Wednesday, October 2, 2019


A series of essays....

TOO LATE TO BELIEVE... seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

It’s never too late to believe. Apathy is not an option. When you’ve reached the bottom, looking up is the only way to go. The basic philosophy of optimism is the doctrine of the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Are you in or are you out? Change for the better will always be an option when fear is, finally, removed. Have brazen acts of corruption got you down?

With an Impeachment Inquiry finally initiated and Nancy Pelosi’s blessing stamped on their foreheads, the Congressional Committees are gearing-up for some very serious action and looking for results of their efforts before the holiday season of 2019. Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has been a vocal advocate for digging into the highly corrupt actions of ‘45’ long before the Democrats won the majority of the House in 2018. He must be hitting a nerve when ‘45’ is flagging him for treason and removal from Congress.

It’s never too late to learn and to change. Weeding out the corrupt and miserable will require imminent changes to be made with new laws to be formulated, written-up, and executed. We must learn from our ill-founded assumptions of the past...when we naively believed that all presidents (leaders) would follow the unwritten (written) rules and always do and say the right thing. That they were without personal agendas and would serve the people unselfishly and with honor. Like well adjusted adults, we must consider all personal and public aspects about whom we place in positions of power in the future. We will become diligent to a fault. The pendulum will swing from one side to the other until it settles, once again, close enough to the middle to make us feel sufficiently comfortable, adequately safe.

We have been scarred and the lasting effect of fear and other raw emotions will haunt us for a very long time. We have been scared to death by an individual, claiming to be a good businessman and leader, who threatens us with Civil War and such divisiveness that it’s often difficult to think, let alone function normally. He may be an ignorant man with few intellectual words spliced together to form one, cohesive thought, but even these few words have a way of influencing actions, especially among those who find him entertaining and quite different from the stereotypical politician. Physically removing him from the White House may, literally, be one of our biggest challenges yet. 

Apathy is never an option when it comes to life threatening situations. Not voting is one of the keenest forms of apathy. Believing that your single vote makes no difference in the outcome of an election can be a fatal mistake. We must not become the missing link that threatens the strength of our democracy as a whole and undermines the power of positive progression. Our voices must and will be heard. Voting, even in the shadow of gerrymandering, corruption, and fear, is our right as citizens of the United States. We must never forget this.

It’s never too late to believe in the power of appropriate thinking. Remember, what we may perceive as weakness may actually be the greater production of accomplishing goals in the proper manner...following the laws established within the Constitution itself and making them work by and for the people. 

Please remember the lawmakers who have had to fight furiously for our rights mainly because they believe in them and choose to represent us daily in Washington D.C. as our Congressmen and Senators elected by us in order to maintain these rights. They were there fighting for us even when they had no power to fight with within all three branches of government. May we learn to appreciate the men and women who have been working diligently for so long.

Now that the dirty politics of a corrupt administration is being forced to face the music and the ringleader is under microscopic scrutiny while undergoing an impeachment inquiry, we shall see how far his self-aggrandizement style takes ‘45’ on this particular journey! 

It’s never too late to hope for the best. This country has been hit with the worst kind of plague: human greed and corruption. Let’s pick ourselves up by the boot straps, work hard, and believe in the system. Our Forefathers fought to save democracy from the possibility of having maniacs serve  in the White House. It will never be too late to have the likes of Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, and Elijah Cummings prove the power of the strong democratic and constitutional foundation by which our nation was built upon.

Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved
Photo Copyright © 2019 by Jacqueline E Hughes
All rights reserved

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