Thursday, November 30, 2017


 A series of essays.....

CONNEMARA NATIONAL PARK IN IRELAND: 2013 seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

All I want for Christmas is enough stamina to get me through the end of 2017 and thrust me head first into the new year, 2018. 

For some, the wish may be to rectify an old, nasty habit (i.e. stop smoking) in order to change their life for the better. And, for others, it might be the acquisition of a large, shiny new toy such as a bright red,Tesla Roadster....for example. Just saying. Whatever it might be, it’s more than likely out of their range of possibility, anyway. 

But, on my ‘wish list’ there is one thing and one thing only: More stamina!

If I were an endurance runner, I would hope that my body would physically be prepared to withstand hardship and stress and I would mentally be capable of tolerating unfavorable environmental conditions to the point that, eventually, I would not shut down and could competently go on to endure these hardships facing me with discipline and courage. Even if I fail to cross the finish line for some unimaginable reason, I would consider myself a winner having worked so hard for so long and with so much at stake.

Well, that’s exactly what we are running every single day of our lives folks, the ultimate endurance race! 

Let’s ask ourselves a few questions:

After working so hard all my adult life, will the money placed into Social Security by myself and my employers throughout the years be taken away by greedy politicians?

Will the Greatest Nation in the world be reduced to blithering rubble by having introduced a vile, corrupt, evil, and dangerous administration into the White House bent on enhancing its own individualistic desires under the obscure and inappropriate label of ‘making us great again?’

Why has the basic advancement of beauty, progress, goodness, light, and love of the past eight years been diminished to the point of grotesque hatred of all things wholesome, solid, and nourishing to our world and being taken away from us simply because they are wholesome, solid, and nourishing?

What will be the legacy that we pass down to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren? 

Will we have the stamina to fight back, resist, and return our country to the right path of leadership as we attempt to revert what’s currently ripping us apart by greed, corruption, hatred, and power? I certainly hope so. But, it’s going to take a lot of discipline, endurance, and stamina by all of us who are capable of observing this corrupted ‘freak show’ going on in Washington D.C. and utilize our endless courage to combat it, together!

There cannot be a compromise of values here. There are way too many lives at stake. Can you even imagine what we’d all be saying within our small pockets of close neighbors and friends if another so-called progressive country proclaimed a grave taxation on those earning the equivalent of ten thousand dollars per year and, at the same time, promised a large tax break to those within the highest income bracket? Then, they take away their health insurance and tell them that they’re not worthy of living a normal, comfortable life of having solid employment, being able to place food on the family table every day, being protected from an unforeseen health crisis, or, in a basic, happy life! The conversation at the proverbial water cooler would be buzzing and many of us, not too long ago, would be saying how this could never happen here. We’re safe.

It is happening here!! Within our presence and with such gusto that our heads are spinning around so fast we could all resemble extras in the 1973 horror movie 'The Exorcist.' False truths, fictitious reasoning, and pure hatred inundate our senses and come in great waves like the roiling sea in an approaching storm. And, this strategy is exactly what the Trump administration is employing in its attempt to break down our reserves, grate at our happiness, and divide us in every imaginable way possible. Remember that a divided nation is a weakened nation. Plain and simple. If we are weakened we are more susceptible to corruption in all of its forms, domestic or foreign.

I know you hear this saying over and over again these days and I do, too. However, I believe it to be solid truth in all of its many forms: Life is way too short for all of this crap! Never have truer words been spoken! You probably recall your grandmother or mom telling you that it takes less energy and fewer muscles to smile than it does to wear a frown on your face. If we translate that into love vs. hate.....well, you see where I’m going with this, right? 

The Buddhist philosophy explains how we must never take anything for granted and every act we make should be one filled with goodness and understanding of everything that surrounds us and is within us. There is no discrepancy between the color of your skin, how much money you make, what god you choose to believe in or not believe in at all, or how we choose to live our lives in time, space, love of another, or degrees of happiness. 

As individuals, we are our own keepers and should strive to conduct ourselves as ‘equal opportunity’ members of the human race. Just as evil can easily spread among people of a nation through their weakness and vulnerability, try to imagine the ‘power of love‘ that can be created by the sharing of light, goodness, understanding, and beauty. Of course you can because we'd been experiencing it throughout the entire eight years of the Obama administration.

So, there you have it. Twisting evil back into goodness takes immeasurable amounts of stamina! 

Repairing the crumbling infrastructure of our country, in terms of Washington D.C. and our current system of politics, as well as our bridges and roads, will become our greatest tasks after this administration is, finally, gone. We're going to require a lot of stamina for this one!

In 2017 we have all been training for the longest, hardest, and most important endurance race of our lives. Our first challenge is to accept what is wrong and consciously decide how to rectify it. Next, we prepare our minds and bodies to withstand the hardship and stress that clusters around us like evil spirits and we assess our options. Then, only as a unified body, can we begin to take-on the divisive hate rhetoric that the Trump regime has been working on and pulling-off for the last several years.

Raising a child may take a village, however...taking back our country from the hands of corruption will take every man, woman, and child (because they are the future) working long and hard together as a single entity, for one all important purpose....Our Freedom! 


Passing out gifts of ‘stamina’ to Robert Mueller and his staff of prosecutors who have been enduring this battle for many weeks now, as well as to all of the hardworking people within the United State’s Congress and Senate who have been leading a good fight and doing a magnificent job with what little they often have to work with in order to staunch the tide of such an evil and corrupt administration. Believe me when I say that most of us are profoundly grateful to all of you. Please, for the sake of each and every one of us, keep up your good work!


Copyright 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Monday, November 20, 2017


Original poetry.....


By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Years of Experience:
Accumulated knowledge;
Common sense;
Wisdom and
Enlightenment...Without these there would be no future!

The Arts:
Stone Balancing;
Poetry and
Literature...Just to name a few! Yes, including all Music Genres!

A Sense of:
Right from Wrong;
Design, and
Several Things in between.

So Grateful For:
A Strong, Healthy Environment Which Includes...
Earth, Mind, Body and Soul.
The ability to value all that we've had bestowed upon us such as Clean Water, Fresh Air, Healthy Food, and the opportunity and right to keep them that way.....forever!

The Freedom To:
Travel the Earth;
Explore Our Universe and Beyond;
Broaden Our Horizon, and
Reach For the Stars!

The Love and Belief in Family and Friends:
Shelter thy weary spirit within the bosom of our
Loved Ones...

The Absence of Hate,
Prejudice, and 

Oh, what a wonderful world this would be!

The Eviction of the Ego:
To Love,
Respect, and 
Accept ourselves completely while believing in the
Beauty we all have within us.
Then, we might look at others and see our Beautiful Selves
Within Them!

The Appreciation of and...
The Willingness to Accept Change,
Live Without Fear Or Favor.
Soar Like An Eagle and
Rise Above Negativity and Hate!

On a Lighter Note...

The Evolution and Invention of the Camera...
Ancient Greeks, Zahn, Schultz, Daguerre and Niepce;
To Wolcott, Talbot, Eastmann and beyond.
I will always be grateful,
Eternally so,
For the application of Light..Reflection..Dark Spaces.

The Simplistic Ability To:
Appreciate, and... Drum roll Please!


Taken from "1 Corinthians 13:13"
Gracing our wedding invitations and married life...
"And now these three remain:
Faith, Hope, and Love. But,
The greatest of these is.....LOVE!"


Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to Everyone! Shelter your weary spirit within the bosom of your Loved Ones and Be Happy. November 23, 2017.

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, November 16, 2017


A series of essays.....

                    Courtesy Denver Public Library seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Being away from one’s normal setting for even a little while can encourage a sharper, more defined outlook on the life around you. That’s why we make the time to take vacations and release ourselves from what may have become the ordinary to experiencing the various levels of the extraordinary! 

The allure of heading up to our new life in Michigan or, at least, preparing our home up there for our arrival, is considered a pleasant reprieve from the normal. However, with i-Pad on lap and tapping into the Internet via my ‘Personal Hotspot’ on my i-Phone keeps me connected with this crazy world we live in today even while traveling over seventy miles per hour up I-75. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to just disconnect.

                Courtesy Marmont Hill Inc.

In my opinion it’s difficult not knowing what the latest, craziest escapade is involving a world that has drastically changed in values and responsibilities since long ago when I was a small girl growing-up in Mishawaka, Indiana. I believe it's because this world has become so weak and vulnerable, we must keep up with the changes if only to better understand how to cope with and, hopefully, draw our lives back into a kinder and more loving era. And, Dear Santa, could we please eliminate the inequality and blatant hatred of those not exactly like us while we’re at it? What a great gift this would be this Holiday Season!

The Norman Rockwell picture perfect world is a thing of the past. And, that’s okay by me. Now that we’ve dug down deeper into our nation’s history, most of us ‘unenlightened ones’ have sadly discovered that that world was filled with inequality, bigotry, and racism, as well. The difference between then and now is that we may not have recognized all of this back then. The kindly Grandpa images and huggable puppies running up to greet adorable, freckled-faced children may have arrested our hearts but, it clouded our vision at the same time.


We not only recognize it but, fortunately, we are acknowledging the negativity that exists in our everyday lives today whether we agree with it or not. Taking it one step further, many of us are stepping up to the plate and trying to do something about it. Woman have marched in Washington D.C. to protest a man who is deplorable in his own right and not capable of making decisions for the betterment of our society as a whole. Athletes have taken a knee in order to protect the rights of men, women, and children whose skin is darker than rich, white men. Native Americans will continue to protest in order to preserve what little land and rights our government has failed to take away from them throughout the years.

We are being inundated by juvenile tweets almost every single day that should be highlighted by colored crayon and preschool attempts at printing out each letter of each word. The mere thought that our country is being run by a lonely,   man who consciously decides to communicate at odd hours of the day and night with the people he represents through social media leaves so much more to be desired. If we didn’t know for sure, we could conceivably say that he might be a person weighing four-hundred pounds and sitting on his bed in the middle of the night with phone in hand. Little did we know that he may have been describing himself during that Presidential Debate so many months ago!

             Courtesy The Norman Rockwell Museum                              

Deplorable. “A sorry state of affairs, indeed!” Despicable. “Taking actions that are perceived to be contemptible and mean.” Detrimental. “In the short and long run, causing harm or injury to ideals and to those these ideals represent.” That pretty much sums up the current Administration in a few, short words.

I, for one, want to believe in the goodness of mankind. I want to think that we are living through the ‘bully stage’ of our young country and that this, too, shall pass as we continue to grow-up leaving the bully far behind us in his own perpetual kindergarten of sorts. I choose to understand that the indecent actions of this current Administration will serve to create a stronger, smarter, and more imaginative mass of citizens who will work together to solve our problems and bring us together as a stronger, better nation. 

I do not believe, however, that these changes will come quickly or easily; good ideas tend to be deliberately scrutinized more rigorously than believing in or latching on to negative ones. I don’t know why this is and I never will. But, I am willing to wait, obliged to try to understand, and remain open to whatever plan it takes to create a kinder, better world to live in. Most importantly, I choose to be an active part of this plan.

Will we ever be able to revert to the naive and innocent (on the surface, anyway) world of our own youth? A time when Mr. Rockwell offered vivid designs of “small-town America and the private moments we all share but often take for granted,” as described by Christies’s Auction House where many of his images of an idealized America were auctioned off and sold. 

                               Courtesy 'Wired'

Somehow we must learn to incorporate this optimistic view of human nature into our lives once again. It’s imperative that we do so. But this time around, let us be intelligent enough to keep up with the times by internalizing all of the knowledge we have compiled throughout the years with regards to human rights and the idea of balancing our lives between that which is good for ourselves and that which is good for everyone else. If we teach our young boys to cook because, after all, they eat, too and, we acknowledge that our young girls can become strong leaders who can define America in a positive light....we could be headed in the right direction. Baby steps.

