Thursday, November 25, 2021



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Sitting here looking around the living room of our little cottage in Kalamazoo, I chuckle to see toys, once again, strewn all over the floor; weapons of foot annihilation evident and the calmness of the tidy little space that normally surrounds us, in jeopardy.

The owner of these ‘weapons of mass destruction’ now sleeps several feet away. The ravages of the soft tissue of the human foot sparks dreams within her slumbering state that produce tiny smirks and the twitching of body muscles as she snuggles deeper into her makeshift bed of living room chair (leveling the vantage point between us) and her state of temporary inactivity. She is very content and happy.

We are most thankful for this. With her family miles away in New Jersey celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends there, we are the grandparents and, for this week, the protectors of the fifth member of our daughter’s family. Oreo always seems to blend so easily into our lives making it very simple to love and accept her into our home whenever an occasion arises.

Having loved soft, furry K-9 children of our own throughout the years, we have grown accustomed to squeak toys, small plush animals, a ratty looking old sock or two, a shabby and well-loved bear, and rock hard rawhide chew toys littering the floor after a long day of play and excitement. However, the after effects of unexpectedly stepping on Lego-like, moist rawhide lingers in my mind. This memory continues to send a sharp pain throughout my system long after the fact. 

Soon, I will gingerly head into the kitchen to do what I do best of all—bake—with the intent of taking most of the results of my best efforts over to good friends to celebrate Thanksgiving together. My shadow, in the shape of an adorable Jack Russell, will appear at my heels the entire short trip from living room to kitchen and rest at my feet once we arrive.

The wind and scavenger birds just outside the large picture window have awakened our little princess enough to have her raise her head with a ‘what’s up?’expression on her ‘yin and yang’ face. But, by the time she reaches the white, wooden sill, paws firmly planted, the only thing to be seen is the twirling of dark brown leaves disturbed from the overhead gutter by a swooping blue jay moments before.


Oreo dearly misses her family: those of a younger age, sporting spry, flexible joints belonging to the rising generation who can consistently keep up with her high-energy antics. Not that we are doddering and frail old fools just yet, but our lifestyle may consist more of long walks around the neighborhood rather than performing ‘touch-n-goes’ with tennis balls throughout the backyard. 

The shadows shift along the oak-stained wooden floors as the feeble, late autumn light filters through the undraped windows. I am thankful for the natural light and pray it shows itself as often as possible as winter approaches. The light speaks to me as it internalizes false-warmth and the precious hope for an early spring awakening. My years of mostly golden sunshine in Florida have spoiled me almost as much as my kids have spoiled my furry companion who visualizes chasing swirling brown leaves but is restricted by the panes of aged glass.

In the spirit of the late poet, Jane Kenyon, who believed in accepting and treasuring the simple blessings in life, I acknowledge and appreciate every aspect of goodness this life has to offer. In her poem ‘Otherwise,’ Kenyon reframes her day, moment by moment, “…as a series of non-necessary events — which is to say, a cascade of gift after gift. Even in and through our struggles, there are treasures to be found.”

If this is true, glorious treasures abound around me at this peaceful time transforming an ordinary day into another Thanksgiving Day! Oreo’s soft breathing, for instance. Scattered doggy toys. A blue jay. Or, delicious smells wafting in from our French country kitchen. I always have to remember that it might have been—otherwise.

“But one day, I know, it will be otherwise.” — Jane Kenyon

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! May you always appreciate the simple things in life and understand how humble and content they can make us feel. Count your blessings each and every day!

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved