Thursday, September 14, 2017


A series of essays.....

A BEAUTIFUL TIME TO TRAVEL seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

After being together for over forty-four years, some partners will say that it's often the little things about their relationship that are remembered most fondly. An unforgettable kiss. The familiar  'cuddle time' before saying good night. A surprise present...just because. A heartfelt hug when you're feeling blue. The warmth of a hand reaching out for yours as you walk side-by-side. 

Several times a year, we pull-out the prized vinyl LP's and randomly place them on the turntable and sing every syllable of each song as if we'd written the lyrics ourselves. The rhythm floats through our bodies and we dance with wild abandon as though our small 'tribe of two' will part the heavens above and bring peace to the entire land! Never underestimate the power of togetherness...or, the power of music, for that matter. A good song will always take you back home.

By celebrating and holding close to our hearts what are perceived to be the little things that transpire day-by-day, we are summoning the glue, the stability that holds a relationship together for the long haul. When times become difficult and impossible to cope with, our subconscious can and will become focused on the journey rather than a fleeting moment of discontent....even though it may not seem like it at the time. We can and will survive.

Marriage is like a tossed garden salad contained within an opaque glass bowl, Impenetrable by light, neither transparent nor translucent, keeping it fresh yet open to all possibilities from above. The dressing on the side, please! As the years progress, you decide together what ingredients go into the bowl. You may begin with iceberg lettuce and add wild mixed greens as time goes by. Including onions may be negotiated with a compromise of scallions reached. One may choose to spice it up with peppercorns while the other tames it down a notch by adding cool cucumbers. Remembering that this mix was created by a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding will be the ticket to a successful dish. And the dressing, well, that's your individual choice. Some decisions are considered sacrosanct!

Just like the hurricanes that have blown their mighty winds along our particular path, sometimes changing direction with a wobble here and a easterly wind there, we must learn to adjust afterward. If there is damage, we pick-up the pieces. Starting over can be a good thing. Beginning a new chapter in one's life, whether it be a move to another part of the world, or adjusting to retirement life, it is important to remember all of the previous chapters that helped to bring us to where we are today. They can be the solid foundation that makes the future feel safe and secure no matter how hard the wind blows.



They sashay to the rhythm of the world that surrounds them
Embracing cattails secured from the edges of a marshy pond
Now cut and jammed into an acid bottle the size of a 
Volkswagen Beetle.....

The ochre-tinged boulder highlights the manufactured landscape
Providing soap-box appeal to flamboyant young voices
And Raggedy Ann sings Christmas carols between hospital
Visits guaranteed to whiten the hair on their heads.....

Kings must have resided here, they think, walking down the oak staircase
While children perform plays along the landing in the grand foyer knowing
Dreams were built here in forms of playhouses and mighty celebrations and
Dreams were dashed here, for better or for worse.....

Like ripping pages from an old Floridian vacation brochure,
Memories of their Sanibel Island escapades flutter in the steamy breezes
With footsteps large and small impressed into the seashell tossed
Sand on walks that span and ripple throughout the decades.....

With hearts beating to multiple drums on game day while
Bleeding green for all of eternity and wafts of chili and beer
Penetrate their nostrils with the familiar smells of autumn, 
The children are primed and ready to carry-on familiar traditions.

Pea-stone beneath their feet breaking the silence with crunching 
Sounds as they proceed to their destination near the back of the garden.
The bright red bench punctuates the afternoon shadows that gesticulate 
Like two French women overtly animated over a sale at Tuesday's open market!

White ball gowns trimmed in petite pastel flowers and swirls of black floral,
Punctuate their lives with love and joy as life proceeds in a natural order.
Happiness is knowing that your daughters are doing well and that their lives
Are meaningful with no regrets and a myriad of possibilities to look forward to.

Hope exists within them like sugar plum wishes as the padding of 
Little feet across the wooden floors happily extend the ritualistic reading of 'The Night Before Christmas' for years to come on one of the most hallowed evenings of the
Year that is certain to bring a morning of oohs and aahs and youthful smiles.

The charm of September takes their breath away remembering a
Special Day so long ago in a land mostly forgotten; out of mind.
Land of parents and school friends and remembering rites of passage
While always knowing that time and ambition would take them away....

While warm breezes still sweep across their memories and the crispness of 
Autumn lingers around the corner, they celebrate a long and prosperous life
Together since, what seems like, time out of mind, passing their memories
Down to the Little Ones who still clamour for attention and knowledge.*

*To Be Continued....

Happy Anniversary to my Best Friend, Dan: September 15, 2017.

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes

All rights reserved

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