I want to have hope and I’d like to believe in a Norman Rockwell world again; it’s becoming much crazier and more difficult to do all the time. We need to eliminate the trickle-down hate and deception generated within the White House and exchange it for a kinder, better, and more tolerant world. We must learn from our mistakes. Tomorrow depends on us.


Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

Thursday, November 2, 2017


A series of essays.....


 By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

There’s really no personal win when we decide to challenge the inevitable. 

Oh, but how hard we try! Especially when it comes to growing older and having to endure consistent physical changes.

Okay, I am thinking about (feeling a bit sorry for) the people whose pictures have been exploited on social media via headlines such as: “Child stars and what they look like today,” and “Botched plastic surgery,” or “Unrecognizable after too many surgeries!” Even if these photos are not genuine but intentionally fabricated by some perverse, dark soul intending to besmirch the reputation of others, we still look at them. We may think how pompous people with fame and money can be, choose to ignore any unmitigated circumstances, and wind up feeling even more superior and portentous than many of them by believing we’d never do that no matter how wealthy we are. 

The more money we have, the greater the possibility of spending more time and effort in finding our preferred Fountain of Youth?

Our love affair with maintaining a youthful appearance always seemed quite superficial to me and yet, I sit here, hypocritically preaching, having had my roots lightened and hair highlighted only yesterday morning! Yes, admittedly, this has been my guilty pleasure since the term naturally blond began to fade (literally!) into the annals of my youth. These recorded check-and-balances every November of my life serve as documented evidence of the passing of time, undeniable aging, and yes....the onslaught of the inevitable.

We can run and we can attempt to hide from this fierce attack, but there is no denying the small wrinkles lacing the soft skin around the eyes and mouth or that wayward facial hair we pluck away only to have several more emerge the very next day. And, my favorite (NOT!) is this crazy skin condition called ‘crepey skin’ or ‘crepe paper arms!’ I ask you, "What is up with that? A perfect example of something much greater than us having a good chuckle at our expense?"

Well, it’s not like it all happens overnight you know! We have ample time to think about it, attempt to thwart and, as a last resort, totally forget about becoming a teeny bit older each day until our humble attempt at baffling the aging process no longer becomes an option for us. That November date rears its crusty head yet again very soon only to remind me that records are being kept and time continues to elapse even as I sit here typing.

If I’ve carried a particular mantra with me since my early twenties it would have to be, “You are only as old as you feel.” Truthfully, it has served me well over the years. 

Feelings are internalized. Feelings are emotional and moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity). If being only as old as you feel holds true, then I made it my personal goal to feel as young as possible throughout the years. Part of this elaborate process of feeling young no matter what your age is the action of interjecting youthful ideas into and taking modern approaches towards life within our everyday routine. 

Make the time to explore your favorite options of internalizing the aging process. It could be as simple as eating healthy and eliminating sugar from your diet, making it a habit to hang-out with the younger crowd whether it be with your children and grandchildren, or by taking a class at your local university or community college. You’d be amazed how immersing yourself in the youthful energy around you can conjure interesting friendships and amazing, in-depth conversations!

Climb to the peak of a particular hill or mountain and sit there looking out upon the vast world and all of its magnificence and realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things. This will place your life in proper perspective. Now breathe in deeply and be in the moment. Our age will have no particular relevance within the vastness of this gratifying point in time and space.

Consciously align with friends who share your own youthful way of thinking because they will help to expand your horizons by riding in tandem with you as you explore life’s many wonders. 

Eventually, It becomes apparent, that we must approach each birthday with an open mind and heart and think of it as another milestone in our eternal quest for knowledge and healing. It’s true. With each new wrinkle, gray strand of hair, and candle on the cake, we become older, wiser, and better prepared for what we have absolutely no control over: the inevitable. How happy we are and how we manage the days and years leading up to this point is strictly within our own personal scope and power.

Therefore, I am eternally grateful for my freedom and flexibility, continued good health, the optimistic influences of creative and talented friends, and the fresh and vigorous antics of my precious grandchildren. Come this fourth of November, I will gladly look into the mirror at a new wrinkle or two, congratulate myself on the hair color choices, and proudly say to myself, “Damn I feel good...and, it shows!”

Copyright © 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved