Thursday, May 26, 2016


A series of essays.....

THE PERFECT BREAKFAST seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

From time to time, our neighborhood friends meet at the corner coffeehouse to relax, sip their favorite brew or concoction, and warm-up their hands and hearts...together!

Some might think of their meeting as a 'cleansing' or 'purification of the soul.' Even though they may share similar backgrounds and values, their ideas and opinions are as diverse and variable as the weather outside of the little shop.

Let's grab a cup of our own, take a comfortable seat, sit back and listen to what today's chapter of 'Coffeehouse Chatter' has to offer....

 JANIS: Yes, our favorite table right next to the window! Looks like we beat Dan and Rosie here for a change. Usually, their clock ticks a bit faster than ours ever does and they are the first ones to arrive at every function we go to together. Even when meeting for coffee....

BOB: Isn't that the truth? Dan's stride alone must reach three feet because I can never keep up with him just walking. Thank goodness we rent a cart when playing golf. (Chuckles to himself)

JANIS: I remember when my dear Mother used to say that you and I would be late to our own funerals? I smile now....but, she was probably right. Oh, there's Rosie. Over here, by the window!

ROSIE: (Amid hugs and cheek kisses..) So good to see you. Dan's over getting our morning shot of caffeine. How are you both? Isn't it absolutely gorgeous out this morning? I do believe that spring has finally sprung. Right?

BOB: And, it sure took its long, sweet time!

JANIS: When it snowed on my garden last week.....I almost cried in disbelief. Say, did you get a new watch, Rosie? It's quite different.....

DAN: Hello, hello, hello! Mind if I sneak in here? This coffee is hot!

BOB & JANIS: Good morning, Dan!

DAN: Sorry to be late. We had to slip in a few more steps before indulging in our favorite brew this morning.

JANIS: Dan, you have the same quirky looking watch on as your wife. Are you twins for the day or what?

DAN: The same watch?, these are our new Fitbits.

ROSIE: I guess you could say they are watches, too. (Shaking her arm, the current time appears in the small screen on her wrist) Gothic black; goes with everything!

BOB: Fitbits. I've heard of them. Always sounded like puppy kibble or something like that.

JANIS: I've heard of them, too. I always thought they went along with a local gym membership. You know, to check on your work-out progress. (Pause) Say, have you two joined a gym!?!

DAN: Nope. But, we have been taking our health and fitness one step further, lately. It was, sort of, on a dare. Okay, challenge, if you will.

ROSIE: That's right. Lizzy challenged us. It's really a cute story.

JANIS: Lizzy? But, she only just turned nine, didn't she? Challenging her grandparents at such a young age. What on earth is this all about?

ROSIE: Well, for her birthday, as a matter of fact, Lizzie received her very own Fitbit.....a new model called 'Alta' in her favorite color, purple.

DAN: It connects with the Internet and records just about everything you do in one given day: Your heart rate, how many steps you walk, how many stairs you climb, and how many calories you burn, for example.

BOB: I still don't understand how she is challenging you, though.

ROSIE: She connected with us via the Internet, Bob. We can see how many steps she takes in one day and compare that amount with our own steps. A good goal to set is, at least, ten thousand steps per day.

JANIS: Wow! That sounds crazy! Oh, not the Internet connection. The ten thousand steps per day.... That seems enormous!

ROSIE: It really isn't.

DAN: (Gingerly sipping from his steaming cup) The craziest part is how Lizzy's challenge has brought out the 'inner beast' in both of us.

BOB: How's that?

DAN: Well, Rosie and I have always been a bit, shall we say, competitive when it comes to sports, board games, and who's right or wrong about something. (Smiling) Just in case you hadn't noticed after all this time.

JANIS: Really? (Sarcastically) Okay....but, we've never chastised either one of you about it now, have we?

BOB: So, Lizzy opened-up a 'can of worms' or is this a good thing?

ROSIE: Lizzy motivated us to move more. Walk more. Exercise more. But, most importantly, live more.

DAN: And, by doing it together, it's a gratifying experience that we share every day. Oh, and Kay has an Alta, too. She and Lizzy challenge each other, as well as us.

JANIS: When on earth does that daughter of yours have the time in her busy schedule to be motivated to walk, run, or exercise? Kay has so much on her plate already with her stressful office job while helping to raise two active children!

ROSIE: You see....that's the point. The dilemma is in thinking that within all of life's hectic busyness, we don't have time to think about ourselves. Our own health and well being.

DAN: Challenging one another to keep moving, no matter what, is the general idea behind all of this. And, it took a nine year old to show us the light! Kay walks to have lunch with her co-workers. Lizzy checks out how many steps she's already taken by pushing a button., I'll show you on mine. (Footsteps tracking across the small screen) Over five-thousand steps and the day is still young.

BOB: I, for one, am duly impressed.

JANIS: It's really all about CHANGE, isn't it? I mean, changing your lifestyle for the better. Appreciating the life that we have....

ROSIE: It is. Thank you, Lizzy! Now I park farther out in a parking lot, use the stairs as much as possible, and Dan and I push one another to remain motivated all of the time. In a good way.... (Smiling)

JANIS: The four of us have understood the benefits of eating well with more fresh vegetables and fruits, and no processed sugars. That was a huge change. And, we've all survived. I suppose you're never too old to learn something new.

DAN: Absolutely!

BOB: Well, your marriage is strong. I think this might work out.

JANIS: And, ours isn't? You old goat. Please rustle us up another cup of coffee and then these two are going to walk us through securing a pair of these cute, little 'handcuffs' for ourselves. Change for the better is always a welcome experience....

DAN & ROSIE: No problem!

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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