Wednesday, March 26, 2014


A series of short stories....

Gloria Steinem (Courtesy of Google Image)

....through my eyes!

By:  Jacqueline E. Hughes

I enjoy hitting the '+' button on My Writing app and pulling-up a  brand new, pristine white page.  The thrill is knowing that within a few hours and an average of somewhere around 1,500 words and an unspecified amount of research later, those pages are filled, my random thoughts are recorded and, soon they will be sent out into Cyberspace for others to read.

Where do my ideas come from?  Well, everywhere!  It could be a thought that's been rolling around in my head for weeks, a certain place visited and loved, nature's beauty as displayed by a friend or, an event or person I've read about.  It's the process (steps) of creation that intrigues me the most.  Because once the creation is completed.....I switch gears and just hope that others like and appreciate the finished product.  By then, I've already pulled up another blank page and started filling word at a time.

                                             Gloria Steinem Awarded Medal of Freedom
                                                                 By Barack Obama For Women's Movement

For example.....  The Sunday Review section of 
The New York Times this past weekend devoted its front page to Ms. Gloria Steinem on turning eighty with the heading: This Is What 80 Looks Like.  Truth be told, Ms. Steinem has been on my radar for months now, ever since Oprah's NEXT CHAPTER interview with her in April of 2012.  I have always had nothing but the utmost respect for this lovely lady, for many, many reasons.  The article, written by Gail Collins, respectfully points out how Ms. Steinem has been utilizing her birthdays "to make money for worthy causes" ever since her 50th.  This year she's heading to Botswana to celebrate but, not before co-hosting a benefit to raise money for the Shalom Center in Philadelphia.  

Gloria Steinem once said, "I expect my funeral to be a fund-raiser."  When asked what she really wanted to do on her birthday this year, she said, "First, get out of Dodge.  Second, ride elephants."

"Superwoman is the adversary of the Women's Movement.  The whole idea is that we don't have to do it all.  You can't do it all, no one can do it all, cook three meals, have perfect children and be multi-orgasmic 'till dawn....."  Gloria and Oprah had been speaking with and answering questions by a group of students from New York City's prestigious Barnard College.

I know this multi-faceted belief, proffered by one of the Women's Movement's most noted and respected members, was never fully understood or appreciated by those of us 'coming of age' in the '60's.  If we had truly absorbed her teachings, many of us would not have wasted so much of our time wallowing in personal guilt or ever bothered listening to the unconscionable demands presented to us by a society that remained rooted in archaic beliefs for all women.

Even the '60's climate of 'Free Love and Rock & Roll' only compounded our budding beliefs as young women attempting to find our role within a changing society.  The best way I know of explaining it was we were caught-up in a time-warp; floundering between the old world and ideas presented to us by our Mothers and the new world of independence that we hoped would complete us and serve up success on a platter.  Yes, we knew we could have, enjoy and do it all!!  We were young and we still believed....

The distortion of this maelstrom altered our speed of movement by pulling women down within its spiraling motion.....and, whether we wished to admit it or not, we had become our own worst enemy.  As a group, we tore each other apart, attacking from all sides like fools rather than implementing understanding and compromise.  In hind site, if women had bolstered the individual beliefs of every woman, (Stay-at-home Moms, career woman, marry or remain single), as much as we ripped each other apart, ALL of us could have 'had it all' without having to 'do it all.'  And, wearing a bra would have always remained an option.

I say this often and really do believe that life is all about extremes.  Energy flows from one extreme into the other until it eventually balances itself out and maintains a stable medium.  The application of this belief applies here.

This warm and inviting woman with a brilliant, fascinating sense of humor, soon became, intentionally or not, caught-up within the politics of the '60's, '70's and beyond.  I have always regarded Gloria Steinem as the female 'voice of reason.'  Many men disliked her beliefs not wishing to enhance the role of women in the workplace while hoping to squelch future equality between the sexes.  Some women disliked her beliefs because they were, simply put, afraid of change. 

I was putting myself through college at Michigan State University around this time and the Women's Liberation Movement was in full swing on and off campus.  No topic, whatsoever, was off-limits to full and complete discussion by students any time of the day or night.  Groups of us, males and females together, would gather in dorm lounges, dorm rooms and, occasionally, our professor's homes in order to speak openly about our ideas, as well as introduce new ones.  Wow!!  I can look back at us now with overflowing pride in my heart. 

