Thursday, May 18, 2023



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Just as the sweet, tender leaves of trees unfurl right before our very eyes, a moment when the time span of buttery daffodils begin to expire and their trumpets fold back into the earth’s sandy loam to bulbous homes preparing for next season, when Mothers are honored on the second Sunday of the month, and the earth breathes new life from every corner…

You came into our lives.

The blush of your rosy cheeks inspire us. What a time to be alive! Within your enchanting presence, the natural exuberance for life flourishes like Lilly of the Valley across a grand expanse of meadow. Bonding with you every Wednesday, watching hot air balloons float above the roofline and waving to the occupants leaning over the basket’s edge—feeling contentment and a dash of adventure…

And then you turned four.

Becoming a Big Sister suites you. Sharing this amazing world with a human so tiny and sweet; teaching him everything you know about the new world around him. You light up our lives and give us hope when skies are gray; please, please never take the sunshine away. You have no choice, we know. Good-bye to swim lessons in the pool, the condo at the beach, Florida…

Michigan suites you, too.

Flexibility is synonymous with youth. The tall, ancient trees that sway in the backyard will attest to their spirit of rabble-rousing with the mighty wind as gnarled, crusty limbs create craters in the soft earth during a storm. But, your flexible young limbs find a home as the budding gymnast while making friends, coping with endless practices, and surrendering to a unique lifestyle…

Discipline is part of your nature.

Change is often difficult for us ancient ones. Moving back to the Tundra isn’t easy on old bones and skin kissed daily by the sun; following our hearts certainly is. Just as you and your brother adapt to your altered landscape, seasonal climate changes—we return to the world we grew-up in and watch our younger selves in both of you. Puffy snowsuits, tall boots, and watery tracks to the porch…

A.P. classes and driver’s education.

Wearing braces is your thing. The look suits your beautiful expressions; all chunky with a hint of sparkle manifested by the light. Now that they’re removed, life is much more fun, uncomplicated, and independent by your standards. You are growing up so fast, just like your mother, and there is nothing in our power to decelerate; we must cherish each moment in time with you…

Look at you behind the wheel!

Sixteen years pass and the sweet, tender leaves unfurl right before our very eyes. Once again, May unfolds her natural beauty in sights and scents we can only hope to capture in a bottle. Back then, I held you in my arms as the world opened up to so many possibilities. Today, I hold you close every time you allow me to and cherish our two hearts beating as one—even for a few moments in time…

Copyright © 2023 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved