Thursday, August 5, 2021



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes


come in an assortment  of sizes and forms, with a variety of both beneficial, indistinguishable, and negative connotations. A blessing can be given, counted innumerable times, cloaked behind inventive secrecy, or mixed and blended until it breeds something that may claim to be injurious in effect for its intended recipient.

Blessings can come in the form of small, individual acts of love given to and received gratefully by those who believe that these favors are gifts bestowed by God with the intention of bringing happiness, approval, or good wishes upon them. Even 'small blessings' are seen as benefits and advantages within this upside-down world we live in and we become most thankful for them as we sift through the alternate possibilities. Having very little money can be seen as a blessing if it, at least, provides a roof over our heads and enough food on the table for our happiness and basic survival. To offer praise and devotion for this humble meal in the form of saying grace before we eat allows us to bless the food and the provider responsible for our imminent sustenance.

Blessings often come in disguise as if they were guests at a masked ball, identities denied, yet distinguishable by their ultimate good effects. Initially, a  'blessing in disguise' might appear to be unlucky or harmful. In actuality, the outcome has been shifted from initial fear to something we may become eternally grateful for. For example, a set of solemn circumstances, such as missing days at work due to illness and subsequently losing your job, might initiate a more interesting or profitable source of employment in the future; open doors we didn’t even know existed.

The soothing words of the talented lyricist, Irving Berlin, would have us all "counting our blessings instead of sheep!" And, why not? When all is right with the world, how wonderful it would feel to fall asleep while counting our blessings instead of our worries? Beating the odds by surviving what could have been a tragedy and having us then realize our good fortune is certainly grounds for counting one's blessings! When the consequences of hard work and planning fall short of our expectations, it's important to take note of other incredible things that have happened to us. This may just be the most important antidote to sadness and despair the world has ever know!

Early explorers of our vast world, fearful of the unknown, would seek the blessings of the King, Queen, or highest ranked clergy by having them invoke a higher power for assistance, support, and inspiration before beginning their long, exploratory journeys by land or sea.

Beauty can be a mixed blessing. The attention received by a person of renowned physical beauty may only be a superficial blessing if others are less likely to take him or her seriously. We humans are often caught somewhere between that which is favorable and sailing adrift upon a sea dotted by active mines, disadvantageous features that we must learn to navigate around in order to survive. Many scientists proclaimed that discovering the power of the atom was a mixed blessing. Even as it opened our world to the positive aspects of nuclear power, it also made nuclear weapons possible. 

We incorporate innumerable blessings every day of our lives, whether we choose to recognize them as such or not. It may be in the form of a short prayer of thanksgiving said before a meal; enjoying the blessings of peace or prosperity; the devout invocation of blessedness bestowed upon us by a priest during the benediction of a mass; loving permission to go, proceed, or carry on in full agreement with the ideas of another, or being touched by the help or services offered to us out of the kindness and good fortune of others.

As grandparents, we consider our grandchildren to be among our greatest blessings. When we are able to travel and explore other cultures and languages, we become blessed by our newly attained knowledge and may choose to share it with others upon returning home. Recognizing are own personal talent and being able to utilize it in order to assist, please, or offer a brighter life to someone else is a blessing we should all strive for. Good friends....a gift never to be taken lightly and an absolute blessing for life. 

The blessings and good wishes bestowed upon us through the kindness of others should be cherished and returned in favor by us to those who require them, as well. When we are blessed enough to be able to understand our own bounty and good fortune and share it with those experiencing misfortune, we will have attained the full benefits of a truly blessed life.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved