Wednesday, August 11, 2021


A series of essays….


….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

While I was watching Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lawyer hold a briefing on his behalf this (Tuesday) morning, she was refuting claims made by his accusers regarding sexual harassment. He was going to, finally, speak live on cable television in about a half an hour’s time; something he had yet to do since the proverbial shit hit the fan a few weeks ago. I couldn’t help but listen to a portion of his lawyer’s plea and conclude for myself that her reasoning for support of the Governor was directly based upon the fact that she was being retained (paid) by him. Bottom line.

We are going to have to listen to yet another older white male, permanently settled within the power and distinction of a man’s world, side-by-side with his own father’s legacy, tell his tale of woe and disbelief.  

According to this Cuomo PR strategy, at what personal expense will it be for all of the women who have already placed themselves in the public eye by confessing to the fact that Andrew Cuomo’s sexual indiscretions will undoubtedly pull them into weeks of litigation and courtroom drama? Have I mentioned the fact that these proceedings will include spending millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money? This may be a long term headache for Mr. Cuomo and the nation, but, hopefully, vindication for the eleven women involved, so far. 

But wait a minute! 

The Senate is voting on the infrastructure bill as the honeyed tones of a ‘pleading for innocence’ governor is heard planting seeds of doubt and setting the table for a real fight, in the background. 

Then the headlines proclaim: Senate passes $1 trillion infrastructure bill after months of intense bipartisan talks! With the cooperation of nineteen Republican senators, one of the most logical and resounding bills initiated by the Biden administration, so far, passes in the Senate.

My brain is in overdrive. My heart is pounding like a big, base drum. So thankful and so happy to know that the nation is opening-up to bipartisan recognition of our crumbling infrastructure…

Breaking news: New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announces resignation in effort to head-off likely impeachment in wake of devastating report on his conduct.

Hold on one darn minute! Was I just watching Cuomo’s mouth moving and not listening to what he was saying at all? When did he slip into resignation mode? Absorbing the news this morning has definitely been a lesson in multi-listening. With so much happening simultaneously, I ask myself which story will be remembered most by those of us trying to fully understand these overlapping headlines? Will one diminish the other or will they both standout for what each represents as the days and weeks progress? I am sensing the latter to be most appropriate.

From what I understand, Andrew Cuomo continues to deny any wrong doing and plays innocently ignorant of how his actions may have impacted the women he is accused of harassing throughout the years. If we are left without impeachment proceedings, it is understood that he is eligible to run in future elections. Which elections these might be remains to be seen.

The future of Cuomo politics is an open book right now. Supporting the eleven victims involved becomes a priority no matter what form of personal legacy is left behind by this governor and the history of the State of New York. Only time will tell and serve to help us understand how this story will be written and, eventually, legitimized.

In long term thinking, the deteriorating bridges and roads, the anticipated clean drinking water throughout our cities, initiating broadband internet connections in small towns and rural areas, the support of many more and even higher paying jobs, and the peace of mind that good change is heading our way — makes the infrastructure bill one of the most anticipated bills we can hope to be signed into law by President Biden! In the vernacular of Vice-President Joe Biden under the Obama administration, this is certainly one BFD!!

Even as the Delta surge collides with the start of the school year, adding another dimension to our game of chess with its distinct moves made by individual pieces and the strategic plays of each player, our minds can be blown-away, placed in overload mode, as mine was just now. So much going on at one time that we either choose to accept and digest it all, or just give-up, turn off the news, and move on. 

Today I have embraced this game of chess; welcomed how it is being played-out with all of the bells and whistles expected of a loaded mind game designed to select a winner and a loser. I’m discovering how both of these labels, ultimately, do not define us. If we proceed to address our goals, understand and accept our fallacies, and work together to make the future a brighter, healthier, and better place to live — we will all become winners in this tricky game called life.

Wow, so much to digest in one morning!

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

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