Thursday, November 5, 2015


A series of essays..... seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes


are intimate reminders of the progression of life; a sweet, generous time to reflect upon the past and look forward with joy to what awaits us in the future. Birthdays are the exception to the rule when it comes to living in the moment. A twenty-four hour sabbatical from the ordinary by which we deviate from daily routine, celebrate each amazing breath we take, and challenge our efforts to advance as a soldier making a push toward the incomprehensible sea.....limitless, boundless, infinite, vast. small road signs clicking off each mile of the super highway, the years pass by with the sun's glare bouncing off reflective aluminum surfaces, teardrops of rain sliding down a cool, smooth veneer, and numerical significance masked behind Winter's accumulation of sleet and snow. Tick...tick....tick. We carry-on with each revolution, rubber meeting the road, as our mind advances the count and our heart begins to understand the inequitableness of this journey. There is no reverse on this stick shift. Best to allow our hair to fly freely in the wind and truly enjoy the freedom of the open road......every day.

As the single, tiny flame simulates the frenzied dance of a whirling dervish, the addition of each flame accumulates to resemble a 'bonfire of life,' a talisman of experience that sits proudly atop confectionary bliss to be shared by everyone participating in this magnificent celebration. The yearling son or daughter is given his own small cake to devour as he sees fit with the gusto and creativity displayed by this ritual, perhaps, foreshadowing his life's potential and style. The candle's golden glow highlights each wrinkle of the centenarian who basks in the satisfaction and rewards of a job well done, surrounded by friends and generations of family that carry on his legacy in the guise of an upturned nose or a feisty temper......!

Alone. Many of us glide through this world within a solitary bubble, our purpose for living never surfacing to the top level of comprehension, we free fall like an autumn leaf newly released from the Tree of Life. The breeze shifts and blows us about while sets of various circumstances attract us like metal shards to a magnet, certain conditions or events control our actions as we float down to gather among the other silent souls on the ground. Even surrounded by the multitudes, we can be alone, ticking off the years in a silent quest for closure, bringing an end to the crushing pain inside. My birthday wish for you would be the accumulation of an abundance of hope in your life and love in your heart. Only then would you be able to understand your purpose for living. Only then would you not be fearful, sad, and alone as you grow older.

Birthdays can be more about giving to others than about receiving from them. There is a similar reasoning behind many of us who find it difficult to accept praise or high recognition for things we've accomplished. Let's face is easier to give than to receive. Some may not agree with this. However, we have been known to blush at the prospect of praise yet, forthrightly seek it out by making the effort of being the best person we can be.

This ritual of 'giving and receiving' extends to many traditions and life changing events. We gather at weddings to honor the bride and groom and 'gift' them in order to make their future life together more abundant and enjoyable. The bride and groom give us 'tokens' of their appreciation, feed us, and let us eat cake in celebration. Marie Antoinette would have understood!

Age. Another word for experience, a badge of courage and the continuance of comfort and pride worn like a familiar hat for years and shaped to the contours of our head. Age reminds us that we have something wonderful to show for time well spent with our tiny scars worn proudly. We should not allow the exterior to overshadow the marvelous beauty of our mind and soul. Wrinkles are inevitable; acting old is not.

Often, the body ages as the mind remains vibrant and young, open to new ideas, and still eager to learn about many of the old ones. This may be the most appropriate meaning and application of The Fountain of Youth, highly coveted and sought after. Thankfully, the external signs of aging can be a long, slow process especially when one consciously leads a healthy lifestyle including exercise and eating well. After all, good health holds the key to happiness and may be the freshwater source that restores (in this case, maintains) the youthful qualities of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters.

No two individuals feel the same way about or celebrate their birthdays in an identical manner. Being surrounded by several close friends may be the ticket. Renting a large hall and dancing the night away with hundreds of others may be your thing. Naturally, we know that conditions may be enhanced or restrained by certain economic and social positions.     

As for myself, knowing that I am loved allows me to enjoy the day of my birth to the fullest! My family and many friends may live miles away, but I always feel the warmth of their love each year. They all serve as intimate reminders of my life's progression and I am eternally grateful to them for this. And, the sweet joy of grandchildren is like the proverbial 'cherry on top.' I am very blessed.

By the way, no cupcakes for me! A generous portion of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and a scoop of vanilla ice cream, please. Oh, and you can hold the candles for now. We all know that the smoke from just one candle will carry my prayers to the heavens and represent the Light of Life. Besides, reaching centenarian status is a long way off.....for now. I will celebrate with a big bonfire then.

Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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