Thursday, November 30, 2017


 A series of essays.....

CONNEMARA NATIONAL PARK IN IRELAND: 2013 seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

All I want for Christmas is enough stamina to get me through the end of 2017 and thrust me head first into the new year, 2018. 

For some, the wish may be to rectify an old, nasty habit (i.e. stop smoking) in order to change their life for the better. And, for others, it might be the acquisition of a large, shiny new toy such as a bright red,Tesla Roadster....for example. Just saying. Whatever it might be, it’s more than likely out of their range of possibility, anyway. 

But, on my ‘wish list’ there is one thing and one thing only: More stamina!

If I were an endurance runner, I would hope that my body would physically be prepared to withstand hardship and stress and I would mentally be capable of tolerating unfavorable environmental conditions to the point that, eventually, I would not shut down and could competently go on to endure these hardships facing me with discipline and courage. Even if I fail to cross the finish line for some unimaginable reason, I would consider myself a winner having worked so hard for so long and with so much at stake.

Well, that’s exactly what we are running every single day of our lives folks, the ultimate endurance race! 

Let’s ask ourselves a few questions:

After working so hard all my adult life, will the money placed into Social Security by myself and my employers throughout the years be taken away by greedy politicians?

Will the Greatest Nation in the world be reduced to blithering rubble by having introduced a vile, corrupt, evil, and dangerous administration into the White House bent on enhancing its own individualistic desires under the obscure and inappropriate label of ‘making us great again?’

Why has the basic advancement of beauty, progress, goodness, light, and love of the past eight years been diminished to the point of grotesque hatred of all things wholesome, solid, and nourishing to our world and being taken away from us simply because they are wholesome, solid, and nourishing?

What will be the legacy that we pass down to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren? 

Will we have the stamina to fight back, resist, and return our country to the right path of leadership as we attempt to revert what’s currently ripping us apart by greed, corruption, hatred, and power? I certainly hope so. But, it’s going to take a lot of discipline, endurance, and stamina by all of us who are capable of observing this corrupted ‘freak show’ going on in Washington D.C. and utilize our endless courage to combat it, together!

There cannot be a compromise of values here. There are way too many lives at stake. Can you even imagine what we’d all be saying within our small pockets of close neighbors and friends if another so-called progressive country proclaimed a grave taxation on those earning the equivalent of ten thousand dollars per year and, at the same time, promised a large tax break to those within the highest income bracket? Then, they take away their health insurance and tell them that they’re not worthy of living a normal, comfortable life of having solid employment, being able to place food on the family table every day, being protected from an unforeseen health crisis, or, in a basic, happy life! The conversation at the proverbial water cooler would be buzzing and many of us, not too long ago, would be saying how this could never happen here. We’re safe.

It is happening here!! Within our presence and with such gusto that our heads are spinning around so fast we could all resemble extras in the 1973 horror movie 'The Exorcist.' False truths, fictitious reasoning, and pure hatred inundate our senses and come in great waves like the roiling sea in an approaching storm. And, this strategy is exactly what the Trump administration is employing in its attempt to break down our reserves, grate at our happiness, and divide us in every imaginable way possible. Remember that a divided nation is a weakened nation. Plain and simple. If we are weakened we are more susceptible to corruption in all of its forms, domestic or foreign.

I know you hear this saying over and over again these days and I do, too. However, I believe it to be solid truth in all of its many forms: Life is way too short for all of this crap! Never have truer words been spoken! You probably recall your grandmother or mom telling you that it takes less energy and fewer muscles to smile than it does to wear a frown on your face. If we translate that into love vs. hate.....well, you see where I’m going with this, right? 

The Buddhist philosophy explains how we must never take anything for granted and every act we make should be one filled with goodness and understanding of everything that surrounds us and is within us. There is no discrepancy between the color of your skin, how much money you make, what god you choose to believe in or not believe in at all, or how we choose to live our lives in time, space, love of another, or degrees of happiness. 

As individuals, we are our own keepers and should strive to conduct ourselves as ‘equal opportunity’ members of the human race. Just as evil can easily spread among people of a nation through their weakness and vulnerability, try to imagine the ‘power of love‘ that can be created by the sharing of light, goodness, understanding, and beauty. Of course you can because we'd been experiencing it throughout the entire eight years of the Obama administration.

So, there you have it. Twisting evil back into goodness takes immeasurable amounts of stamina! 

Repairing the crumbling infrastructure of our country, in terms of Washington D.C. and our current system of politics, as well as our bridges and roads, will become our greatest tasks after this administration is, finally, gone. We're going to require a lot of stamina for this one!

In 2017 we have all been training for the longest, hardest, and most important endurance race of our lives. Our first challenge is to accept what is wrong and consciously decide how to rectify it. Next, we prepare our minds and bodies to withstand the hardship and stress that clusters around us like evil spirits and we assess our options. Then, only as a unified body, can we begin to take-on the divisive hate rhetoric that the Trump regime has been working on and pulling-off for the last several years.

Raising a child may take a village, however...taking back our country from the hands of corruption will take every man, woman, and child (because they are the future) working long and hard together as a single entity, for one all important purpose....Our Freedom! 


Passing out gifts of ‘stamina’ to Robert Mueller and his staff of prosecutors who have been enduring this battle for many weeks now, as well as to all of the hardworking people within the United State’s Congress and Senate who have been leading a good fight and doing a magnificent job with what little they often have to work with in order to staunch the tide of such an evil and corrupt administration. Believe me when I say that most of us are profoundly grateful to all of you. Please, for the sake of each and every one of us, keep up your good work!


Copyright 2017 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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