Monday, September 21, 2020


A series of essays....


By: Jacqueline E Hughes

We are


          shells, bubbles filled with air and insecurities, waiting for someone or something to prick our outer layer and release our souls into a world occupied by haters, users, and fools. Like a loaf of rustic bread comprised of air pockets formed by gas produced, we puff out, create loft and desirable texture during the bake; even our hard, crusty shells can be pulled apart by the hands of those who wish to devour us in order to sustain their own beliefs. We are delicate and vulnerable, fragile beings, easily broken or destroyed by bullies and thugs, masters and presidents, a lifetime politician whose entire agenda is composed of gaining power, retaining power, and always seeking more power.

Humble inside our fragile shells, in compliance with every rule and regulation bestowed upon us by greater men and women than ourselves, we begin to stir. Taunted by the vibrations of bullies and self-proclaimed gods that rise above us in terms of reality show ringmasters protected by their numerous henchmen, we begin to stir. Understanding more and more about what white privilege means and becoming empathetic about how Black Lives Matter, we begin to stir. We have remained curled in the fetal position for far too long; frightened to death of overriding all other considerations represented by bullies in lofty positions. It is time to enliven our spirits and vacate the fragile shells surrounding us, once and for all!

A mighty oak tree standing five feet tall stood among us and has fallen and we understand that we can be better ‘for she existed.’ Her shadow-spirit hovers high above us, boosted by the strength of her convictions, upheld by her striking ability to change archaic attitudes and beliefs, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an intellect who had the power to speak from her heart and have people listen. A feminist pioneer, RBG was a champion of communication, women’s rights, and gender equality...which included equality for all of the people!


In homage to the superior beliefs and strengths of the Notorious RBG, may this poem by Maya Angelou serve to explain our feelings today:


By Maya Angelou

When great trees fall,

rocks on distant hills shudder,

lions hunker down

in tall grasses,

and even elephants

lumber after safety.

When great trees fall

in forests,

small things recoil into silence,

their senses

eroded beyond fear.

When great souls die,

the air around us becomes

light, rare, sterile.

We breathe, briefly.

Our eyes, briefly,

see with

a hurtful clarity.

Our memory, suddenly sharpened,


gnaws on kind words


promised walks

never taken.

Great souls die and

our reality, bound to

them, takes leave of us.

Our souls,

dependent upon their


now shrink, wizened.

Our minds, formed

and informed by their


fall away.

We are not so much maddened

as reduced to the unutterable ignorance

of dark, cold


And when great souls die,

after a period peace blooms,

slowly and always

irregularly. Spaces fill

with a kind of

soothing electric vibration.

Our senses, restored, never

to be the same, whisper to us.

They existed. They existed.

We can be. Be and be

better. For they existed.

The best way to honor a change maker is by continuing to make changes; burst forth from our protective shells and make a difference in this world. Our hearts may be heavy but our spirits are strong. It is time to rejoice in and support a system that brought us RBG in the first place. Like all people bound together with powerful goals in mind, it is our fervent duty to ourselves and those we love to create a better world for everyone. Her work remains unfinished. It is time to join together, mobilize, and make a difference!

It was once stated that well-behaved women don’t make history. RBG was proud of making waves, especially under the appearance of a petite female, well-mannered judge, and notorious lawmaker. Our grave mistake was believing that she was immortal. A human goddess representing love, beauty, and wisdom, she proclaimed from the mountaintops that we, women united, have the power to determine our future when we decide that the most important thing is getting out to vote. Yes, women hold the power this election year.


In order to honor the legacy of Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, now that the shock and fear from her loss slowly abates, we all must be strong and brave and assured that our rights are honored. Everything that is held dear to us is on the ballot this November. Indeed, in order to honor the legacy of Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we must go to the polls and/or vote by mail. Make our votes count! 

As dictated to her granddaughter, this was a final wish: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” —Notorious RBG

Be safe. Be healthy. Stay strong.

Copyright © 2020 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

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