Thursday, May 9, 2019



A series of essays....

Photo: K. Gordon Murray Productions seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Crossing the proverbial line happened long before this unhinged ‘Individual 1’ ever spent his first night walking the hallowed halls of the White House in Washington D.C. How neatly he must have tucked his ‘puppet strings’ away in the secret little pockets of his clothing so that many of us could not see them back then. Now...the strings have been fully exposed and unabashedly displayed with pride for all to see, no excuses made.

Little did we know that most of the Republican representatives in Washington were being held hostage by their own greed and Mother Russia even before we had become knowledgeable about the possibility of Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.

This brings me to the question of what makes a person’s feelings and moral nature so distinct from their other faculties? Our soul, our individual spirit, separates us from others and helps mold our mortal lives into how we are perceived by others.

In defining our soul, we must believe that we possess one in the first place. 

I have written often about our souls and how they are the spiritual part of a person, capable of redemption from the power of sin and the essential part, or fundamental nature, of anything. Our soul is the seat of our innermost emotions and feelings and a part of each human, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state. Our soul is regarded as an entity that survives the body after death.

Having been baptized within the teachings of the Catholic Church, the priests and sisters made it a point to educate us about the important role our souls play in withstanding the negative influences of the ‘darkness’ or disbelievers who had relinquished their souls for selfish reasons. They taught us that the spirit, or immaterial part of man, was the seat of human personality, intellect, free will, and emotions and that our soul was an entity that survives the demise of the body.

Let’s say that you do believe you have a soul. In that case, it is yours to do with as you wish. 

Could such things really happen outside of horror films? Could people really sell their immortal souls? Can your soul be used as a bargaining chip to obtain the material wishes you feel you must have in order to experience worldly gain? If so, what would you sell your soul for: Power, money, love, or revenge?

I am reminded of a carnival barker who positions himself on a soapbox above the crowd in order to draw the vulnerable merrymakers into his tent to see the show: “Step right up. Have I got a deal for you! Come one, come all! You can have power, wealth, an attractive mate, and anything else you have ever dreamt about just by selling your soul to Satan! But how, you might ask. Step inside and you will see.”

Suddenly the barker takes on his major roll as ringmaster, bullwhip in hand, and leads the crowd into a frenzy displaying the delights and wonders of a perfect life of unimaginable power and pleasure....all for the unbelievably low price of your immortal soul. Short of all participants donning red hats, this scene may look quite familiar to you.

If you want to sell your soul, the first thing you must do is find the devil.

The man in the White House today found his Satan or, at least, the lifestyle and power he has desired for most of his life, in several dictators, tyrants, and absolute rulers who are not effectively restricted by a constitution, laws, or recognized opposition. Affix Vladimir Putin’s face onto the ringmaster who has been snapping the current leadership of our nation with his powerful bullwhip. As he gladly acknowledges Trump’s signature signed in blood at the bottom of his bill of sale, contract, he joyously transfers the ownership of Trump’s soul and comfortably drops the deed into his personal coffer.

Like a vampire sucking the precious blood from his victims, those who will become future vampires, Putin’s legacy includes the creation of a dictatorship here in the United States via his personal puppet, Donald Trump, along with the many others who have valued financial inveiglement for many campaigns throughout the years. In other words, to reap the rewards arbitrated in your contract with Satan, you must promise to carry out his will.

If you’ve already sold your soul to the Devil, you have nothing more to win, gain, or lose. The contract has been signed and the time for deciding whether or not it was a good deal has long since passed. I hope you took the time to take stock of who you are and really think about how much your particular soul is worth while remembering that your moral nature is as distinct and unique from all other faculties making its worth undeniable. 

Never underestimate how much Satan wants to have your soul for eternity. He will pay whatever he has to. He will never discriminate between a housewife in Kokomo, Indiana, an American politician serving as Kentucky’s senior United States Senator and Senate Majority Leader, or the current President of the United States. In my estimation, our Republic, our Democracy, and the act of upholding the ideals of our Constitution are worth so much more than several earthly years of personal satisfaction.

Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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