Friday, January 22, 2021



A series of essays....


Photo Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

“The music didn’t help. It was upbeat and cheerful, but it had a way of getting into your blood and making you want to feel as alive as humanly possible.”

The Irish Cottage: Finding Elizabeth by Juliet Gauvin


This particular quote epitomizes how many of us feel this Inauguration Week. Even while we’re still reeling from the past four years of non-leadership and constant frustration and so many lies—the filtering of Irish music into our souls in the form of a good man by the name of Joe Biden cannot be helped. His music is upbeat, cheerful, and strong and makes us feel as alive and hopeful as humanly possible; as delighted and visceral as an Irish Step Dance performed on a Saturday night.

So, this is not the time for any of us to wallow in sadness any longer. Certainly there are a multitude of duties to be performed by the ‘powers that be’ in Congress which includes an impending trial within the Senate. President Biden (I can’t tell you just how good this title sounds!) and his new staff of intelligent, hard working, and forthright human beings have hit the ground running in order to expedite the changes needed to reverse a legacy never wanted in the first place.

I sit here, alone, as the sun rises over the pristine facade of our Capitol Building reflecting the shimmer of hope that resides in our hearts this golden morning. I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am feeling the peace of Irish music flowing around and through me, upbeat and cheerful—enticing me to feel more alive than I’ve felt in over four years.

“To heal we must remember.” — From the Inauguration Speech of President Joe Biden


His physical body might be in a different place, but his damaged mind and corrupt heart will remain with him wherever he goes. Because he is such a hateful man and perpetrator of horrific crimes against the wellbeing of others, no matter where he resides, this will never change; he will never be able to see or enjoy the positive light that illuminates those of sound mind and character.

It is entirely up to us to make good change happen. We must believe in ourselves and the power of acceptance and unity in order to wake-up with joy in our hearts. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are only the competent hors-d'œuvres! There is a long road ahead of us. We must not become complacent knowing that good people are, once again, placed by we the people, in pivotal positions designed to create laws of responsible protection, leadership, and future advancements for ALL of the citizens of this great nation.

Before the full blast of unity can be achieved, our immediate agenda needs to pinpoint equality as its main goal. I don’t believe unity can be fully met until we understand how important it is to see all people equal in one another’s eyes. I’ve written often before about how the elimination of white supremacy in this country is the premier ticket to the unification of our people. Once we eliminate separation by color and class and fully embrace diversity, with means of education and advancement—unification will always be left drifting in the rear view mirror.

“Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.” — Amanda Gorman, American Poet


Shortly after January 6, 2021, a friend was feeling down and out and floundering in the muddy existence of disgust and fear. I proceeded to write her back with these words of encouragement: “Hope is a commodity, as useful and valuable as water is precious...never lose it.” Never, never lose hope. Lose some weight, lose a bad attitude, or lose the feeling that the world revolves solely around you—but, never allow yourself to lose the feeling that what we want or expect can be had if we truly desire it badly enough. 

It is time to fall in love with life again. We must find areas of our life that are working well and capitalize on them.  It’s time to be totally aware of how someone has emotionally affected us in such a way that they have opened up our mind to feeling happy and absolutely appreciative of the world around us. We must be able to wake up in the morning and instantly tap into that blissful feeling of appreciation and carry it with us throughout the day! Dare we hope that this feeling will awaken our spirits and allow us to love life again?

Walls of apprehension shall be torn down in order to make way for positive deeds and thoughts; new chapters of our life. I deeply hope that through the guidance and leadership of our new administration brand new attitudes and avenues are explored, widened, and fortified with the spirit of our Founding Fathers, the characteristics of a new Renaissance period, and the wisdom and love of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., Congressman John Lewis, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Indeed, our cup would runneth over if we only dared to hope.

“American Aspiration is what drove the women in this nation, throughout history, to demand equal rights.” — From the Inauguration Speech of Vice President Kamala Harris

I hope you stay safe, happy, and healthy. Always take good care of yourselves and those you love.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved