Thursday, March 11, 2021



A series of essays....


By: Jacqueline E Hughes

I find myself having trouble putting down my thoughts and describing my recent actions that would make this story particularly interesting for all of you today. I do apologize. But, I am finding my thoughts all scattered and incoherent and if I could corral them all in one spot, I might be able to put the various pieces together and make something out of them. 

For now, I will try as best I can. Here goes!

Dan and I got our second dose of the Pfizer vaccine this week and all went as smoothly as the first time around. We were fortunate to have for each round the beautifully orchestrated and highly organized people working at the Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services Department taking care of us. The sparkle in their eyes reflected the genuine smiles they had behind their masks at each station and with every poke in the arm they administered.




I wasn’t as giddy feeling this time around, though. I had heard from several sources quite close to me that the second shot would/could do me in for, at least, a day or so with possible unfavorable reactions to the vaccine. But, not to worry, it just means it’s working and my body is reacting to it as it should, or something like that. I admit it, I psyched myself up for the worst-case scenario and was pleasantly surprised to have proved them wrong. Now, I’m not discounting the fact that my current fogginess doesn’t have something to do with it all but, at least, there’s been no hard side-effects such as having a temperature, dizziness, or headaches to deal with!

With the bright, sunny day ahead of us and second shot in our arms, we left The Expo for downtown Kalamazoo to a shop whose motto is, “Your best choice for all things in print! More than a store—an enlightened community!” How could you go wrong by visiting the Michigan News Agency on W. Michigan Avenue? This independent bookstore has been around since 1947 when Dean Hauck’s father established it and then Dean took it over in 1988. During the pandemic, Dean vowed to remain open to the public with her day beginning at 7 am, sharp, seven days a week, because she knows how many people depend on her to begin their day.


Courtesy of Joel Bissell

This outgoing, amazing woman has spent her entire career cultivating a community atmosphere and the pleasure was all ours as we opened the front door and happily stepped inside. My mission was to find two books by the author, Jacqueline Woodson and it didn’t take me long to find Woodson’s novels neatly displayed at the front of the store. As we continued to walk around the bookstore, many individuals dropped in to purchase their morning paper, slide their change across the counter, and say good morning to Dean as she replied to them on a first name basis, eyes sparkling.

I purchased my books and took my time as Dean, Dan, and I chatted together for a few minutes at the glass case counter near the front door.  Hauck, a high school English teacher has a master’s degree in English Literature and is dedicated to the promotion of local writers and poets and offers live readings by many of them in the very back of her cozy establishment. As we bade our good-byes, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate we all are for the existence, enthusiasm, and dedication of Dean Hauck and for the opportunity to know her and to have, right downtown, one of the last remaining newsstands in the Midwest!

Dean Hauck lovingly goes on my list of important women meant to be celebrated year round and highlighted in March during Women’s History Month here in the U.S.A.

The morning sunshine continued to break over the tops of the taller buildings in Downtown Kalamazoo and splash its warmth on our upturned faces. I was very happy to have only taken a half hour out of this spectacular morning to get our vaccine shots. More time for play and discovery as we decided to leave the car and walk to the other end of town to yet another well established local business and promoter of the arts, Sarkozy Bakery and Café, who has been “Proudly baking for Kalamazoo since 1978!” 


Courtesy of

Judy Sarkozy has been baking up a storm for over forty years and nothing expresses community vibes like fresh baked goods and a hot mug of coffee or tea! As with Dean, Judy has not closed her doors due to the pandemic and has offered curb side pickup and take-out throughout this past year. When you’ve been a large part of a community for so long, you accept the fact that so many people depend on and feel comforted by your services no matter what. Judy, her huge smile covered by a black face mask, came up to the counter to bid us a good morning before shuffling back to the belly of the bakery and her home away from home where she has felt comfortable and productive for so many years. 

Okay, as I add Judy Sarkozy to my list, along with Dean Hauck, of local women who have kept this community growing and strong year after year, I marvel at their strength and long term dedication. It is obvious to me that there is great respect and love for each and every one of us who, also, take pride in living in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Grabbing our crisp, white bag of freshly baked goodies, including a loaf of warm, French bread, we walked back outside and followed the long shadows on the south side of town leading us back to our car. Along the way, I have to stop at each business entrance, open or closed, to take pictures of the dated terrazzo tiles that remain and have welcomed customers into these shops since 1915 and before. Towns like Kalamazoo are simple treasures of architecture, history, and the people who lure us into the heart and soul of a community and always keep us wanting for more.

Finally, back at the car, we decided to make a beeline for home with breakfast in hand. I will make two large mugs of Irish Breakfast tea and slightly warm-up the pastries with a touch of Irish butter on top. The anticipation is mounting.

Seems like hours ago that we left the Kalamazoo County Expo Center for a visit with Dean and Judy downtown. I know we all have our favorite women with whom we identify during this special month of honoring the history of women and they may include anyone from Harriet Tubman to a favorite teacher to our own Mothers who have greatly influenced us along the way. Today I was happy to put two more women on my list and thank them for all of their hard work; thank them for helping to knit the lives of people in our community together in so many educated and delicious ways—for decades.

I encourage you to take a walk around your own town sometime soon and make a list of the women who help make it a better place in which to live, raise children, and work in. Have fun watching that list grow!


Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Photo Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved