Tuesday, April 25, 2017


A series of essays.....


.....as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

There is something so inspiring about returning to a place you always feel comfortable being at. It may be a certain city or town, a landscape that has heightened your senses or, a house where the front door is calling you to insert key and step inside. In this particular instance, perhaps, all of the above? Dot the map with a red-crowned pin. Follow the directions between point A to point B, and feel the enhanced momentum of your heartbeat as this destination appears through the next cloud formation, the final left turn of your rental car, and right up to the cheerful, green door. It stands regal and dignified as if awaiting verbal acknowledgment for a job well done since the last visit here.

For three months, the heart beats out a certain rhythm. It marks time through a steady cadence of notes and chords, dreamlike in many ways, with a gentle foreshadowing of what joy there is to follow. A future based, partially, upon the past as old relationships weave magic into current ones; new relationships propel us along into astronomical heights, the likes we never knew were even possible. The undertones of encouragement from those who have the uncanny ability to open closed eyes and repair broken promises, guide me into a glorious new world that justifies the hard work and effort that has brought me back to this place, after all of these years.

Now.....standing here bathed in a reflection of green, the faux crystal of an Eiffel Tower key fob scrapes my right wrist as I pull the brass key towards the dead bolt. I return to the scene of the crime, a second home to love and take care of. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been three months since I stood in this exact spot, doing this very same thing. Too long? My life has been torn in two directions: The present and the future. Wrapping-up the present will ensure the future. I understand. But, life takes its own sweet time, in its own sweet way. Who am I to judge?

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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