Thursday, January 6, 2022



A series of essays….


…as seen through my eyes!

By: Jacqueline E Hughes

Removing each glittering bauble, stretch of sparkling gold ribbon, and string of miniature white lights from the tree is bringing its own form of closure to the season. Closing shop for now. See you in a few months. In the meantime, enjoy the beauty of glistening snowscapes and multi-colored flowers and salmon-hued sunsets while walking the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan and the crisp, earthy tones related to a perfect autumn day—all in the weeks and months to come.

The commercial side of the holidays is being wrapped in white cotton and tissue paper and placed in its container for protection. But, the pure joy that the season creates through the gathering of family and friends, and the expression of love, gratitude, and purpose—should last us a lifetime. 

After all, it’s a new year with fresh ideas and plans formulating to give it heft and a new identity! Instead of thinking about the new half-bath upstairs, maybe it’s time to make it happen; clean out the boxes of ‘stuff’ that have cluttered and layered your life for the past three years. Hang some drywall and make the upstairs warm and accommodating for grandchildren and future guests. 

Why don’t you bring someone new into your family, as well…?

Glancing at the bedside clock, I see it glowing 6:22 in the early hours of this brand new, January day. Dan has vacated the warmth of our nocturnal retreat at least fifteen minutes beforehand.

Gently pulling the blue, satin draperies aside several inches, I gaze out at the front yard that is speckled with tiny paw prints that perforate the new snowfall, helping it breathe with instant vigor and excitement. Somewhere out there, in the dawning of this new day, walking gingerly through the snow himself while   carrying  the handle of a retractable dog leash, is my husband. Recharged, reenergized  by the simple responsibility of caring for the needs of someone much smaller than himself, he dons full winter gear in order to take the newest member of our little family outside in the early morning temps to “do her thing!” I realize he has completely potty trained her in less than a week.

She was an unexpected gift, manna from heaven, a total surprise package wrapped in strawberry blond fur and bejeweled with razor sharp baby teeth and everything else expected of a puppy three months old. She was our rescue puppy who still had not been given a formal name and was brought to us by Santa herself on Christmas Eve morning. Santa being a well-intentioned single mom who felt she was doing the right thing by her three young children; saddened by the reality that she’d bitten off more than she could possibly chew.

This kind lady knew that we could and would love this sweet little girl, as well as provide her with a happy home and energetic visits with our own young grandchildren.  She had simply committed the venial sin of overestimating her own value of time and perseverance when it came down to juggling all of the balls of being a single mom, working five days a week, and carving out a slice of ‘alone’ time so that she could breathe. Being an excellent mother, she was able to realize what was truly important in her life at this time and understanding that being there for her kids did not have to mean taking on the burden of training an energetic puppy along with everything else.


I had often envisioned my own youthful Mother with the fiery red hair that this puppy possesses and momentarily thought of calling her Olga after Mom. But, we threw quite a few names into the air that day hoping to have just the right one land where it should. 

Having only a plush toy zebra, a leash, and plastic food and water dishes, we decided to run to Blaine’s for some much needed supplies. Taking her with us, out of necessity, we secured a small crate and cushion, ceramic dishes, a harness and retractable leash, small rawhide bones (much better than our arms to nibble on), and healthy puppy chow to begin her new diet. The entire time there we were tossing names back and forth at one another like tennis players in the midst of an engrossing match.

Given my love for the name Aubrey, we began calling her Bree with Chewbacca (Chewie) as a middle name. Most appropriate, I believe. Bree it was and is and she recognizes it with the turn of her head and the stare of her small, intensely bright, deep brown eyes every time she hears it.

Our lives have changed, too! How could they not? We have expanded our love to someone who truly needs and depends on us making us feel purposeful again. Having lost our Cocker Spaniel, Brûlée, six years ago, it was time to allow the warmth and happiness of this puppy into our Michigan home. I know her presence has pulled Dan and I closer, as well. 

What a perfect win-win situation for all of us! Now, our little yellow/green cottage has become complete in every way. We intend to honor each seasonal change with Bree close by our side for many years to come. After all…that’s what family is all about!


Copyright © 2022 by Jacqueline E Hughes

All rights reserved

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