Oh, but, eventually, the guilt did creep around the corner like a black mist among the shadows and penetrate even some of the most open-minded and brave-hearted of us all....  It blinded  and tormented us with its deep-seeded notions of failure even when our husbands, having lived through the Movement, too, and still fell in love with and married us for better or worse, had our backs!  That's how disillusioned some of us had become.  Usually, our disappointment was with ourselves.....we wanted to be Superwoman!  Nothing less.  We didn't perceive this depth of emotion as an adversary....not yet.  Even if Gloria Steinem were standing on a soap box, megaphone in hand, preaching the negatives of Superwoman status ten feet away, our guilt of inadequacy blinded our sense of reason.  We had to grow-up, mature, evolve....whichever label you prefer!

Even to this day, the pressure of being a young female in the late '60's and beyond can haunt me, especially when it comes to Family and living so far away.  I worry about watching and being near my grandchildren growing-up and if they will always remember me for who I am and how much I love them every day.  Guilt: A feeling of having done wrong or failed in an obligation.  Funny how guilt can grow on you like a second skin.

When discussing her accomplishments within her eighty years of living and if she felt completed by hers, Ms. Steinem replied, "The whole idea is not to figure out what you should do that will matter, but to make each thing you do reflect the values you want.....because we don't know what's going to matter in the future."  If that's the case, then it should no longer worry me about the physical distance between my children and me as long as my actions reflect the positive values I place on our relationships.  Thank you, Gloria.

"People think they should be successful by the time they are thirty!"  She goes on to explain that given enough years on this earth, "You can have many relationships....many different careers or professions and have them all be successful."  We worry way too much about time constraints and what other people think instead of just believing in ourselves.

My mantra today would definitely be: It didn't always go as planned, and that's okay.  Just think about what I have to look forward to!!  Remember, as long as YOU want it, the cup of life remains full.  Maintain your health, happiness and never forget to Love....

I'm certain if Ms. Steinem were commenting on my thoughts here today she would ask all of us to be Positive, be Patient and, always, be Persistent......

Happy Birthday, Gloria!

Is there anything in your past or present that makes you feel guilty with the idea that you would change it if you could? 
                                         Courtesy of the Gloria Steinem Web Site

Friday, March 21, 2014


Blog: Life...


.....seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Admittedly, never having been the shy-one among family, friends or strangers, I have often found myself smack in the middle of one controversy or another because of it.  And, oops!!  I think I did it again!

Let's see....demonstrative, highly emotional, too caring (Really?  Can anyone care too much?), obsessive (in a good way!) and, passionate.  All of the above would be the correct answer.  What if I substituted words for those above like....affectionate, moved, compassionate, preoccupied and, intensely loving?  These words do take some of the tempestuousness out of a fiery personality and lend a certain softness to the mix. 

Accepting constructive criticism through the analysis and judgement of others certainly is a positive step in the right direction.  When this evaluation comes from someone you respect and love dearly, you perk-up and listen.  At least, you should.  They only have good intentions at heart.

"Mom....please do not scream!!"  What?  As far as I knew, my 'Skype voice' this morning was sounding reasonable and low-keyed.  And then my youngest child, herself a loving Mother of a six-year-old and twins who are two, explained what she meant. 

"You have all-capped the intro to your blog again!!  It's as though you're screaming at us to open it up and read it rather than gently asking us to.  That's not what you're after, right?" 

She was absolutely right, screaming was never my intention at all.  My daughter makes a very good point.  And, the crazy bit is that this isn't the first time she's told me about this habit of mine.  Some habits are difficult to break!

So, I vow to curb my all-capitalization format as much as possible.  Unless, of course, I really do want to scream in order to emphasize a point I'm making or allow a character in one of my stories to vent or be  scared out of their minds!!!  I will be more of a Cathy Marie Buchanan type rather than Stephen King when it comes to superlatives and exaggeration.  I do see her point...

Thank you, Sweetheart, yet again.  I appreciate and fully understand your criticism.  All I have to do now is restrain my enthusiasm, steer clear of the 'Caps Lock' key and apologize to all of you for raising my voice far too often. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014




A series of essays.....

Kurt Vonnegut: The Celestial Teapot Magazine

.....through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Several days ago I posted a quote by the author and humorist Kurt Vonnegut on my Facebook Page that read, "I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found."  I posted it because I believe what it states to be true and insightful.

Many of us within the 'Facebook Family' have shared similar messages with FB friends.....even though their subject matter might be entirely different: fast cars, spiritual insights, beauty tips, hot travel spots, military homecomings and (inevitably) seemingly impossible cat poses, just to name a few. 

Welcome To My Library!
Certainly, as a writer, I am obsessively attracted to quotes by authors of no specific genre, location, time or gender....  I am proud to promote libraries, franchised bookstores, Indie bookstores and personal 'book nooks' located in private homes across the world!!  I posted a picture of my very own reading niche just a few days ago.  I do not understand homes without some form of library, whether it be filled with hard bound copies, paperback novels or a combination of the two.  In my estimation, ALL rooms within a given space are eligible and worthy of including bookshelves within their design.  (Yes, even, and perhaps, especially, the bathrooms...)

                                        Kurt Vonnegut's Office

E-books, although less tangible to many, are by no means less important.  Actually, Indie Published authors have designated the Internet as the most popular track for exposure and marketing of some of the very best writing talent to be found today!  With so much technology at our disposal, it would be unreasonable not to consider promoting and circulating your literary creations for others, including publishers, to see at the touch of a few keys!  Personally, I have been following several highly talented e-book authors within the last few months and have marked their overwhelming appeal among readers, along with their steady growth towards the mainstream of book publication.  The hard bound copies of their impressive work can now be found on display at your local Barnes & Noble with book launch, book signings and author forums neatly placed in their future 'schedule of events.' 

However, as the old saying goes....I digress.  Mr. Vonnegut's quote has not been pushed aside; rather, it has been reined back into my thoughts.  Best known as an author, Mr. Vonnegut was, also, a freethinker, a humanist and an atheist.  He once wrote, "I am a humanist, which means, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without expectations of rewards or punishments after I am dead."  I can only imagine that by getting lost in either the act of writing his own books (The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse-Five, to name a few) or, reading books written by others....Mr. Vonnegut was truly able to "...train the mind to be familiar with states that are beneficial: concentration, compassion, correct understanding, patience, humility and perseverance."  I would be safe in stating that 'most' authors today have meditated for years in order to achieve that feeling of being 'one with themselves' and able to provide their readers with the best they have to offer...

Nadine Within Her Elements
After posting this quote, a FB friend of mine and "artiste extraordinaire," Nadine Fourre, who lives and creates in the South of France, commented on my posting.  "Any Art form, isn't it?" she asked me.  Nadine's main area of artistic expression as a sculptor is the uncanny ability to establish an environment based upon Zen ideals utilizing natural elements which include, but are not limited to, sand, driftwood and dry-stacked stones of various shapes and sizes.  Her creations are highly personal, extremely beautiful and always thought provoking.

When I think about Nadine, I am constantly reminded of balance, nature and meditation.  Her work defies gravity while it draws the eye to its innate beauty!

By: Nadine Fourre

The Free Encyclopedia defines Zen as a school of Mahayana Buddhism meditation that originated in India and passed into China during the 6th century.   Zen developed fully in Japan by the 12th century and had a significant following in the West by the later 20th century.   Zen emphasizes the attainment of enlightenment through meditation, self-contemplation and intuition.  Contemplation of one's essential nature, to the exclusion of all else, is the way of achieving pure enlightenment.  Few understand nature as beautifully as Nadine...

Nadine At Work

Her poignant question affected me deeply.  I realized, being an author of words, Mr. Vonnegut's emphasis on reading and writing exclusively created shortcomings that were bound to draw the attention of friends who incorporated many forms of artistic expression into their lives.  I needed to take it several steps further by broadening "the most nourishing forms of meditation" to include all forms of art.  The great American novelist, John Updike, once said, "What art offers is space---a certain breathing room for the spirit."  

Writers, painters, sculptors, dancers, singers, musicians, architects, poets, photographers, actors......and, the list goes on and on.....all require that space, that breathing room that will allow their spirits to soar, their talent to exceed all expectations and, their creative minds the benefit of concentration...perseverance!!

Kurt Vonnegut

Thank you to all my friends who take their work d'art to the highest levels possible...and, beyond!  Michael, Cathy, Eric V. W., you know who you are!  The world is nothing less than blessed by your current achievements.  We patiently (?) wait to see what comes next....

NOTE:  To see more of Nadine's amazing work, this is one Website that exhibits her "Art of Balance":   

Thursday, March 13, 2014



By: Jacqueline E. Hughes


Sparkling facets of pure light dance upon the face of the boy.  With his head propped-up by an exposed root, the mid-morning sun spreads it's summer glow and blankets the sleepy little town and creates laziness from immense power; lethargy from brute energy.  Chewing mildly on a blade of grass, he drifts in and out of a dream state spawned by the light play above him and the keen imagination of youth.  His thoughts travel between fishing the cool river that flows gently nearby and how to successfully avoid returning to work at Mr. Beal's grocery store up on Main Street.

Drifting shadows from the gently swaying oak leaves pepper the green meadow that spreads out from the river bank bathing the boy's small form with their mesmerizing dance.  The giant oaks fracture the river bank and surround the meadow.   With their large exposed root structures, like ancient giants breaking free from the warm soil, the boy is surrounded by the fantasy that only nature can supply.  Virtually flat, the gravel road meanders the natural layout of river and trees with generous curves drifting towards deep green woods to the east and the briskly growing little town located just west of the river.  Wildflowers sway in the breezes creating synchronizing dances of lavender, yellow and white keeping a languid tempo of lush softness and timeless motion. 

Following the distinct sound of the horse’s cadence, the boy suddenly opens his eyes and turns his head to face two chestnut mares emerging from the dense forest.  Standing to capture a better view, his youthful curiosity is peaked by the flatbed wagon being pulled by the powerful animals.  His intense blue eyes register the crew of eight men dangling their denim-clad legs over the flat edge of the wagon.  Axes, picks and shovels gleam in the sunlight and are piled high behind them while bulging cotton sacks tied off with twine rest alongside generous coils of thick, rough rope.  The mares are swiftly reined in and halt near a vast section of the meadow just off the north side of the road and the men gingerly step down crunching stones beneath their leather boots. 

The men spread out like a small colony of worker ants after relieving the flatbed of its load.  The boy modestly shields himself behind a young maple tree positioned between him and the unexpected activity across the meadowland.  He combs  golden blond hair away from is face with the spread fingers of his right hand and listens intently to hear the small talk from the men while attempting to filter out the sound of bird chatter and flowing river water that greatly impede his progress. 

Sharp wooden stakes emerge from one of the overstuffed bags and two of the men proceed to deftly pound them into the soft earth.  Twine is strung from one stake to another in a pre-determined pattern that reminds the boy of an elaborate adult game of cat's cradle.  The remaining men begin clearing the land by placing large rocks in piles and uprooting wild shrubs and smaller trees that initially inhabited the confines of the staked-out sections of the property.  Their teamwork is solid and anyone watching could only assume that these men have been working together as a whole for quite some time.

He twitches his freckled nose in rapt curiosity and begins to run along the riverbank until he makes his way to the small stone footbridge built several years before and connects the sparsely populated east side with the town on the opposite side of the shallow river to the west.  Before crossing, he looks back once more to make a mental note of the men working up the road now smaller in stature and almost ant- like to him.  This makes him smile.  He is almost certain that Mr. Beal, if not the unflappable Mrs. Beal, will be delighted to hear his sterling account of the activities he's recently witnessed and forgive him for his gross tardiness this morning.

He's a good lad and a hard worker when not distracted by youthful pleasures.  What the boy does not know yet, and will not be able to comprehend for some years to come, is how the events he's noted this warm, July day will affect his future in such a profound and meaningful way......


 A series of short stories......


.....through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

We were as giddy as small children spending the day at Magic Kingdom as we sat at the drop-leaf table for our breakfast of Jameson marmalade on toast and delicious, hot pressed coffee!  Our road trip today included the town of Cong located just north of Lough Corrib.  It was Thursday morning and our stay in Ireland was in its final, we should have been sad, right?  

That day we just allowed the white Nissan rental car to take the lead.  It was an unstructured travel day in the sense that, even though Cong was on our radar, anything else was possible.  Dan and I like this kind of travel day because you never know what you'll find or where you'll end up....

The Quiet Man Bridge

Earlier in the week, we'd discovered the stone bridge featured in the movie The Quiet Man and it existed just to the west of Oughterard and in sight right off of the N59.  We must have gone by it that week at least fifty times.  We imagined the spot John Wayne sat at on the bridge with the rippling river and lush mountains in the background.  I think we came close to his exact position after watching the movie (purchased in Cong) once we returned home to the States.

Cong Abbey
The route to Cong, a small town located practically on the Galway and Mayo County Line, took us around deep mountain lakes, across babbling brooks and wide rivers and through dark, dense forests.  We parked the car right next to the ancient ruins of Cong Abbey and spent the next two hours exploring everywhere.  I enjoy taking pictures of ruins and Cong Abbey did not disappoint.  As I set up a shot, I always imagine the structure in its prime with people going about their business hundreds of years before.  It helps to give me an interesting perspective and a true understanding of the relative importance of things.

