Thursday, June 11, 2020


A series of essays....

MAGGIE VALLEY, NORTH CAROLINA seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

“How can I begin anything new with all of yesterday in me?” —Leonard Cohen

Like mist rolling into a dream that gently wraps all thoughts, and each perspective within its opaque wisdom, life proceeds on a daily basis as we take baby steps along this abstract journey into the unknown. We struggle to stand, to walk, and to communicate with others while observIng and listenIng to their personal creation of the dance of life with each calculated breath that escapes their ruby-red lips.

We are infants morphing into our mature selves with so much exotic pain and exquisite joy accompanying our movements that we’ve been known to cry to the heavens either in shock or ecstasy at any given moment. During quieter days, we curl into ourselves and strategically fail to ask the question, “Why?” So deeply afraid of the answer, but with genuine appreciation for the minute respite, we know the realities of our yesterdays will ambush us once again, tomorrow.

All too swiftly, we become the adult form of our beautiful selves carrying the trappings of adulthood upon our shoulders like our Father once carried us, high above the snakes that slithered around his feet…making us feel tall and momentarily secure. Sadly, he let us down from that lofty so many ways. Standing on our own, survival becomes imperative as we hopscotch our way between the serpents and manage incredible bites of sustenance in the form of hard work and play, coupled by profound moments of sweet, enduring love. Lovers, spouse, children, grandchildren line-up to create this undeniable bond of such magnitude and strength, we find ourselves completely blown away by its power!  

We become survivors. Like a flash of lightning in the evening sky, the electricity flows through our earthly bodies with such creative power that we, in turn, charge the world around us and continue the ebb and flow of eternal life. Alternately, the responsibility and power we hold within us becomes incalculable.

As powerful as life is, it can also be as precious and fragile as our newborn selves. We are dependent, to a certain degree, upon the circumstances surrounding us. When mishandled, not respected, either by ourselves or others, life can become a living hell; sucking the existence from within the soft shell of protection we cling to, our hopes, dreams, ideals evaporate in the foggy mist and our bodies are flung along the sandy beach like discarded seashells, unprotected from the mighty tide rolling in. 

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” —Leonard Cohen

We begin to understand how there is safety and progress in numbers; in like minds with ideals of equality swirling within our souls, searching for a better world for all. We are marching soldiers holding placards filled with symbols of justice and hope above our heads, for all to see and attempt to relate to. Our time here on earth together is fleeting and to pass hatred down from generation to generation is one of the most unscrupulous acts of negligence that should and must be eradicated in our lifetime. Heed the warnings, protest peacefully, and do not cease until the healing process begins to sweep away the loathing of others, the world over.

No longer rookies in this game of life, our baby steps have taken on the grand strides of strong, intelligent adults responsible for change, capable of healing, and striving for the growth and application of mindfulness. We are the grown-ups in the room now. May we always be responsible for our actions. The entire world is watching us.

“Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act.” —Leonard Cohen


Remain safe. Stay healthy.

Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved