seven-year-old self would look at the elaborately layered and robed priests and nuns as flesh and blood symbols authorized to dole out any punishment they saw fit if we did not comply by these simple rules of the Church.

It’s not until we grow-up do we come to realize that we are our own judge and arbiter of our personal life and habits. We alone determine if we will allow the commandments to be our guide to being a person of sterling character with an elevated ethical behavior.

Today is the day—the moment of truth!

Thou shall not become complacent, comfortable, content, smug, or lazy. The moment we reach the pinnacle of self-satisfaction or the most successful point in our lives and feel there is nothing more we can do, doubting there are any new accomplishments to strive for, we have become complacent. We are experiencing a feeling of quiet pleasure and are often unconcerned with unpleasant realities or future harmful possibilities.

If we continue to drop our guard and stop protecting ourselves against trouble, relax our vigilance, we could end up in a world of hurt. Unfortunately, on November 8, 2016, we did just that. Through our acute feeling of complacency, belief and rationale that others would ‘get the job done for us,’ and they would vote for the moral and ethical logic of Hillary Clinton, we allowed for a wide enough crack in our standards to permit the hatred, lies, and indecencies of a dishonorable man to infiltrate our lives and infect our souls.

We need time to peel back the layers of hate and mistrust after the last four years; time to heal and then surge forward with our positive ideas and plans for a better life.

As we sit here on Election Day, battling for the soul of the nation, I have to ask myself if we’ve truly learned invaluable lessons during the past four years? Do we now understand that it is never a good time to let our guard down and become complacent? And, most importantly, will we allow the hate, bigotry, and selfish greed to carry on for another four years and watch the country be crushed even further by hopelessness and despair?

Today is the day—the moment of truth!

It’s about time we grow up, shed our childish fears, and become adults. If you haven’t voted already, today is your final chance to make it be known that you’re not going to be bullied any longer! You will not give up the right to participate in our political process by relinquishing your vote. You will become an active participant in the consequences of your own future. You will not be complacent and later only wish that you had exercised the honor and privilege of making your voice be heard.

Yes, today is the final day—your moment of truth. Go to the polls, masks on, and MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!!

Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved