Friday, March 21, 2014


Blog: Life...


.....seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Admittedly, never having been the shy-one among family, friends or strangers, I have often found myself smack in the middle of one controversy or another because of it.  And, oops!!  I think I did it again!

Let's see....demonstrative, highly emotional, too caring (Really?  Can anyone care too much?), obsessive (in a good way!) and, passionate.  All of the above would be the correct answer.  What if I substituted words for those above like....affectionate, moved, compassionate, preoccupied and, intensely loving?  These words do take some of the tempestuousness out of a fiery personality and lend a certain softness to the mix. 

Accepting constructive criticism through the analysis and judgement of others certainly is a positive step in the right direction.  When this evaluation comes from someone you respect and love dearly, you perk-up and listen.  At least, you should.  They only have good intentions at heart.

"Mom....please do not scream!!"  What?  As far as I knew, my 'Skype voice' this morning was sounding reasonable and low-keyed.  And then my youngest child, herself a loving Mother of a six-year-old and twins who are two, explained what she meant. 

"You have all-capped the intro to your blog again!!  It's as though you're screaming at us to open it up and read it rather than gently asking us to.  That's not what you're after, right?" 

She was absolutely right, screaming was never my intention at all.  My daughter makes a very good point.  And, the crazy bit is that this isn't the first time she's told me about this habit of mine.  Some habits are difficult to break!

So, I vow to curb my all-capitalization format as much as possible.  Unless, of course, I really do want to scream in order to emphasize a point I'm making or allow a character in one of my stories to vent or be  scared out of their minds!!!  I will be more of a Cathy Marie Buchanan type rather than Stephen King when it comes to superlatives and exaggeration.  I do see her point...

Thank you, Sweetheart, yet again.  I appreciate and fully understand your criticism.  All I have to do now is restrain my enthusiasm, steer clear of the 'Caps Lock' key and apologize to all of you for raising my voice far too often. 

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