Thursday, May 6, 2021



A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

What does it take to inspire us; to inspire the inner child, artist, teacher, along with our intricate hopes and extraordinary dreams? The excitement of having our mind, emotions, and imagination ramped up to a high degree of feeling and activity is one of the main reasons books are written, music is composed, and grand ideas become working, functioning chapters in the long and illustrious history of the world. We move forward because we become inspired. But, the question remains—what inspires us?

What draws us closer to the flame and ready to burst with an adrenaline-filled explosion of energy and ideas? Our desire to grow and nurture a brand new branch onto the tree of learning for others to see, grasp, and enjoy for many years to come is a prime example of what can and does inspire us to create; especially believing that our creativity may, in turn, inspire others! 

Being inspired can take your breath away, knock you off your feet, and animate your entire being with high spiritedness and genuine euphoria while encouraging happiness and elation. To be inspired can relate to both a mental and physical transformation where the state of mind reaches a high level of motivation and the body reacts in a highly stimulated manner. Our elation may last throughout the duration of a particular cause, or reach out to us within a snippet of time initiating an adrenaline rush beyond fear and risk and offer the sensation of pleasure and, ultimately, much required peace of both mind and body.


Being motivated can be one of the most acceptable reasons for becoming inspired or engaged. It is the carrot and stick that dangles before our eyes, the persuasiveness of a friend in need of assistance, the prod or push needed to complete a project started years before, and the reason we march for a particular cause that settles deep within our chest and connects with our soul. We march for a cause, what we believe to be the truth, and are inspired by our leaders, educators, and fellow believers who keep us motivated along the way. 

Let’s not forget that money can be a great motivator, also, and can launch a thousand ships and even more careers. Financial gain inspires us to spend more, as well as be able to save more, thus helping to reassure us that our mature years may be comfortable and financially safe. Remembering that money can’t buy us lasting love or happiness and that we will always require sound reasoning and common sense no matter what our bank account looks like — life, death, paying taxes, and our health become the great equalizers. They serve to counterbalance opposing forces and bond us together as equal partners in this game of life.


Inspiration unfolds before our eyes like a colorful spring flower that pops through the earth’s crust to joyfully encounter warmth, moisture, and the magical distribution of its pollen by generous bees who help maintain its existence for generations to follow. Much like a walk through an art museum may inspire a child to begin painting or an adult to continue painting by looking at others’ work, we are provided stimulus via examples that promote the cleverness hidden deep inside us. 

The educator is motivated by the success stories of his former students. An inventor is inspired by the direct needs of others and the environment’s requirement of an immediate upgrade. Vaccines are produced through the intense research of scientists who are inspired by the genuine necessities of humankind around the world. And, good change is achieved through the concentrated effort of everyone who cares enough to make it happen.

Finally, I believe that we are inspired by love itself. Love, simply addressed as unconditional and universal; the love for your fellow man, children, God, beauty in all of its forms, and nature. This love includes self love regardless of any flaws while embracing these flaws with a simple act of acceptance. This unselfish, sacrificing love flows with the intention of giving rather than receiving. We are inspired by this love to embrace the potential of complete joy and happiness by the observance of all that is good and powerful around us. Love is the inspiration we require. Love truly does make the world go round through its unique sense of balance and the knowledge that many ordinary events could not happen without it.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

Photos Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

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