Wednesday, May 22, 2019


A series of essays and poems....

LIVES ON THE HILL seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E. Hughes

Oh, it’s so good to have so many sweet, talented friends here in Kalamazoo!

I am exceedingly fortunate to be surrounded by people who understand and appreciate the quirkiness of being an artist, whether he or she be a painter, writer, woodworker, poet, book lover or so many other examples I apologize for not naming here. Simply stated, they are the meat of the story, the ‘real deal,’ and the spirited souls who truly understand how to express their inner thoughts. They make my heart sing with pure joy! 

If you ever happen to hear me criticize the weather patterns here in Michigan, I do apologize, once again. I have been pampered living in Orlando, Florida, for so many sunny years and miss that brilliant yellow orb showing its lovely face up in the sky almost every day, spreading its warmth while providing us with much needed Vitamin D.

I do confess that when the sun fails me here in Michigan, I have my friends to supply sunshine by offering me their genuine smiles and gracious companionship. You see, I am learning. It is important to be able to compromise and find comfort in the many friends who bolster your self confidence and support you along your own life’s journey, wherever this journey might be taking you.

A new friend of mine, Marijo, whom I met through our mutual Book Club, is a multifaceted artist. She inspires others with her handmade paper making and is one of the most talented calligraphers I know. She and her fellow calligraphers belong to the Kalamazoo Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild and sponsor various exhibitions throughout the year. 

When Marijo explained to us about the Treewhispers Exhibit the Guild was sponsoring at the Kalamazoo Nature Center from June 2 through July 31 this year, she asked the Book Club members if they’d like to participate. It was a simple ‘yes’ on my part as she explained that the Exhibition is all about 'Awakening The Stories Within Us.' And, you know that I always seem to have a few of those lying around!


Providing us with a handmade paper round, we were invited to tell our own “tree story” on it. “Just as the rings of a tree embody the stories of the tree, so too do we carry the stories of trees. These stories inspire us to renew our sense of wonder. They connect us with one another through shared experiences as they deepen our understanding of our connection with nature.” —Treewhispers

Have you ever built a treehouse with your Dad? Perhaps you’ve planted a tree with your child and together watched it grow from year to year. Maybe you’ve fallen in love with a particular tree and found solace in climbing it as high as you could until you discovered the spirit of the tree itself.

Perhaps the shape of a tree, the color of its bark or spring blossoms, its heart-shaped leaves in summertime, caught your attention. That’s exactly what happened to me when I realized, having lived here in Kalamazoo for the first, full Spring this year, that the beautiful Redbud Tree grows everywhere and gracefully marks the arrival of warmer weather with her display of full-blown color. 

Learning more and more about the Redbud Tree, I decided to draw the delicate (and edible) flowers that cluster along its branches in early Spring and softly wrap them in spectacular shades of red and pink. The wild Redbud Trees have taken over our eastern side yard and the profusion of color marching down the slope is pure joy in tree form. 

Then I decided to fit a poem I’d written about this dynamic tree within a drawing of its heart-shaped leaf and explain how this tree’s beauty extends to all four seasons in its own, breathtaking way. 

Thank you, Marijo, for giving me yet another means of expressing my inner thoughts while, hopefully, creating something beautiful to be shared and added to by many others. Also, my genuine appreciation to Treewhispers for their collaboration with handmade paper, art, and personal stories relating to our love of trees.


Amidst the starkness of Winter’s chill 
Stands the barren Redbud Tree;
An impressive sculpture of elongated limbs, 
Ballerina curved, decisively delicate.

Warmth and showers are Springtime hugs 
That awaken the slumbering Redbud Tree,
Wrapping her graceful branches in clusters of tiny red buds, 
Exquisite bangles worthy of royalty.

Edible Summer pea pods dangle like exotic fruit 
From the elegant Redbud Tree.
Delicate flowers are exchanged for universal symbols of 
Joy, Happiness and Love.

How can you not love a tree with heart-shaped leaves?
Green hearts change to crimson and gold 
As Autumn conspires with Winter’s desires....

What story is Redbud telling me now?

Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E. Hughes
All rights reserved

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