Thursday, May 28, 2020


A series of essays....

YOUTHFUL INNOCENCE: A CHILD OF THE 1950’S seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Innocence another word for freedom; the freedom of guilt from sin and moral wrong, with an acute lack of knowledge of corruption or impurity. Innocence is associated with the very young, as well as the guiltlessness of those who are naive and gullible. We visualize youth as being untainted by life’s negativity, navigating each day encompassed within a thin shell of timelessness and bliss. It is a state of mind that carries a certain freshness that rewards the truly innocent with inquisitive hearts and curious minds. Like cool mountain breezes that gently kiss the skin or while unreservedly savoring the aroma of freshly baked bread cooling on the countertop as Mom hums a simple tune in the kitchen, innocence is captured and it makes one feel alert and alive. With this freshness comes possibilities. With this innocence, dare we dream to hope?

The world today, penetrated by a silent and invisible virus that eludes a ‘quick fix’ by modern science and research, leaves the heart aching for the loss of so many lives; the great loss of global innocence. Tears well in the eyes of the perceptive individuals who mourn these deaths and see them for what they are: the unnecessary theft of pure innocence and freedom. Sadly, we were aware of such consequences years before yet failed to act upon the scientific knowledge and our basic instincts due to individual greed and uncontrolled politics. Feeling ashamed of mankind, we are made conscious of the fact that we have failed to evolve. We have ignored our gift of intelligence and placed our greed upon the altar to be idolized and worshipped. We have placed all life at risk. The most grievous sin is that many of us will not own our guilt; a blanket of ignorance will never be good enough to cover up for the lack of simple common sense.

"Those who are incapable of committing great crimes do not readily suspect them in others," wrote La Rochefoucauld, a French writer and moralist, in the late seventeenth century. Many of us continue to conduct our lives believing in the good of mankind, downplaying the roles of guilt-laden souls filled with skillful deceit, guile and senseless hate for other human beings. Most of us are incapable of 'great crimes.' We, too, are the Innocents. We often hear the phrase that 'no one is perfect' and understand it epitomizes the essential characteristics of people we love and admire the most; people with kindness in their hearts, but can never claim the essence of perfection within their own lives. They learn and grow because of their mistakes and imperfections. They love life and fill the lives of others with joy. "If we had no faults of our own,” La Rochefoucauld wrote, “we would not be able to notice those of others." 

Is man kind? Are we good? I believe we are looking forward to reopening hearts and homes if only to rediscover the innocence of mankind and rejoice in a happier, more grateful place in which to resume living. Soon, we may be able to look through their windows to understand their views. Sit at their tables in order to share their tastes. Sleep in their beds so that we my share their dreams. In this way, we will be able to find out just how kind the he’s and she’s of this mankind are. Let us reintroduce ourselves to others with love and understanding, always remembering that the future rests upon our shoulders.

Stay healthy. Be kind. Bless all of our healthcare providers and essential workers for being the angels in our lives.

Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved