Thursday, December 23, 2021



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Behind each face is a human story. A bottleneck of pictures, facts and emotions from which all things must pass through within a lifetime before they are listed, categorized, processed, and, with any luck, made sense out of. But, we tend to hold our stories deep inside of us, not wishing to share them for fear of being embarrassed or, for lack of anything else, entitled and destined to have our story become the greater part of ourselves. We are a grand puzzle made-up of a million small pieces that span our lifetime. Each piece, set of pieces, illustrates the human story behind each face.

As a writer, it has been interesting bringing some of these human stories to light from time to time. It is impossible for me to look at the faces that pass by in an airport, shopping mall, or in a busy city streetscape without wondering what each person has to say; what makes them who they are, and what circumstances have  motivated them to move forward into the future or lag behind out of frustration and confusion. What happiness or sorrow has gripped their being and held on tight for years or, what may seem like only mere moments in time?

The holiday season can be a very deceiving time of the year for many. A time when we feel discombobulated, torn between joy and sorrow and a bit out of place in the world. Couple this with the continuing onslaught of the Covid-19 variances and we are riding that roller coaster of ups and downs, twists and turns that often raises our blood pressure and serves up a side order of vertigo to boot! 

This conflict or rhythm within each of us fascinates me. It is what remarkable books, memorable films, well written poetry, and great works of art are all about! Artists have delved deeply into what makes humans, especially themselves, tick and have written or illustrated their findings for others to analyze and critique at their leisure. 

Trauma is an egregious culprit whose presence may involuntarily mark our life while leaving us emotionally helpless for years to come. It may become the haunting experience we choose to push far back into our subconscious  with the hope that it will be forgotten. Usually, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ measures do not apply here. Traumatic experiences have led many people to seek professional consultation in order to help quiet their fears and lighten a heavy heart while allowing some light to shine through the cracks.

When I became aware of the fact that some people fear the holidays and are often the most depressed during this time of the year, it was difficult to understand…until some of their stories were unlocked: living within the poverty level, domestic violence, the fear of being alone, fighting depression itself while attempting to appear normal to those around you. Depression in any form is a heavy and dangerous burden that can be difficult to appraise. Unfortunately, because of this, many young, intelligent, and lovely people are taken away from us (often by their own hand) leaving a large void for the survivors to live with and attempt to comprehend. Let us make a greater effort to become more aware of the warning signs of this terrible disease.

I would like to see a world united in the sense that Mother Earth is the most predominant force in our lives and realize that we must be able to promote this concept to all of us who share this beautiful planet. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why this is such a difficult plan. We depend on her for everything. But, just like the wealthy souls who selfishly build ships to climb up into the stars for pleasure and profit, I can’t help but think of how all of that money could help make this world healthier, cleaner, and happier for all of us who call Earth our home.

Seeing the faces of the children light-up when presented with presents at Christmastime has been a mainstay of parents all over the world; especially the pandemic world we have lived in for nearly two years. Children are growing up in a new era with brand new rules: on and off virtual schooling, wearing masks, not being with close relatives and friends on a regular basis, and becoming more aware of their surroundings than ever before. My heart goes out to them as their senses are becoming more heightened by school shootings and personal safety. 

Baking Christmas cookies with two of my precious grandchildren today while listening to their giggles, seeing the joy on their faces, and pretending not to see another cookie lifted from the cooling rack, made me sing with happiness! That’s the progression of life, dear friends; the process of moving gradually towards a more advanced state—enjoying the aging process with all of its amazing accompaniments! As I often say, I am very, very blessed. 

May your life be brightened by all things wholesome and kind and may you remember to pass this joy along to others. You’ll know when you have because each face will shine just a little bit brighter for it. Merry Christmas to everyone with my love to you…!

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved