Thursday, October 28, 2021



A series of essays….


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….as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

The world is round.

The Donald lost the election.

Vaccines really do work.

Facts, Jack!

It always amazes me when simple, provable facts get twisted and turned around until people begin to believe they are false and unrecognizable. Hence, the big lie! What on earth ever happened to individual thinking, independence, and common sense? 

I know, I know — the disappearance of common sense within the world has been a running theme of mine for a very long time. It’s difficult to let go of the fact that during my short time here on earth, (Everything is relative, people!), what I learned as a child seems to have drifted through the cracks and become lost to the majority of the population. Or, it was never taught to or understood by them in the first place!

You see, I look at the January 6 insurrection as what it truly was: a blatant attempt to overthrow our government and turn a blind eye to our Constitution, all with the idea of keeping the Donald in office.This came about because of a lie touted by an ignorant, old, white man born with a silver spoon in his mouth who was afraid he’d look bad for losing and wasn’t man (human) enough to accept his loss in a gracious and intelligent manner. Fair enough?

The problem with this is that his fabricated lies have been unleashed for so long, with Pandora’s Box wide open and its demons unleashed for all to see, that, much like Christianity’s idea of biting the forbidden fruit, many of us have gotten into a situation in which one has very little control over. The most gullible among us wish to believe the lies no matter what the consequences may be for them or others. Perhaps the lies make them feel better about themselves and give them something to cling to where there was only a dark void before. 

As a society on a whole, why were we so naive as to believe that white supremacy, the KKK, and neo-Nazi groups such as the Proud Boys were ideas locked away in an old closet never to be heard of in polite society again? Now, because of a President who happens to agree with their philosophies and approves of their methods by legitimizing them, they are unabashedly showing their faces and liberally walking the streets, heads held high! Shame on us for letting our guard down in the hope that empathy and love were finally conquering hate and tyranny within our society. It’s the year 2021 already and we still can’t get it right!

Who is controlling the story?

This question begs for a coalition of interest where we see ourselves in other people instead of concentrating solely on our own individual pursuits. If we see ourselves within the stories of others, we are more likely to see ourselves as connected to other people. This allows all of us to participate in the story while we keep our hearts and minds open to every imaginable possibility. 

Seeing ourselves in the stories of others allows us to see ourselves being connected to other people — developing and adapting to change with the support and understanding of everyone who shares the same ground we walk on, the same air we breathe, with the innate knowledge that all humans are connected and equal in all respects.

So, who is controlling the story?

We should not be the puppets and pawns of the powerful who believe that their wealth controls everything and laugh behind the backs of those who do worship them. Their story is controlled by the power they seek while worshiping any means to find it. Their eyesight is limited by greed and they choose to ignore anything or anyone who’s story does not coincide with their own.

The insurrection on January 6 outlined a story we have come to know only too well within the Donald years in the White House when Americans, sucked in by his every lie, have become his puppets and pawns. They have been programmed to hang-on to every word in his story; conditioned to making predictable and automatic responses without thought in knee-jerk support of a man they deem a demi-god.

When we experience control over our own story and decide to see ourselves as being connected to other people by being involved in their stories, we all will become richer for the experience. We will then feel included as a person of color or a white person and begin to understand that by embracing all of our stories collectively, no one feels like or becomes the victim. When we say ‘yes’ to inclusivity, we are truly saying ‘yes’ to what it means to be an American.

Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

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