Across from the Abbey was The Quiet Man gift shop.....apropos considering most of the 'town scenes' were shot there.  Yes, in case you were wondering, we acquired a few items from the shop to take home!
My greatest discovery was a good-sized used bookshop which was absolutely amazing, as well as dangerous.  I never wonder why our return luggage is red-tagged for exceeding the weight limit!!

After a light lunch accompanied by hot tea, just around the corner from the bookshop, we drove over the boarder into County Mayo.
Following the signs to Lough Mask, we discovered the 'scenic drive' around the beautiful lake along the L1612 which took us through several small towns dotting the route until we swung left eventually picking-up the R300 and continuing the loop around the lake.  Feeling mellow and slightly lethargic basking in the repetition of mainly flat roads outlined by stone cottages and occasional glimpses of blue water.....Dan suddenly hit the brakes and merged onto the grassy shoulder of the road before coming to a complete stop. 
The Church of Ireland

Our unexpected surprise of the day stood to our left...high on a hill that overlooked Lough Mask to the east with the Partry Mountains lording over it to the west.  We were staring at the most interesting church ruin we'd ever though its parishioners seventy years before stood-up after Sunday service, filed by the clergyman to shake hands and offer their best wishes and then never to return to this magnificent stone structure again.  The weather...the harsh lake winds, heavy snows and relentless rain that flushed down from the surrounding mountains, as well as Father Time, had become its steady companions and most destructive enemies!

Church On The Hill
If you had the stamina and time to set-up a still camera taking intermittent shots from alongside the road for the past seventy or so years it would be the best way to capture and describe the complete scene that stood before us at that moment.  With sheep grazing and chickens strutting in the valley below its foundation and a fence surrounding them...the large, metal gate was wide open, inviting entry.  "Shall we go in?" Dan asked.  With an enthusiastic affirmative nod from me, we parked next to the moss covered stone wall on the south side of the church.  With the exception of the sheep and chickens, we were in total solitude.  Our shoes crunched along the stone path leading up to the back entry and, I don't think either of us uttered a single word as we gazed in amazement.
Original Wall Tiles

Before us stood a once beautiful and imposing structure that had, seemingly, been left solely to the elements with jagged shards of watery-looking glass still protruding from large arched-top window frames and slate roof tiles piled-up all along the earthen floor.   All of its outer walls still stood proud and tall including the round turret positioned at the main entrance on the south-west side.  At least five percent of these walls remained clad in their original tiles.  The dais of the altar, albeit covered in debris now, sparkled as the afternoon sun streamed through the windows above and reflected off of the broken glass below.

Tournasala Mountain In Distance
Looking out of one of the altar windows that faced west, I attempted to outline the grazing sheep down in the valley with the window as my frame and, as I found out later, Tournasala Mountain surrounded by mist in the distance.  I moved as quickly as possible to get my shot because we had disturbed hundreds of dormant black spiders that had been happily nesting in the piles of debris and they were swiftly making their way towards my sandal-clad feet.
View of the Nave
Because this church had been abandoned, the traditional grave sites that originally ran the length of the nave on either side displayed the scars of bodies having been exhumed and, we assumed, buried in other areas.  This act, however, left an ill feeling in my gut as though grave robbers had intruded just yesterday and taken much more than personal possessions or jewelry.  The writer in me judged it as a punitive act of violence....with the intention of punishing the worshipers who had abruptly forsaken this space so long ago.

Heading outside via the front entrance, we stopped to gaze up into the tall, stone turret, mostly intact, that served as the main steeple and still proudly displayed the inevitable cross that inhabited its spire and pointed up to the heavens.  Outside we glanced over to the right-side of the church and saw the low, long stone wall that ran from the road up and over the hill towards the lake.  Many trees and low-lying scrub plants had devoured the area beyond the fence-line making it impossible to see the lake from our position. 

Grave of  Bishop Thomas Plunkett
We still had no true idea of the age of the church so, walking outside into the small Churchyard out front was pure joy as we found the grave site of a Thomas Plunkett that stated his death to be on October 19, 1866!  The only rational observation was that the church was built prior to this date thus making it much older than we ever imagined. 

Reluctantly, we walked back to the car saying good-bye to our 'mystery church' and, as we slowly made our way back to the main road, I stopped to take a picture of the only signage (other than Mr. Plunkett's grave site) that we ever found.

