Thursday, December 8, 2016


A series of essays.....

    Courtesy of The Imaginative Conservative seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Look up to the night sky tonight and you will clearly see another bright star shining down upon us.These stars are very special, you understand, because they represent the Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Wives, Aunts, and members of the Sisterhood who have left our earthly company, with many having departed far too soon! 

Take refuge in the coziness of the night sky, my Sister!
Nestle in amongst the brave who have flown before you,
For, your time is now.

Certainly, God created the stars above to offer all of us hope; to shower those left behind in the brilliance of star beams and majestic twinkles so that we will never have to feel alone. 

Women comprise the earthly community of caregivers who, like an unrelenting firestorm, swiftly sweep through their domain rarely swerving in their determination to do what is best for everyone around them. They are mother to their own offspring, nourishing and protecting, while extending these magnanimous gifts to all children and anyone in need of a generous spirit or a masterful portion of dignity of the soul. This combination of qualities enables a woman to handle trouble with firmness (protect), disdain injustice, and be loyal and trustworthy under all circumstances.

Remain vigilant and firm in the hereafter, dear Sister!
Believe that your roots continue to grow strong and sound and that
Memory serves the soul of those left behind.

This is why those of us left here on Earth without you, Mother, mistrust our own emotions, doubt ourselves, and challenge the ability to cope with your loss. 

Heartbreak is having a Mother leave too soon.....sixty-two years of age....with so many young grandchildren left to wonder and ask the adults, "Why?" Answers forthcoming. And I, being her only daughter, her proud new friend, was filtering grief under a starlit Chicago sky while holding the hands of my own two young daughters; husband cautiously engaged in support and love. Really....what is the 'perfect' combination of words you might offer someone who has just lost a parent, her Mother, confidant, friend? A veneer of 'protective numbness' encased my being on that long, somber drive back to Michigan that night....under those same brilliant stars that showered their heavenly light, guiding us along that stretch of the I-94 highway.

Oh, night sky starred with bright earthly flowers,
I transfix on one special bloom, larger and brighter than the rest.
And bask in its light as it shines down upon me.

This past Sunday morning, a bold, new star dances above us, navigating the heavens, and shining her light upon the earthbound loved ones who look up to the night sky in search of the right answers, not only for their children, but for themselves, as well. 

This past Sunday morning, Lucille, Mother to our son-in-law, Eric, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer. 

Generous of spirit, extremely liberal when bestowing gifts, laughter, and love upon everyone around her, Lucille, wife of Alan, Mother of Adam and Eric, daughters-in-law, Melissa and Alexandria, and Grandmother to four talented, young spirits, Sarah, Amanda, Brenna, and have left all of us way too soon!

Derived from Latin and French ("Loo-Sill") with an English pronunciation of "Loo-Seel," your name makes me think of a young girl, with thick, golden hair in long plaits resting down her back, running joyfully through a field of sweet grasses and wildflowers! It reminds me of fun and laughter on a Saturday morning watching "I Love Lucy" reruns and repeating the risibility of its contents over and over for her devoted fans to enjoy.

Lucille....not Lou or Lulu, Lucy, Lucie, Cici, or Luce. At least I have never heard you labeled by any of these nicknames throughout our time together. The strength of 'Lucille' always seemed to fit you best! 

The significance of your name was a special and pleasant surprise for me when I discovered that the name, Lucille, means Light: Moonlight, bright light, a state of awareness and understanding, spiritual knowledge and illumination or, 'The Light' in certain doctrine that describes a divine presence in each person. 

Looking up into the night sky tonight, another bright star will illuminate the heavens next to Olga, Beverly, and so many other Moms and caretakers who continue to shine their loving light down upon the children they have left here on earth. In this act alone, we will find peace and comfort and understanding beneath the star beams and majestic twinkles we so often wish upon.

Take refuge in the coziness of the night sky, my Sister!
Nestle in amongst the brave who have flown before you,
For, your time is now and forever!

In Loving Memory of Lucille Miller Siskind.

Copyright © 2016 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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