That evening, after connecting to the Internet during dinner at The Boat House Inn, we were able to discover some of the history behind our 'Church On The Hill, ' as well as a little bit about the area itself, courtesy of the National Library of Ireland.  Much to our surprise, its Born On Date was 1857....much older than we ever imagined!  Its official title is Church at Tourmakeady (Church of Ireland) in Ballyovie Parish, County Mayo.

In ancient times, Tourmakeady was covered in large oak forests and represented the area between the Partry Mountains and Lough Mask. Thomas Plunkett, eldest son of The Lord Chancellor of Ireland, came here in 1807 and gradually bought up the small local landlords and evicted many of the tenants (nice guy!).  Eventually he became Bishop of Tuam and, being Protestant, elected to convert Tourmakeady in an attempt to turn the people away from the Catholic Church.  Utilizing his power and despicable means to evict tenants who failed to conform, he was eventually exposed to the public by the local parish priest, Father Pat Lavelle.  It is indeed the remains of Bishop Plunkett, who died in 1866, that now rests in the Church of Ireland Churchyard in Tourmakeady!!

Lough Mask
We could not find any information to help us understand why it appeared that all of this could have transpired only.....a short time beforehand!  Talking about this over a delicious meal of fish and chips and a pint of Guinness, we decided to take a thoroughly romantic take on our adventures that day, highly suggestive of an idealized view of reality, and proclaim that we had been mesmerized by the varied shades of green comprising the Mayo countryside.  We had been hypnotized by the magical power of this special place called Ireland, along with her people, history and our love for them all.  And, for a short period of time that afternoon, we knew what it meant to be charmed by the mountain mist and live among the faeries in a land where time and place no longer mattered and the present blended seamlessly with the past....

The Mist of  Tournasala Mountain

Thursday, March 6, 2014


A series of shorts......


Some legends say the ancient dolmens and other stone structures found scattered throughout Ireland are portals to the realm of faerie......FAIRY FORTS!

.....through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Throughout my vast and elongated journey of reading and digesting the written word, I have accumulated a few books under my belt, so to speak.  Robert Ruark was the first modern day author to have opened-up my eyes, heart and soul to the mystical world of our beautiful earth.

The Serengeti Plain, a vast ecosystem in east-central Africa, was my base-station as I went on a safari guided by the best....the Englishman, Brian Dermott, who introduced me to the great lion, masterful hyena and powerful elephant.  My love for and desire to see Kenya and meet her people grew substantially with each paragraph that was read.  The book is entitled, Uhuru, written in the late 1950's and published in 1962.

Mr. Dermott's shooting device of choice was a long range hunting rifle by which he made his living.  Of course, today it would be the high-powered lens attached to a sophisticated camera.  Fortunately, times have changed! 

Interesting new words were introduced into my vocabulary such as nugu (ape), jambo (hello) and Bwana (Master).

My absolute joy for the written word began around this least, I knew then that writing was both my career and my passion.  I realized that to be able to understand people and places of the world, I needed to add travel into this intoxicating mix.

I have yet to make that trip to Kenya in Africa and fulfill the dream of a 'starry-eyed' fifteen-year-old girl embarking upon a journey of a lifetime.....  So much has transpired since closing the pages of that life-changing novel and I do understand how it symbolized the freedom and joy that awaited me in the future.  Thank you, Mr. Ruark, from the depths of my heart!!

Eventually, writing and travel led me to many islands....and places semi-surrounded by the sea....with the sights, sounds and smells of its salty salve always healing the weary spirit like ointment on a wound.  Given the beauty, mystery and magical powers of Ireland that I read about in my youth, this incredible jewel, gently placed into the sea, resembles an exquisite piece of fine jewelry fit for a Fairy Queen (even a petite princess)!  

After all, doesn't the appearance of a rainbow, or the possible existence of the Banchee, Pookas and Changelings evoke mystery and intrigue?  Not to mention the most famous Irish legend of them all...the Leprechaun!  Who hasn't devoted at least one afternoon of their childhood enraptured by the movie 'Darby O'Gill and the Little People' and believed if they searched hard and long enough, a Leprechaun might just be inhabiting an underground world right in their own backyard?

Yes, it has taken a few years.....but, I believe I have actually found him!  My Leprechaun's name is John.  John is a farmer who lives on the west coast of Ireland, County Cork, but near the mountains and the sea.  At least, so he claims.....

Well, you decide for yourself if John holds Leprechaun status and let me know what you think.  All we know is that something magical happened that day in Ireland, high-up in the Caha Mountains, in a place of mist and legend....  

Author repost of One Day In Ireland.  
Originally posted: August 8, 2009